Chapter 187 A toy to play with, break and throw...

-You love her.

A vague voice reached her mind.

-You love her to the point of madness.

While feeble it had the power to influence her decisions and even block what her instincts call 'dangerous'.

-Her eyes, her smile, her body, her smell, her laughs, her voice, her see nothing but perfection.

There was nothing that Lucia could do other than let herself being influenced by this voice and slowly change into whatever the voice wanted to mold her into.

The clay remains clay, the form has been only changed to that of a structure ready to collapse at any moment. The artisan has been skillful in molding the clay to its limits but in the first place the result wasn't been that to see a masterpiece but to play with the clay until the artisan grows tired of it.

-To see and own those you need to keep her in your grasp and never let it escape.

The artisan herself knows how fragile and malleable the clay is but at the same time she is affascinated how one can also have the potential to overcome this fragility and malleability and become sturdier and unable to be influenced anymore.

-Your love must be reciprocated. You must get that love with any means.

This special clay can cry, resist, despair, give in to insanity or escape...the outcome of her molding is something she is not that worried that much. The artisan is anything but known to the world, her ties are unknown to most and her past cannot be seen by magic and anything that can be investigated is limited.

-Your mind hurts, your heart aches and your body shivers for every second without her.

The voice repeated over and over again similar sentences to the point that Lucia memorized them all.

"Lucia?" Another vague voice entered her ears but it was more sweet and the moment she heard it her mind, heart and body felt a pleasent sensation.

"U-um?" Slowly the voice repeating those sentences vanished and was replaced to that of her beloved.

"Wake up, Lucia." A wet sensation in her neck caused Lucia to groggily open her eyes and lazily smile as she met two crimson eyes gazing at her affectionately.

Flashes of the past passed through her mind.

-Please! I beg you! I want more...more.

-I'll be good! I'll do anything just give me more!

-I'm sorry! I'm sorry!I'm sorry...

-Yes...I love you.

But were quickly replaced by the gaze filled with love towards her.

"You really have to go? I-I don't want to be alone."

"Hush now, it will only take a few hours besides there are my 'guards' keeping you company."

"But they don't even react to a single thing I do! Muuu...Can't I go with you?"

"That's a big no. You know how jealous I can be."

"But I really can't, without you I...I'll lose myself."

"Just be good and I'll reward you lots of kisses, okay"

As if the past was just an illusion the two now are in each other's arms like two lovers whispering each other sweet words. They gazed at each other so fervently that one might think that these two have always loved each other for years but only few weeks passed and the effect of the drug and the dependence caused by it made wonders.

Why did I even hesitate in the past using these methods? Lucia thought.

As that thought passed through her mind she suddenly felt a strong headache followed with shivers all over her body as if screaming to her that danger was near. But there was no danger near her. Only Deva was in the room and surrounding them many warriors she cloned with her Womb of End.

"What's wrong?" Deva asked as she noticed Lucia's distress.

As her gaze landed on the person she thought to be her destiny her body reacted more violently as she trembled stronger than before basically screaming to her to run far away from her beloved.

"N-no, everything's fine!" Lucia shook her head to calm herself before softly kissing Deva in her forehead. "Let's have breakfast, okay?"

Lucia dismissed this sudden alarm and spent a bit of time with Deva before leaving.

As Lucia locked the door she could immediately hear Deva talking to herself like in the past where she couldn't bear a single hour without the drug. As Lucia associated the drug on Deva's mind to herself it's like that Deva couldn't bear a single hour without her, this calmed her considerably but the shivers she felt before didn't disappear and instead she was still shaking for no apparent reason.

Lucia glanced at the locked door as if glancing the curling Deva within the room. She absentmindedly stared at the door as slowly she seemed to find something deep within her the reasons why she was behaving like this.

Was it purely for love that she started to do these things? She was ironically no saint as to reach and maintain her position as a Saintess she did unspeakable things unknown to the public.

She hadn't been that sentimental and crazy to the point of kidnapping a woman and drug her until her mind melts and starts to love her captor.

The beginning of everything was behind that locked door and she couldn't help but unlock the door and see the cause of everything.

Lucia did not notice that Deva stopped talking to herself and it didn't take much for Lucia to enter inside the room.

"Oh? You've returned earlier than I thought. So? Are you still hesitating to whether follow that minuscule feeling of foreboding in that little instant or that strong intoxicating feeling similar to a drug that you continued to follow for the past months?"

Standing in front of her there was Deva who spoke in a different manner than before, not only that but also how her eyes watched her and how poised she was compared to before as if the drug was not affecting her.

It was at that moment that Lucia's body moved on her own and before she could realize it her aura was already ready to strike Deva.


