Chapter 233 Let the birdies fly on their own

We worked our asses off by fighting those monsters for days! Days! And when Auntie offered us that well earned rest we mistakenly ended up digging our own graves.

We might come from the Abyss but our current bodies are weak as the lowest of the lowest in the Abyss, we want to become stronger because we are afraid to die, afraid that our souls would return to the Abyss and be experimented on by those ancient ones and no one, even the worst of criminals, deserves to be a test subject of those lunatics.

In this place, in this dungeon there is no powerful Auntie that can protect us when we might be killed nor there is a way out to exit this dungeon other than reaching the bearer of core of this dungeon.

"L-Lyra, what should we do? How can we even conquer this world with just our [Roles] as slaves?"


Even I did not have any idea to do this. There are a hundred of us within this dungeon and are paired with someone making that fifty teams competing against each other, but to conquer the world while also getting rid off the other teams? This is as impossible as making that our Auntie of ours show her weakness.

"The rules said that there's no time limit but the participants with shorter lifespan will likely to act first but even then there's no way that the other participants would want to wait for the others to die from natural causes or give them a chance." As I continued to talk Glyny started to calm down and started to follow my words.

"T-the moment you conquer the world you will require to finish off the others but that will only make you the focus of everyone, then there's also the fact that even if you were to focus on killing the others you still have to conquer the world but with our [Roles] this is almost impossible..." Glyny said.

""Observe first, wait and then act when it is extremely necessary!"" We said at the same time with shocked expressions.

"This...Lyra, isn't this what Auntie said to us before forcing us to enter? Doesn't that mean she already..." Glyny shivered.

"N-no wait a minute, I think this is from Aunt Edea's powers otherwise it does not make sense for Deva to know this." I reasoned.

"I-I guess? We really don't know anything about our big sister and her family despite them teaching us during these years, do you think they are as powerful as Auntie?"

"Mmm...There's one amongst them that has a divine aura similar to that of a literal god but her aura was not as deep and unfathomable as that of Deva..."

"But still more powerful than our previous selves when we were at the Abyss." Glyny flatly stated as if that was a given fact.

"Well, there's no need to think about those things and better continue to run and then find a way to hide these marks in our backs."

"Yes, otherwise we won't be able to freely operate."

There's a reason why we reincarnated together and that is because our fates are tied to each other.

"The most hateful part of this is that Deva will just perceive the time we spent here as mere hours or days while we will be working our assess off for years..." Glyny grumbled but still ran away from the guards we were running from.

We weren't gasping for air as the guards pursuing us but the number of guards were increasing as we continued to run.

I meet eyes with Glyny and immediately understood each other's thoughts.

Wreak havoc! Spread chaos and confusion as much as you can and then find an exit from this place.




Deva stood in front of the entrance of the dungeon Glyny and Lyra just entered.

From Core's calculations of the dungeon's difficulty, Glyny and Lyra's strength and the other participants' strength, Deva knew that the two would atleast take a week or at maximum a month to conquer the dungeon if they don't perish inside.

During that time Deva would mostly spend her time by roaming across Intris while occasionally spending her time with her wives.




It was unbelievable.

In the arms of the woman in front of her was Deva or rather someone who had her appeareance and voice but her personality was...different, compared to the Deva she knew this Deva exuded an aura that you can find anywhere, in summary the Deva in front of her was different to her Deva. But the woman holding her unmistakably had the same appeareance and bearing as hers.

The Deva in front of her was confused as she shifted her attention from her to the other Lucia and said under her breath 'Another Lucia?', but the Lucia holding the other Deva was not as shocked or confused.

"Oh my, you seem to be awfully surprised there, other me from another universe. But..." The other Lucia gave a glance to her beloved in her arms before continuing, " seems that you know of Deva like the other Lucias who seem to be troubled with their relationships with the Deva of their universe, you see it seems that many if not all the Lucias who end up in this universe have two things in common and those are their love towards Deva and the obsessiveness almost to the level of insanity. Now, other me can you tell me your problems?" The other Lucia smiled as if this occurance was an everyday routine.