Chapter 231 A step closer

The sight of flesh being pulled apart from the body was not pleasant and yet it captures your attention; the smell, the sounds and the horrifying sight.

That is not the end when you fight against a swarm of monsters or hostiles. Even if you quickly and cleanly kill your enemy it is bound to happen that you have to instantly shift your focus towards another one and after that to another one and so on, until you defeat them all, then it is certain that in your feet will lay the corpses of the ones you just killed. It is messy, fetid, dirty and disgusting with the blood that it is everywhere and permeates the air with its smell but not more fetid than the insides of the corpses you just brought to the outside.

Not only they distract you with their stench but they also cause you to be more cautious when moving around, but we are talking about being surrounded by a swarm of enemies where a single mistake can give the enemy the chance to strike you so everything becomes messier to both of you and to the enemy making it more chaotic and unpredictable.

The sounds around you is nothing but the loud and noisy yells and howls from every direction, it makes you disoriented and makes it difficult to communicate with your allies or warn them in case of danger.

The blood or liquid from the slain hostiles may go towards you making it disgusting, uncomfortable and flippery when you hold a weapon and as that occurs the smell around you worsens.

You cannot block your sense of smell or hearing, that only reduces your awareness around you, it is better to adapt the situation, hold your urge to vomit your last meal and focus, focus in your five senses and, no matter how uncomfortable it is, you have to continue to hold your ground.

Ah, I've been there, fighting with nothing but with nails and teeth against a swarm of enemies. Yes, that's right, years before I received my own system that teacher of mine oftentimes trained me by making me fight alone against a group of enemies.

Don't look at me like that, don't I have the right to do the same with Lyra and Glyny? Obviously I do not have the right but I nonetheless did it and I am enjoying the suffe-training they are undergoing since I am currently the one they have to protect.

Since Lyra and Glyny couldn't properly communicate with each other with their voices, they started to use facial expressions or small yet distinct gestures to quickly communicate.

They started with nothing in their hands to deal with the monsters to having a fang of a monster whose head was trampled by the swarm of monsters, and such fangs were used as small dagger to penetrate the weaknesses of the monsters.

If it was a humanoid monsters such as a goblin or orc, then they would either strike the heart, the throat, the head or the crotch. The small creatures that could be easily kicked were thrown in the air and would either die from the impact of the fall or trampled by other monsters.

Then there are the troublesome insectoids where fire or any penetrative magic would be required to quickly deal with them so the only thing to do was to smash or pull apart their appandages to incapacitate them.

Lastly the more tough and tall monsters were dealt by inflicting pain to their legs causing them to go berserk and hit their own allies, and when the opportunity to deal a fatal strike presented itself then Lyra and Glyny wouldn't hesitate to jump towards such opputunity.

"Haaa...Haaa...W-we did it! Glyny, we did it!" "Y-yeah...Let's go..." The two elves celebrated with their clothes soaked with the blood or other liquids of monsters they killed, and without hesitation hugged each other despite such thing.

For a good minute one could hear the cheers of two girls who were clearly delighted.

A clap of hands made them feel a dread greater than anything else at that moment.

"You did well." A beaming smile was plastered in my face as I got up from the ground. "Not a single scratch landed on me, again, you did well." I softly patted their heads.

"Now let's-"

"Wait!" "A moment!"

My words were interrupted by their sudden outburst.

"Just an hour of rest, please! We cannot continue doing this without atleast a rest!" "Please, we relentlessly trained for three day and three nights without a single moment of rest!" They didn't appreciate my praises and instead attempted to cling to my legs with tearful eyes but the two landed in the dirty ground as I avoided them.

"My, I wanted to go to visit one of the strongholds and observe it for a week but it seems that you girls really are devoted to become stronger!" I was so moved that a tear escaped from my eyes, such tear reflected the horrified expressions of Lyra and Glyny. "Good, good! I am so proud of you so our next stop is to conquer a dungeon. Yes, this should definitely boost your strength."

There were cries of protest and denial but they were all promptly ignored.


