Chapter 201 Just the start

Admist all the shouting and clashing of weapons and spells, I watched the battle between the elves and the fallen angels from somewhere safe but at the same time where I could see everything without too much issues.

While the two girls in my lap were cheering loudly as if this was a mere game, I was silently observing the scenes unfolding in front of me.

A fallen angel saw a handsome elf that was left behind and without hesitation pounced on him, unable to do anything the elven man quickly found himself bound from head to toe before before being carried away. He tried to desperately call for help but his cries couldn't reach anyone and in seconds he could only see his home getting smaller and smaller as he was carried outside the city.

I remember him, he has a wife waiting for him at home.

Several minutes passed and the same scene was repeated as dozens of elves were captured and pulled apart from their families. The worse thing for the elven soldiers is to find one of their families as different people and are unable to do anything for such thing.

The noise in my lap increased but I knew they weren't concerned but instead were enjoying themselves, the reason these two girls behaved differently in front of me is because they know I won't admonish them for this kind of behaviour nor tell to anyone that they have this kind of side of them even though they don't know the reason for it.

I closed my eyes.

Intris was not obviously in a good shape and even if Intris is able to overcome these four threats, Intris will confront an internal conflict between the four races.

Currently, corpses are piled every single moment, I can even visualize montains of rotten flesh and bones of the victims of these four calamities, that because I visited every corner or Intris that was swept by death and destruction but I also visited the strongholds that maintained order and hope.

An unprecedented number of emotions filled the entirety of Intris, if I have to describe it then the world is filled with writhing darkness and within that darkness there are small dots of light that persistently fight this darkness that in return tries to devour them.

It is a process that Intris has to overcome at all cost or it won't be able to survive the next phases, those will be even more merciless and harsher than the current situation.

The dwarven lands have been defiled by the scorching lava released by the titan of destruction. A perpetual heat pervade those lands and lava oozes in every single crevice of those lands slightly affecting even the nearby lands.

A great number or dwarves melted the moment they made contact with lava suffering agonizing pain before reaching death.

The most fortunate ones died within moments but those unlucky enough to fall into a pool of lava died with excruciating agony with their skin and organs being melted while they are conscious until they pass out from either pain or from the mixture of hot gases inside the lava.

And eating away these lands along with its inhabitants is the titan.

But the dwarves are still persistently clashing with this titan even though their chances of victory are close to zero. It won't be long before the titan will focus its attention towards the fairies, demons or the Eastern section where the Blight Dragon resides.

Similar to the titan, the Blight Dragon reduced the number of inhabitants of the Eastern section close to extinction where a small number of them were lucky enough to avoid monsters and seek shelter in other cities.

It is not obstructed by its deadly and big body to torment its victims with absolute terror and pain. It crushes their bones reducing them to dust one by one starting from the lower body and slowly going up, it is not until the waist that the victims are close to death but instead of proceeding further they are left in the cold ground with their disabled bodies. Under the gaze of the Blight Dragon, the victims slowly die.

But monsters remain the most troublesome as they have eaten every settlement that was unable to protect itself from the sheer number of monsters and now that only few cities exist they constantly attack these cities without showing signs of stopping. Intris is consequently becoming stronger but is still unable to take that significant step to lead to victory. Just a single push and everything can change to the better...or to the worse.

"...tie?" "...!"

I opened my eyes as I was greeted with worried eyes.

The sound of clashings disappeared and a vexed and fuming Thaleasin was slowly making its way towards me.



His steps were slow but I knew he was struggling in controlling himself from charging and grabbing my collar and curse at me but he did not do that and instead tried to barely calm himself.

Lyra and Glyny scurried themselves away from me and hid themselves behind their mother who watched us from the distance.

"Deva, a single hint." A stiff and grim voice came out. "I don't really understand why you are doing this and I know I won't be able to change that."

"Since you know that, are you still going to do it?"

"If it is to save my people from becoming something that is not different from pleasure toys then doing it will not be as shameful than submitting to them."


Thaleasin, the king of the elves who won't bow their heads because of their pride, lowered himself.


A king kneeling in front of a person that did not have the same status.

"We, elves, ask you help."


A friend that begged for help.

"I beg you."

Throwing away the privilege of maintaining his pride as a king.

"Honestly, I'm disappointed, Thaleasin."

Thaleasin remained silent with his lowered head.

"I understand you have a strong alliance with the angels. You helped each other many times. But struggling to even behead them when they clearly are not holding themselves is foolish. There's no salvation for them nor there will be a permanent peace after all this. There won't be any time to slack off and your people are not even relatively close to confront the future disasters."

I lastly say to him as I take out a scroll from my storage ring. "Thaleasin, I gave you not one, not two but three hints. You can forget asking help in such miserable position in the future. Don't forget this debt of yours, my friend."


