Make Me An Appointment

She smiled at her and tapped her shoulder before she said, "It's okay, Miranda. You don't have to worry about me. Anyway, I'll see you around." 

Then, she walked away and strolled silently to her hideout. She sighed and crouched underneath the tree, leaning her back while staring at the bright, blue skies. Unintentionally, she smiled while caressing the necklace that Chance gave to her. 

And all of a sudden, she remembered that Chance gave a piece of paper. And so, she grabbed her bag and looked for the piece of paper. And when she found the paper, she hurriedly opened it and saw a silly message coming from him. That's why he didn't say anything because it's not an important message. 

"You're an idiot… That's what he said?" Brenda abruptly appeared from nowhere and said loudly which makes Alyssum stunned to death. 

Then, she sighed and shook her head in disbelief before she placed it beside her and glanced at the shiny blue skies. She smiled and said, "A mean friend always giving a reminder that I'm a mess." 

Her friend giggled while shaking her head. She crouched beside her and glanced at her. Alyssum turned her face on with a grim smile that drew to her face. It irritates her that she giggled rather than supporting her. 

"Don't give me that look, Alyssum. It won't work but for now, we need to get back to the class." 

"Class? I thought our next teacher was absent?" 

"Well, Mrs. Gomez said that we need to still attend the class or it'll have a surprise quiz." 

Alyssum groaned in frustration when she heard about Mrs. Gomez's favorite. A surprise quiz. 

"I hate surprises." 

"Well, you need to hurry, and let's go!" 

They stood and hastily, they strolled inside the hallway and straight to their classroom. Then, her eyes wandered around and checked for Chance. She then smiled and walked over to him. Chance, on the other hand, glanced at her and lightly smiled back. 


She stopped her track and placed the piece of paper on his desk and mumbled, "I'm not an idiot but thanks for reminding me like we were kids." 

Chance chuckled and grabbed the piece of paper. Then, he threw it away before he looked at her. Alyssum's heart pounded rapidly when he stared right into her eyes. A pink shade was scattered all over her face. So she looked away and blinked multiple times. 

"I know you want to say something so spill it out." She said without looking at him. 

"Well, if you aren't busy, you can have dinner with us, I know my mother would love it." 

Alyssum glanced at her and sighed. "You know that I can't say no to her."

"Also, you are excited to see my brother. I know you like him. That's why you're always visiting our home." He uttered. 

Her heart now shattered into a million pieces when she heard it from him. Well, she can't blame him since he didn't know anything about his feelings for him. So she smiled and responded with a nod. 

"Of course but let me ask my mother if she will agree then I'll give you my answer." 


Then, she walked to her seat as she leaned to her desk and veiled his face. "I can't believe he said that." She murmured while staring at her feet. 

"You should go to their house. You know that your mother is fine with it." Brown said beside her. 

She glanced at her friend and sighed. "I don't know. He knew that I like his brother when it's not." 

She fixed her seat and leaned her back at the backrest of her chair while crossing her arms. "I can't believe that he assumed that I like Christian…" 

Then, it hit her… She could do that. Using his brother's, Christian, helped to give a message that Alyssum liked him and not Christian. She was very tired of hiding her feelings from him. So she made a plan to make him fall for him. 

"I think I have an operation to make." She said to her friend. 

Brenda tilted her head on the side, confused about what she was talking about. "You are in middle school. What on earth are you doing? Are you a young doctor? Or should I say, surgeon?" 

She glared at her and smacked her head which made Brenda winced in pain. "Why did you do that?! It's a genuine question." 

She shook her head in disbelief. "I don't know if you are an idiot or what. Anyway, what I'm saying…" 

She stopped muttering when a new teacher walked inside the room. And when her teacher glanced all over her classmates. Alyssum's eyes widened, stunned when a familiar face arrayed in front of her. 

 "Dane…" She whispered to herself. 

"Dane?" Her friend asked. 

She responded with a nod, locking her sight to his secret older brother. No one, except Chance, knows about her brother. What she meant was the half older brother. 

She was happy to see him but at the same time, she knew that his brother wanted to keep an eye to her little sister. That's why he's in her room, as their home teacher. 

"Good Morning students, I'm Dane Lincoln. And I'll be your temporary home teacher. Mrs. Gomez gave this assignment to me as your home teacher. I hope we can get along," Her brother said. 

Most of her classmates squealed while staring at her brother but she can't blame them, his brother was a fine-looking good man. A tall, toned muscle body and compliments his grayish eyes and brown hair. 

"He's hot. I think I like him. No! I love him." Brenda murmured to her. 

She glanced at her and smiled. "You are out of your mind." 

She scoffed as she leaned her chin to her inner palm and her elbow touched the desk. "I may be crazy but when it comes to him, I'll be crazy in love with him."

"He's single and also a young man." 

Abruptly, her friend glanced at her with her eyes widened. She didn't believe what she said. "How did you know that? Are you a stalker?!"

"No! I'm not. It's just that… I know him." 

"Wait… Did I hear it right?" 

"Yes. I know him and if you want to know him. I'll make you an appointment." 

Then, she pulled her close into an embrace and whispered, "Make me an appointment." 

She loosened the hug and chuckled. "Okay, if you say so."