Chapter 203 Defeat

Once again the two met again.

But one of them changed drastically since her appearance was that of a little girl while the other seemed to not have aged at all.

It was a strange sight seeing a little girl leading an squad of elites while the one who she was glaring was alone.

The dull eyes of the little girl seemed to regain their light as a fire burned fiercely just by seeing the woman.

Two years passed since she understood that the planet they have to invade was a familiar one to her and within those years she saw how Intris became so miserable in front of the overwhelming threats of the four calamities and her current planet's strength, but at the same time saw an unbeliable growth.

During this chaos she knew that it was unlikely that her nemesis could be easily found but she surprised her by instead appearing in her planet, in her playgound.

Terzia was not alone. She was with an elite force under her family and they were with her to follow every single order of hers.

But Terzia was still wary of Deva and the faction she belonged and ruled.

Several [Players] under Deva appeared and wreaked havoc in her planet. They would summon an enourmous amount of shadows and cause the planet to remain in the defensive. There was also the strange fact that Deva and her forces seemed to knew everything about their movements and in the end most of their actions to deal a significant blow to Intris ended in failure.

It was maddening. But it was too early to start an all-out attack so for two years the two planets managed to remain in impasse.

"It's over, we locked the space around us, we sealed your powers and any item related to space, as well as prolonged your cooldown to retreat, it's a shame that your subordinates were able to escape but you won't."

The opponent in front of her was not someone to understimate. Even though Terzia didn't know if Deva was hiding a trump card or not she still used a variety of resources to reduce Deva's probability to escape or retaliate to the minimum.

Terzia coldly glared at Deva who was watching her own fingernails. Terzia's heart chilled when she saw how indifferent Deva was despite her current situation and hurried her squad to hurry up. It was when one of her squad who was going to use a scroll to bind Deva's movements that her instincts screamed at her to avoid to the left and without hesitation she did so.


A soft breeze of air seemed to pass near her but it was not something like that and instead Terzia immediately heard the screams of her companions.

Two of her companions that were located to the very back of their formations were punched in their throat without mercy, they grunted in pain in the ground with their wind pipe crushed and they will die if not immediately treated but Deva was not the kind to give such chance.

Under the gaze of nine pair of eyes, with all her strength Deva ruthlessly stomped her boots towards the two members' throat. Two agonized wails echoed as they were helpless to do anything.

*crunch* *crunch*

Two sickening sounds were heard. These two were the sole members that provided support to Terzia's squad, one being a capable healer and the other a buffer. They were the children of prestigious families that were just below that of Terzia, they were groomed to become one the elites of the elites.

The squad was composed by young children that are praised to be genuises, and every single member of the squad knew and were friend with each other.

It was just a moment of distraction where everyone were so certain of their victory that Deva moved and gave them a significant blow, but can they be blamed for that? They outnumbered her, their enemy was barehanded, she was unable to retreat or bring out an item that might help her and her powers were sealed, only her body could be considered a threat but they just needed to distance themselves and continue to weaken her through spells and scrolls. Their confidence soared and just for a moment lowered their guards.

"Attack!" One of the squad shouted and the others followed. Terzia, however, chose to take out herself several scrolls to slow down Deva.

The other members did not daze off, they quickly surrounded Deva, cries and roars of anger echoed before attaking together. Anger, resentment, wariness and fear surrounded Deva.

It was then that Deva felt her body heavy and could barely avoid the incoming attacks directed to her, Deva decided to give up on attacking and focusing in defending.

An arrow stuck her arm. That was the price for defending her neck.

A scorching heat hit her back. That was the price for not becoming a literal human torch.

A gash in her right leg hit her. That was the price for not losing both of her legs.

Another arrow pierced her shoulder to defend her chest.

Deva gritted her teeth as she was being one-sidedly being beaten up. She was a bloody mess, her exposed skin was filled with both deep and shallow wounds.

Deva perfectly used her body to defend her vital parts but she was exhausted and her body was heavier than before.

It was then that she felt her legs and arms being bound together and before she could react her body was covered by a sort of fabric. She was now sealed. Blades or spells were unable to pierce the fabric covering her whole body.

Terzia sighed when she saw her squad glaring at her with eyes that wanted revenge, and in fact they barged her with questions and demands to release Deva.

"She is the leader of the ones that have been causing trouble. You can vent all you want but the higher-ups won't be happy with her dead."

Rationality clasched with the raging emotions of the eight members of her squad.

"Yes, ma'am."

And after a long time glaring each other and barely calming their raging emotion that they let go.

As Terzia gazed at the sealed and bound form of Deva she could feel an ominous feeling that suddenly crept in her mind.

Several questions filled her mind that tormented her as to whether this was a ploy or something.


There was no way that she would deliver herself, right?

Terzia shook her head and was brimming with desire to give Deva a hundredfold of what she suffered because of her.




"Phase one has been completed. Phase two will start with Core's signal."


"Well, then...time for infiltration!"

Three humanoid beings chatted, namely, Greed, Chastity and Lust.


