Chapter 234 Sudden realization

"Oh my, this seems to be more complicated than I thought." The other Lucia said as she covered her mouth with her hand. "To think that your Deva could use aura was unheard of, more unbelievable is that she is a demonic user. You said that you were utterly defeated even though you mastered your own aura?"

"Yes, I might have been blinded by rage and love at that time but thinking about it Deva never went serious against me or atleast that is what I think about." Lucia covered her face with her hands and deeply sighed. "I don't know anything about her, not even her past or true self seems to be impossible to see."

In front of herself Lucia didn't have anything to hide since this person was literally her from another universe.

"I really can't do anything about that first half but I think I can help with the last one..." The other Lucia pointed at the Deva in her lap. " I really cannot understand how the Deva of yours managed to hide her past and own informations and I won't speculate with you what kind of methods she might have used to do so since what truly matters a hearing her past or atleast the past of another version of herself. Her path might be different to my Deva but everyone's starting point is the same as everyone, everyone comes from the womb of a mother, after all." The other Lucia slightly nudged the Deva in her lap. "Now dear, why don't you narrate her your past? She is me so you can think this of as retelling your past to me."

"M-mm!" The Deva in the lap of the other Lucia nodded vigorously and slightly blushed as the other Lucia seductively whispered to her ears.


Deva's origin was that of a lowly one with a mother being that of a high rated prostitute and with a father of unknown origins.

Sold by her mother at the age of six but bought as a servant by an old couple who passed away just a year after Deva became an adult, they appreciated her enough that they changed her status from that of a slave to that of a free woman when she became an adult. The couple didn't have children nor wanted to adopt one and instead left a will to the person who took care of them who still had the innocence of a normal girl despite of what she went through.

And after that? She met Lucia and as time passed they became close, started to know each other as their feeling towards each other developed and then their love bloomed, it was a pink colored story filled with pure love and happiness which was the total opposite of what happened to Lucia. For Lucia this tale seemed to be just a fairytale, something completely unrelated to her.

Lucia was dazed not because of Deva's past but how the Deva in front of her was genuinely smiling and giggling along with the her other self as they sometimes reminisced their love story. It was difficult to even think that Deva can really be like that unless she forced her to with her siniter ways.

There was not a single trace of envy but only waves of dejection as she resented the entire world for being so unfair to her. Lucia wanted love from Deva even if such love was completely different from the genuine love she was gazing at.

The couple from the different universe stopped when Lucia muttered a weak 'Thanks' while also being distracted with her own thoughts.

" more complicated than I thought..." The other Lucia attempted to get Lucia's attention. "But you should know that deep down a person's nature cannot really change or be different if we compare two versions of the same person, that is if the Deva in your world is not, well, Deva but another person." The other Lucia commented and continued to talk but other than the first ones these words didn't really enter inside Lucia's ears, only the first words made Lucia's eyes shot open.

It took a few seconds for Lucia to elaborate the insane thought that passed through her mind.

"You are right! She is Deva but she isn't at the same time!"

"W-wait a moment, other me, can you please explain what you mean by that?" The two women were surprised by the sudden burst of insanity from Lucia. The other Deva was really concerned since she could see that within the woman in of front of her there was a level of insanity that she had never seen before and it deeply frightened her, more so when those familiar yet so different pair of eyes gazed at her with emptiness.

Lucia shook her head. "This really doesn't change the fact that I still be unable to take her for myself."

There was nothing the other Lucia could do since Lucia refused to share her thoughts.

"Hey! Are you already leaving?"

"There's really nothing that you can do to help me, I've noticed how this Intris seems to be devoid of any significant conflict or even dungeons, this sudden insight might be just a gut feeling but meeting Deva taught me how I should follow more my emotions and feelings when it comes to these kind of matters."

Lucia didn't bother to interact further with them and instead left, yes, she just disappeared in front of them as if she was just a projection and that is what she was in that universe, a mere projection to interact with other universes thanks to the dungeon Lucia conquered with her cheat-like aura.

Lucia spent more time in conquering the dungeon than talking and interacting with these other version of herself and Deva, Lucia only interacted with the two for an hour before leaving with a thought that seemingly couldn't leave her mind.


