Chapter 236 The Twisted Seven Deadly Sins

If Deva became an existence beyond what a mortal is, then the Seven Virtues and Seven Deadly Sins under her unmistakenly became closer to the literal concept of their names.

Envy can be described as a sad or resentful covetousness towards the traits and possessions of someone else, and Envy's power to replicate the appearance of a being Envy had seen as a shadow encapsulates what the concept of Envy is. Envy covets and desires the entities Envy sees but this results in the creation of something lesser and imperfect causing Envy to feel unhappiness and consequently the desire to inflict pain through these shadows. Envy's power did not change, but the being itself did, Envy's emotions and thoughts becoming more raw and only focused on envy.

Wrath can be described as uncontrolled feelings of anger, rage, and hatred, often even seeking vengeance. The gray wolf lost in his wrath is now unable to coexist with Meekness and instead devoured Meekness and became a monstrousity with two heads: one being that of a sheep and the other of a wolf. Meekness accepted Wrath's hatred and didn't offer any resistance when he was devoured and reduced to pieces. Wrath is no more, as the head of the wolf is now continuously growling and showing his hostility to everyone. Meekness is no more as the head of the sheep is now continuously bleating and restraining the body of the monstrousity to pounce on everyone. The only words this monster follows are that of Deva. This new creature has the same strength when Wrath and Meekness coexisted with the addition of a ferocity beyond of a normal berserker and an insane recovery speed making so that wounds would heal almost instantly and revive himself as long as there is still anger within the creature.

Sloth can be described as the total absence of interest or reluctance to exert its body. The sloth is now a total failure to do the basic of things that one normally is able to do. The state of his mood is now perpetually leaned to the extreme side of boredom, bitterness, apathy and slugginess. Sloth does not need to eat, nor any other kind of stimuli than resting and sleeping. He gained immortality and even indestructibility. Everything that approaches this being becomes immobilized both in mind and body, stuck forever as mere statues near this sloth, and only Deva is unaffected from this power.

Greed can be described as the desire to pursue material possessions. The red fox's wife and children are now hidden and protected somewhere with piles of objects surrounding them. The desire to take everything some everyone is restrained by the love coming from her wife and children. Her powers remain the same, but her inhibitions are now forever altered and only her wife and children can cause her to momentarily remember her past self.

Gluttony can be described as the overindulgence and overconsumption of anything to the point of waste. His lovers and children, devoured by the big gluttonous pig, he ate his precious ones with tears in his eyes and a delighted smile on his bloodied mouth. There's an obsessive anticipation in eating and over-indulgence in eating anything, even inorganic things. The more he eats, the more his defense grows, and eating heals his wounds. The once known cook is now just a disgusting creature that eats and only eats. The only thing to prevent Gluttony from causing any damage was to throw him regularly inside a low-tier dungeon making Gluttony devour its inside.

Lust can be described as intense sexual desire that can lead to any kind of deviant sexual acts. She is, however, among the Seven Deadly Sins that did not change, but instead twisted the concept of chastity to Chastity. While Lust was always together with Chastity in both body and heart, she is now under total control of Chastity. Her position beneath the heels of Chastity. And this is what breaks Lust, that she has twisted her beloved into something different, but she is also unable to leave her beloved. Guilt and despair pervaded Lust, as Chastity seemed to be another person. It was her unsatiable lust that changed even the concept of chastity itself. Her own very lust is how Chastity is controlling every single of her thoughts and movements.

Pride can be described as putting one's own desires, urges, wants, and whims before that of other people. Her change seems to be simple but it is nonetheless the one that did not negatively affect her that much and instead brought her to become better and superior in every aspect and every subject than everyone else, making her ignore everyone's accomplishments. As the strongest Sin, she is able to refuse the orders of her god, her owner, that of Deva. The Pride in the past seemed to be lost with nothing to pursue or even love but now there is one, and that is to bring the most perfect being in her eyes down, her god, and make that being hers.

Deva's true nature did not help in preventing these changes as her being a Daeva will not bring any good to the ones near her. Henceforth, only tragic things will come to these pitiful things.