A Piece Of Paper

Her best friend walked towards her with a suspicious smile that wore all over her face. Alyssum rolled her eyes and grabbed her wrist. She giggled and shook her head in disbelief, knowing that her best friend was embarrassed about what happened. 

"You are embarrassed, Miss Bryne." Her best friend mocked her while snickering. 

"No, I'm not. Especially with my lovely childhood best friend, Chance Bailey... Also, it's his fault why I bumped him." She mumbled, mocking her back.

She gasped, astonished when she mentioned that her best friend was the man who bumped her a while ago. Bren glared at her and then she implored, "So, I'm not your best friend anymore?"  

She giggled at her silly question before she tapped her shoulder. "Maybe yes… Maybe not." She replied before she walked fast, away from her best friend.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She yelled at Alyssum but she shrugged as she answers.

After a while, she entered their classroom, feeling nostalgic while staring at the familiar faces, her classmates. And when her eyes gazed at that tall, blonde, and ocean blue eyes irritating woman, she rolled her eyes internally. She was the worst classmate she ever had. 

"She's my classmate again." She murmured to herself as she clutched her hands, tightly to the straps of her bag. 

"Who?" Brenda asked.

She glanced at her best friend and looked back to the woman she was referring to. Miranda Winskon.

Miranda Winskon, her ultimate rival from everything, especially Chance. She was an attention seeker and that makes Alyssum very furious. 

"Ooooh, well you have a bad day, Aly. She is your classmate and so is Chance." She uttered while pointing at the two. 

Alyssum groaned in frustration before asking her friend annoyingly, "why is it always like this, Bren?" 

"Well, it's not you who decides which may or may not be your classmates." 

Her best friend walked inside their classroom as she followed behind without leaving her sight to Miranda.

And when their eyes met, her lips curved into a bright yet fake smile while sauntered towards her direction. "Alyssum… What a beautiful day and you just ruined it." She uttered, mockingly as Miranda's minions were laughing as if it was a kind of joke.

Alyssum crossed her arms but the smile never left onto her dashing lips. "Well, I guess, you turn your beautiful day into a nightmare while looking at my poisonous face. Now, don't lay your hands all over me or else…" 

She leaned right to Miranda's right ear and whispered, "...you'll get killed." 

She was taken aback, clearing her throat while Alyssum, on the other hand, chuckled when Miranda was pale and stunned. 

"Have a blessed morning, Miranda, and also to your minions." She greeted, lovingly, before she strolled to her seat, beside her best friend. 

"Feisty…" Her friend said. 

"If she wasn't bothering Chance and also too nice for me, then I'm not scaring her out." 

"Well, she's not scared. She was annoyed when you and Chance were living in the same street. And even though no one knows that you and him are best friends, well, except me… I know Miranda will do everything just to know what's your relationship with Chance." She explained while grabbing her notebook.

"That's why it's a secret between us." 

Thereafter, the instructor greeted them with a smile while strolling inside their classroom. She heaved a deep sigh, rolling her eyes internally when their instructor, Mrs. Gomez was a torture. 

"Good morning, class. I know you all know me so we don't have to introduce ourselves. Now, get all your science books and turn it into page 21." All the students groaned when Mrs. Gomez was starting her first lesson on the first day.


They grew in silence and just did what they were told. Then, Alyssum was just staring lovingly at Chance who was sitting in front of her, reading his textbook.

'He is so hot even when he's just reading.' She thought to herself, sighing in relief and leaning her chin into her palm while her elbows were resting on her desk. 

"So what do you say?" Her eyes blinked when her best friend asked her yet she didn't catch her words to answer it back.

"Say what?"

"You didn't listen to me! I said if you want to grab some lunch later with my brother.  We should also go shopping!" She rolled her eyes at Alyssum. She bit my inner cheek when she was not focusing on her words.

"Sounds great!" She exclaimed.

She heard a loud slam in front of the desk. She gasped when Mrs. Gomez was staring at her, deeply into her eyes.

"Miss Bryne!" 

She jolted out of her seat and stood without knowing what was going on. All her classmates were looking at her, snickering. Mrs. Gomes was strolling towards her. 

"Miss Bryne, what is motion?" She asked without leaving her eyes in Alyssum's direction. She swallowed her saliva thickly before taking a deep breath.

"Motion, in physics, changes with time depending on the position or orientation of a body.." She nodded and scoffed when she got the right answer.

"Good! Next time if I caught you spacing out or daydreaming, you all have a surprise quiz and definitely not an easy quiz. Understood?" 

The student replied in frustration as they glared at me with their eyes yearned for my death. Her eyes gazed to her desk, avoiding their eyes.

She didn't know what to do. She gave her classmates a surprise quiz. It was easy for her because of her witty mind but most of them weren't ready for the quiz. 

"It's okay, Aly. You did answer her question. You'll be good." Her best friend encouraged her.

She glanced at it and gave her a warm smile. "Okay…"

Then, she looked in front of her as her eyes widened when Chance was staring at her, smiling. Her head cocked on the side, confused when Chance didn't say anything.

"What?" She asked. 

 However, he didn't give any response and instead, he slid something onto my desk and smiled at her. 

"What is this?" She asked him, silently. 

However, he shook his head as his answer and glanced back, in his front. Her brow furrowed, bewildered. He didn't give any hints about why he's being unusual. Then, she glimpsed at her desk and saw a piece of paper. 

'What am I going to do with this piece of paper?'