Chapter 202 A sudden event

If there is someone that have the abilities to change the tides of the situation then there's one person capable to do that since the current seeds of hope still have to sprout.

That's right, that's the Saintess Lucia

Deva couldn't be more impressed towards Lucia with how much she grew with her levels and her control of her aura.

If she was deployed against the fallen angels or against monsters then she'll be able to atleast control one or two of the four calamities giving the other races time to organize and prepare to deal with the other two calamities.

As the massacre of humans, demons, fairies, monsters and undead ensued, Deva returned to Core and continued to observe.

Besides her there was Core whose appearance was now not that different from a human with the exception of a red crystal just in between her eyebrows. In fact, no one might even know that she was made of steel with how her body's texture and softness was that realistic or how her facial expressions were that human-like despite being most of the time expressionless.

Such Core was observing Deva who after the visit to the elves immediately went to observe the current situation through several screens that were connected to several drones.

It was terrifying how Deva could change her genuine expressions in a second.

In one moment she might have been sobbing with tears falling from her eyes as she watched a tragic sight and in the next moment she might start laughing as she watched a funny sight through the screen then change it once again to one filled with ire and resentment with her growling like a wounded beast and a deadly glare.

No matter how many times Core witnessed such thing she was impressed and awed by how in a minute a person could genuinely convey such sixty different or sometimes similar expressions and emotions.

A thin film coated Deva and a ripple would appear if she were to lose her control over her emotions.

Deva was so immersed in her own world that even the arrival of Theresa and Edea couldn't interrupt her. But the two did not come to Deva to talk to her or ask for explanation about Thaleasin since they too knew what were Deva's intentions towards Intris and that is growth.

While they were surprised by the appearance of these calamities and how much threat they are Deva expressed her will to only act the moment Intris is unable to even fight back these calamities, and at that they knew that they'll be unable to help their own kin if they really are unable to grow or fight back.

The two just returned after giving their farewells towards their families and wanted to spend some time with Deva but seeing her like that they just helplessly smiled and decided to instead visit the village.

After giving a polite bow to the two elves, Core returned her gaze towards Deva. Core loved being with Deva in such way, in this way she could closely see her face and spend an hour or two like that without interruption. Core was glad that these calamities appeared and prompted Deva to remain in Intris, and during these ten years of bliss being besides Deva Core still has to wait for that oppurtunity to start her plans.

However it was at that moment that Deva exclaimed in surprise.

"The skies..."

A colossal rift appeared and split the skies in half. A thunderous rumble echoed making everyone lift their heads upwards. The chaos that pervaded Intris was silenced by this ominous entrance and then a greater chaos filled Intris.

As if something broke an invisible piece of glass that protected Intris, one could see through that gap a section of a planet as big as Intris.

Most likely no one knew what this phenomenon implied but Deva and Core knew.

A massive war will start.

One between two planets with different cultures, histories and even in strength.




"This should not have happened in the first place..."

Deva composed herself and immediately ordered Core to immediately alert everyone and cease every activity.

Core made her way towards the door leaving Deva to her own thoughts and such Deva failed to see the small changes in Core's eyes.

"Mmm...the overseers...there are countless universes out there and within them possibly myriads of planets filled with sentient life...why of all planets they chose this one? No, Intris is not ready for such thing...We made sure to avoid their eyes...something went wrong..."

At that the door closed, now Core was unable to listen to her words but her eyes glowed more than before with wicked lights.

A sudden thought appeared inside Deva's mind.

Suddenly thousands of tentacles shot up from Deva and moved erratically destroying and reducing to pieces everything inside the room but even though the tentacles made contact with the walls of the room these walls managed to block Deva's aura.

"It's because of our existence? We kept our levels rather low but does that mean that our forces are weak? No, they aren't. Calamities normally appear randomly but there are [events] that appear that matches the planet's overall strength."

"Okay..." Deva withdrew her aura and consequently the thousands of tentacles vanished leaving an empty room devoid of a single trace of furniture.

"Unless the other side already knows we have still a month to prepare and after that systems will give an explanation about all of this. Fuuu, Intris still have to grow...we won't immediately intervene about the calamities and the [event] but we can provide something to accelarate Intris' growth."




A month quickly passed and people despaired even more as they received the explanations from the systems.

It was a sort of invasion but in this situation it was between two planets.

[Players] that want to participate can just say or think the words [System, I depart.] and they'll be teleported to a safe place to the other side and when they want to retreat they can just say or think the words [System, I retreat.]. Obviously there is a cooldown about this. Namely, a month, one have to survive for a month in the other planet before they can return or wait a month if they want to teleport once again after they retreated.

People waited and a day after the system gave the explanations they were given the harsh truth that their enemies were leagues apart.

But two types of shops also appeared within the remaining strongholds.

[Core's goods] and [Invasion shop]


