Chapter 232 A rival and a threat to our love

The gap between them widened once more, they could see before how much powerful she was but now they couldn't even see the space that separated them.

A synthetic bodysuit was wrapped around Velena's curves, the daggers in her hands were sharp, her breathing almost nonexistent and so her movements and sounds from it. She danced across the vast field as Violetta's aura relentlessly pursued her.

The weaknesses of every kind of monster or race was thoroughly memorized in her mind, she dissected and studied the anatomy of all kind of bodies that ranged from that of a wyvern to that of a halfling. She went ahead with her knowledge of all kind of poisons and drugs experimenting with living subjects and now she also knows what kind of poison would be more effective against a specific enemy or what kind of stimulants would cause them to react in a certain way, for example, to make them more aggressive and irrational, to heighten their inhibitors of pain or pleasure, or to hallucinate. With the addition of being a trained assassin she was able to defeat swarms of monsters alone with either her knowledge of poisons and drugs or with her skills as an assassin.

Yet, all her attempts to deal damage to Violetta were all easily rendered useless.


A seemingly simple robe covered most of Ira's body, a weightless staff in her hand that amplified the potency of her spells and a ring given to her from Deva that reduced to zero the time required to chant a spell. Together with her spells there was also her freezing aura that, however, couldn't compare in control and flexibility to that of Violetta's aura.

Ira specilizes in ice related spells, spells that manipulated temperature and weather. There was a goal in this subject and that is to being able to cast a spell that would freeze time and space itself, there was the effect of a title given to her that gave this possibility but that was only when it involved Deva, the parts to improve this spell to its perfection was there but the spell itself seemed to be unreachable to learn. To improve her control over her aura, Ira subjected her body and mind to the most freezing temperatures, that strengthened her aura but not her control over it and instead of being flexible as that of Deva and Violetta, hers was as rigid as ice. Few within Intris could match her skills other than the beings under Deva, Lucia and Deva herself.

Yet, none of her spells reached Violetta and her aura could barely fight that of Violetta's.


Charging towards Violetta with poise and fearlessness was Theresa with a rapier in her hand, she would quickly kick the ground to avoid Violetta's aura or use her rapier to momentarily deflect Violetta's aura before avoiding a strike that would have hit her. A rapier that enchanched her reflexes, speed and strength, and an armor with metal protection covering her vital parts and was prided by Core as an armor that can greatly boost Theresa's defense and periodically able to protect Theresa from certain death were the main items that Theresa always would bring with her. But, Theresa's ability to deflect Violetta's aura does not come from any external item but purely from training her body to the limit and talent, yes, extreme training to refine her reflexes and improve her physical capabilities.

Yet, even this was not enough to fend off Violetta's aura nor reach her as Theresa would be pushed away making all her progress to reach Violetta all in vain.


With a pendant that shone in her neck, Edea communicated to the others every possible and effective way to reach Violetta or avoid her attacks since she was able to see the future but in exchange to quickly see those patterns Edea was limited to only see moments that would happen in a few seconds. If Theresa trained her body then Edea trained her mind to the limit so that the sharp headaches assaulting her everytime she overexerted herself would be more bearable and that she could use more of her powers as a prophet, such training involved in gazing together with Deva the countless memories and emotions of others, and it was at that point that Edea understood what kind of hellish experiences Deva had to endure and even questioned to herself how Deva did not lose herself and become an empty shell with just the sheer amount of emotions and memories Deva had experienced.

Yet, despite being able to see those moments in the futures there was a limit in how she was able to properly register those moments and properly communicate it to the others, there were just too many possibilities that however also led to dead ends.


Beams of light traveled across the field but would always be blocked by small barriers that floated around Violetta. Era was the most powerful amongst the five and there was nothing for her to improve other than increasing the number of people that worshipped her and if she were to absorb the souls of those completely devoted to her then she would be able to slightly raise her overall strength, and that is what she has been doing all this time with her own dungeon.

To obtain the devotion and worship she needed then the people within her dungeon had to experience what it felt to be in despair and in need of any kind of salvation, whether it was spiritual or not, at that point Era only needed to exert her authority within the dungeon and show her powers as a god to be worshipped and venerated as such, since many succumbed when Deva released the white sphere Era has been creating sentient yet foolish humanoid creatures with the span of thirty years with the exchage of a rapid physical mental and growth in their early years, these poor creatures were subjected to many adversities with the addition that Era elicited these creatures to wage war against each other. The reason? Whose God was the real one not knowing that there was only a god, yes, that's right, Era showed herself every time to each race that inhibited her dungeon as a different deity of a domain.

Yet, even with this Era was unable to defeat Violetta and was slightly above her in terms of powers but Violetta made up with the flexibility of her aura but that would be different if Violetta had the intention to kill Era.


What was the reason to this sudden event? The answer was the existence of Lucia and how her obsessiveness and craziness did not end and instead begun a journey to completely take Deva from them.

That cannot do. That is unforgivable. There's no way that they wouldn't panic and more so when Deva reassured them.

What kind of wife would just stand there watching another woman scheming to take their bride?

Then there was Violetta who felt that the eyes of these women to be quite frightening


