Chapter 230 Do not trust a Daeva

"Really? Are you telling the truth?"

"Yes, I am. No one other than you know this, not even my wives know about this."

"Well, auntie, your secret is understandable but why hiding it when you can use it for good...or do anything you want."

"Didn't you just see that woman who wanted to exterminate me from the face of Intris? I hide my powers and identity so that people cannot bother me."

"Wasn't her hatred directed especially at you because you did something bad to her?" "Right? It seemed like you cheated on her or did not tell her that you already have several wives." "That's not good, auntie." "Right, right! A heart is delicate and so you have to treat it gently!"

"I did treat it gently, gently playing with it."

Instead of being suspicious or wary of Deva, the two elves acted as if they were awed by Deva while their true objective was to obtain information from Deva. The display of Lucia and Deva made them understand that these two particular women were strong even by the standards within the Abyss but the two were worried whether Deva was as evil and vile as those within the Abyss.

But to what degree or level one can say that an act was evil?

In a world or region, losing your virginity before eighteen was evil. In another one evil was normalized as survival was the law. Or in another where people didn't know what evil was but nonetheless committed evil themselves.

To the two elves, however, the evil they had to witness was something that normal people cannot even bear to see as they would rather crush their own eyes and ears in order to avoid seeing or hearing such evil.

"So, you were really playing with her?"

"Well, you know, I thought that she wanted some fun and I gave her that fun but then she became attached to me so much so that a rejection for her was a big no."

"Oooh! So it escalated from just having fun to having feelings to you, well feeling cannot be controlled but such thing really sucks. Hmm...but it seems that she truly resents you to the bottom of her heart or is it because that despite knowing of her feelings you whispered to her some sweet words?"

"Ahahah, I didn't know that our little Glyny knew so much about the world of adults."

"Ah? just read a lot of books. Yes, a lot actually...hahah..."

Lyra glared at Glyny and as for Glyny she just avoided Lyra's glaring. Unknown to the two elves, they were wrapped by Deva's lies since they were born creating a character that would exude a tint of mysteriousness but at the same time a character that can gradually gain their trust. Deva's words and actions already influenced the two since they were born and most probably only Deva and Core knew more about Lyra and Glyny than themselves; their past, their thoughts, their trauma, what they like, what they dislike, what things can cause them to evoke certain emotions.

With Core's powers and that of Deva they can intrinsically know everything about a person's life and predict most of the time their future thoughts, emotions, actions and fate.

"Well, I think she won't bother us or atleast she won't during this period of time you will spend training with me. Now, let's go, we should go somewhere else with how we annihilated all the monsters around us." The clash of the two aura silently disintegrated the monsters around them and Lyra and Glyny didn't notice such detail.

"W-wha?" "H-how?" "Ouch!" "Hey!"

Deva flicked both of the two's forehead with her fingers.

"We also have to work with your awareness around you even when you are focused in something else."

"Auntie? Can't we just rest fot a moment? The monsters will quickly fill their numbers, please?" "We worked so hard so a bit of rest wouldn't harm, right?"

"You little ones better save your strength rather than using it to spout nonsense."

Lyra and Glyny cannot assess someone's heart that quickly even if such person was someone who spent years with them and until they will be certain to fully trust Deva they'll continue to observe her while gaining as much advantages as possible since they understood how Deva was truly strong, and even if they won't fully trust her, they would nonetheless have Deva's support.

They didn't know that such thoughts have been already seen by Deva and Core but that was fine since Deva's current objective was to have fun with these two while waiting until they reach a certain level of strenght and then have certain events that would cause to reach the Abyss to appear.


