Chapter 125 Uncontrolled wave


A finger wrapped in latex entered her mouth.

She savoured the taste of rubber filling her mouth as the finger played with her tongue and enjoyed the smell of her own saliva as it enveloped around the finger and fell in the bedsheets.

Her closed eyes listened to a voice that shouldn't be there or is just an illusion fabricated by her already distorted mind.

-Suck it.

The voice said without emotion yet Arin could feel her inside getting hotter.


Arin imagined the face and expression of the owner of the voice.

Her crimson eyes didn't have the same brightness when she first met her, the dull crimson eyes were the result of Arin's discipline. She was expressionless yet Arin felt more aroused.

A doll she broke was playing with her body.

At first Arin was turned on by the prospect that the doll she beat to submission was treating her the same, just an object.

She would be able to stop her when needed or when she crossed a line.

That is what she said to herself.


-Stay still.

Arin felt her heart throb as she listened the emotionless voice, her body quivered as she could feel a hand caressing her body and gasped as the finger in her mouth went deeper inside her.

She couldn't remotely resist Deva's divine touch and how good she was able to pleasure her. Months passed and none other than Deva was able to bring her to Nirvana like Deva.

And by the time Arin realized she was already dependent to her own lust and Deva's touches. From time to time, when her lust couldn't be ignored, she still reached the climax but without Deva Arin became more intoxicated by the though of what if Deva was with her good she would feel instead.

The moment Arin felt close to Nirvana, the voice stopped to resound in her ears and the hands she felt vanished form thin air.

"Deva..." Arin bit her lip as she couldn't forget the moments Deva gave her the best feelings of her life.

Unlike Lucia,Arin yearned nothing more than lust towards Deva.

In the morning she would feel her bed sheets being wet from her sweat and juices and her hands already caressing her own body. Her day would starts with her recalling her previous dreams and a yearning for Deva.

Her breakfast would start with her eating her own meals while imagining that she was eating and drinking Deva's juices. Her breakfast would then finish with a yearning for Deva.

Then she would go on with her day doing her paperwork, managing her kingdom, giving orders and practising in combat, everything done impeccably while also thinking on what Deva would do to her if she were to indulge in her own carnal desires. Her day continued with an increasing yearning for Deva.

Lastly her day would finish with her unable to control herself and play with her own body. Toys, scrolls, potions, spells or even humiliating herself, anything that aroused her, she would play with them and climax while unsatisfied with them and start to compare them to Deva.

It became so absurd. Arin comparing objects to a person? That was total madness yet Arin couldn't even feel any better with anyone other than Deva.

The voices that yearned for this particular woman increased in number.

Meanwhile the said woman was...


...peacefully sleeping.

Around the sleeping woman the ground was scorched and burning corpsed filled it.

No single creature approached them.

For ten days and ten nights, Deva and Violetta marched without sleep while fighting for the entire time bloodthirsty creatures.

Violetta voicelessly hummed as her hand caressed Deva's head earning a soft grunt from her.Violetta gazed at the body of her creator in fascination, seemingly weak and fragile her creator was deadly if provoked...yes instead of giving them death her creator would likely play with them until their mind breaks and them toss them in the ground.

Violetta doesn't really need to sleep or release bodily wastes unlike Deva who needs to drink special potions to slow such needs.

Violetta wrapped the two of them in her own aura preventing any attack from harming them, it can be said that the previous Violetta didn't show any particular emotions towards these creatures other than using them to conjure her aura or glee for offering themselves as food but this time the nearest ones to her, for the exception of Deva, could feel an intense amount of bloodlust directed to them that caused them to back down and give Deva the time to sleep even if this action will cause the death of their kin the day after.

The creatures could only wait and pray that these two intruders would deplete their 'fuel' or make a mistake to take advantage off.

Violetta happily played with Deva long hair, brushing them, stroking them and sniffing them...

Unaware of her creation's actions, Deva blissfully slept.

For ten hours Deva slept like an innocent child and likely to continue to sleep for another day as if the deaths caused by her, hatred and yearning didn't exist and only her rest mattered the most. Eleven days passed in Mother Nature's domain but not even a second passed in Intris.

Intris' time remained the same, it was Mother Nature's domain that worked different.

By the time Thaleasin would return to his throne, Arin and Lucia's torture to continue or Deva's wives to wake up from their slumber Deva would likely already be there with them and acting as if nothing happened.




A foot stepped in arriving to Intris yet before he could entirely enter Deva already entered inside Mother's Nature domain.

The mouth of End, Goro, took his first step inside Intris and Deva started her long journey by stepping inside Mother Nature's domain.

"...I'm sorry..." Deva softly mumbled in her sleep as a hand gently comforted her.

Violetta was suddenly hit by a wave of aura.

Violetta became more fascinated by her creator.

The wave didn't only affect her but also all the creatures nearby.

Some growled, some grunted and some whimpered and all affected were all hit by the uncontrolled wave of aura emitted by Deva.


