A Friend is Just A Friend

'What am I going to do with this piece of paper?'

Her eyes locked at the piece of paper and still reckoning what's inside. She sighed and grabbed the paper. She placed it underneath so no one could see it before she paid attention to Mrs. Gomez's lecture.

"Her lectures are always boring. And worst, it's science." Brenda murmured to Alyssum.

She chuckled, lightly so Mrs. Gomez wouldn't hear her. "Always, but you know that Mrs. Gomez doesn't want to be interrupted." She murmured back.

Brenda responded with a nod and smiled at her.

After class, her eyes glanced at Chance, who was leaving the room. She stood to follow him and asked him about the piece of paper; however, a nine-tailed, annoying Miranda followed him behind like a lost wolf.

Her eyes rolled her eyes when she annoyed Chance from following him behind. Her lips released a deep sigh in disbelief and just let them go.

"He knows what he's doing…" She murmured to herself while fixing her bag.

"Let's go, Aly," Brenda said while waving at her.


After an hour of lesson, Chance left the room and went to his locker, silently but little did he know, Miranda and her friends were following behind him. He groaned in frustration, wanting to snap them out, however, it would ruin his silent image.

He heaved a deep sigh and stopped his track before he turned around to face them.

He smiled at them, forcibly before saying, "You don't have to follow me behind, Miranda. It's getting uncomfortable so go on your own path and please, leave me alone?"

She pouted and strolled closer to him. Abruptly, she wrapped her arms around Chance's right arm. His eyes narrowed and strived to remove her arms but he couldn't.

"Alyssum is always following you and I hate that so I'm here to protect you from her." She murmured but it's enough for him to hear it.

"Miranda." He uttered.

Miranda's eyes glistened when he uttered her name, sweetly. Then, she leaned closer and asked, "What is it, Chance?"

He felt uncomfortable when she kept leaning closer to his body. "Get off of me, please. It's getting uncomfortable." He said, sternly.

She bit her lips and slowly, she removed her grip while looking at her feet. He sighed when he saw her in sadness but he's uncomfortable when someone, except his family and friends, touched their hands all over his body.

"I'm sorry, Miranda. It's just that I'm uncomfortable. Anyway, I need to go." He mumbled and hastily, he walked out in front of her.

She called Chance but he chose to ignore her, walked faster and strived to ignore her.

"It's okay, Miranda. He will notice you soon. He's just shy, okay?" Her friend said. She just glared at them and scoffed.

"He's not shy! He's hard to get and I like it! He'll be mine." She exclaimed while staring at Chance, who was walking away.

"He's not shy. He doesn't like you." Alyssum abruptly said.

She turned around to face her and raised her arms. Alyssum just smiled at her and walked towards her locker to get her things. Then, Miranda leaned to her locker, blocking her way. She rolled her eyes and shoved her away from her locker.

"Why did you do that?!" Miranda exclaimed and strived to stand up since she pushed her with force.

"You are getting my way, Miranda." Alyssum calmly uttered and opened her locker.

She scowled when she mocked her and slammed my book out of my arms. She nibbled her inner cheeks and refrained herself to fight back. Shortly, she felt a sting when abruptly, Miranda laid her hands on her right cheek.

"That is what you get, loser!" She heard a murmur and a laugh in the background.

She clenched her fists and sensed the rage inside her temple.

"The little loser doesn't attack. Why? Did the cat bite you?" She teased as the crowd continued laughing.

'This clown annoys me too much.' She thought to myself as she heaved a heavy sigh before picking her books on the ground.

"That loser didn't do anything, so I could do this." She pushed her hard until her face touched the floor.

'That's it!' She scowled to herself.

She stood up and her hand clutched her long blonde hair and hauled her into the grounds as Miranda cried out, begging her to unclutch her hands around her hair.

She leaned her face to her right ear and whispered, "Let's not fight, Miranda. It's only the first day of school. I'll remove my hands and let you go." A

She discarded her hands from Miranda's hair with force when she saw Mrs. Gomez strolling closer in their direction.

"Miss Wiskon! Miss Bryne! It's only the first day of school and now you two have riots! Go to my office NOW!"

Miranda and Alyssum responded with a nod and followed Mrs. Gomez behind, quietly. However, they glanced at each other and rolled their eyes.

"It's your fault why it happened." Miranda asserted.

But she didn't give any reply. She didn't want to either since it's her fault why it happened. She triggered her when she was trying to be close to Chance. It's Alyssum's duty to make this b*tch beside her to take her away from him.

Thereafter, they reached Mrs. Gomez's office. They stepped inside and crouched in front of the desk. Miranda was very nervous when knowing that she was in trouble. But Alyssum was calm, inferring that Mrs. Gomez will lecture them.

"You two fought on the first day of school. Do you know you two are in senior year and many lower years that will follow your steps? And that behavior is unacceptable." She said and sat in front of them.

"I'll let this slide but please, don't do this again, or else, I'll put you two in detention." She added.

"Yes, Mrs. Gomez." They answered in unison.

As they walked out of Mrs. Gomez's room. Miranda blocked her way with her arms crossed. She leaned closer as her lips formed into a smirk. Alyssum sighed and shook her head in disbelief.

'Here we go again.' She thought to herself.

"Don't block my way, Miranda, and also, don't put a smirk into your face. You are like a barbie with deficiencies."

She scoffed.

"If you don't have anything to say, just leave. I need to meet my friend." She mumbled and lightly, she pushed her away.

But before she could leave, Miranda said something that pissed her off. "Do you think Chance would like you even if you two are childhood best friends? No, it's not because…"

Miranda walked closer to her and whispered right through her ears, "...you are just a friend so don't be delusional. A friend is just a friend and not a lover."