Chapter 237 The Twisted Seven Virtues

Humility can be described as being humble, to have or show a modest and low estimate of their own importance. The beautiful nun's humility, however, brought her to always bow her head to those that even show a little bit of dominance over her while thinking that her worth is beneath what her true worth is. As Humility is the opposite of Pride, she should have been the virtue that opposes it. Yes, it does oppose, but only about the concept of Pride. If Pride can oppose her God, then Humility cannot do so and instead fully submits her body, soul and heart to her beloved God. Humility, now, can see the limits of everyone and even see the talents and virtues that others possess. With this she can assess any weak and strong points of everyone. She cannot fight alone and is always with someone that can give her commands. Humility should only bow her head in obedience when required, but the bliss of being obedient was instilled in her now corrupt form.

Kindness can be described as being generous, considerate, and concerned for others, without expecting praise or reward. Kindness was already a twisted case when she appeared as a cold and manipulative assassin. But Kindness does not need to have these traits herself but to her beloved, who needs to be kind and considerate that can fill the coldness within Kindness' heart, she needs a being so selfless that their selflessness becomes overtime selfishness to the one's around them. The life of this being was ruined by the nature of their selfish selflessness, and was further ruined by attracting Kindness to them, by making them experience the costs of being so selfless.

Meekness can be described as tolerating provocation without responding in turn with disrespect and anger. To be able to remain themselves even when in difficulty, and be able to remain calm when facing danger. The fall of Meekness was a tragic one, but Meekness accepted the fact that Wrath was going to devour him, Meekness watched the enormous fangs biting him and sinking in his skin as if Wrath regained his clarity for a moment, but such moment ended quickly as Meekness was teared apart and devoured. Meekness was now a remnant of what he originally was, but it was also the only thing that protected everyone from the infinite rage of Wrath. His bleating soothed the boiling rage of the wolf.

Diligence can be described as persistent effort and attempts, and where it is believed that work is good and it is a virtue. One can see the exhaustion in the old woman's face making her even frightening to see in the open, but what is more frightening is the unhealthy lifestyle of Diligence. It should have been a virtue that could fulfill one's spiritual success when, together with hope, but now diligence is nothing more than mindlessly working without rest, working persistently, working by giving your own sanity.

Charity can be described as love towards God and love towards everyone. A kind of love that is not physical but instead spiritual. A love that can be expressed through acts so that it can cover the many sins that man is riddled with. But as the love of Charity reflects that of her God, then, the love she spreads is no different from the chaos that her cruel and benevolent God spreads through the people. Her powers now instead pester the wounds of her victims with diseases and cancer, through pain or pleasure, she heals the body and soul, and can worsen the condition of her victims. The young priestess now wears a black robe, and her beloved one locked somewhere where Charity can show her distorted love.

Temperance can be described as moderating one's attractions and desires for pleasure. It is a virtue of self-control. The man cannot return to have his limbs, as it will contradict his concept. Not even Charity's powers or any kind of item can give this man or any of the other Virtues and Sins the freedom from their concept they seek. Each one of them is forever stuck to the appearance they assumed from the consequence of their God's reawakening. What is more despairing than knowing the difficulties of being a limbless man, to then obtain the means to replace the limbs, and tasting how blissful it is to have limbs to then lose them forever.

Chastity can be described as someone who refrains from sexual activity that is considered immoral. The lust that she partook with Lust, however, changed her and corrupted her. The concept of chastity won't be targeted towards her, but the concept will push Chastity to make others follow her concept, hence why her beloved Lust fell in the palms of her hands. It is Lust that refrains Chastity from wandering around and causing trouble.


Some of the Sins and Virtues' changes only affected their personalities, some also their powers, and some slightly changed the concept of their names.

What is Deva, their God, doing? Nothing but observing them and normally interacting with them as if nothing had changed. In fact, nothing can now be reverted nor changed, they will forever be like this for the rest of eternity, with their names tarnished by Deva, their God, herself.