When Will You Consider My Feelings?

Chance and Alyssum were crouching underneath the tree, glancing at the shimmering sun that glows all over the place. She sighed in relief knowing that there's no worry to reckon. They glanced at each other and smiled as if they knew what's on their mind.

"Christian told me that I invited you to the dinner." Chance finally broke the silence between them. 

However, it didn't want Alyssum to hear. Chance kept assuming that I like Christian, knowing to herself that this young man beside him was the one she liked. But she needed to hide her feelings to herself. She didn't want to ruin what they have right now. 

"I think you told me that a while ago. Why needed to repeat it as a reminder." She said.

He chuckled…

Alyssum bit her lips, hearing his lowly laugh. It has a great effect on her especially when he's laughing. For her, it's like a peaceful tone that she didn't want to share. Then, it hit her, she was becoming obsessed with him so she shook her head to eliminate the distracting thoughts. 

"Well, I know that you like Christian so I just want to tell you his message for the second time." 

Her eyes rolled internally. 'Here we go again… Assuming that I like Christian.' She thought to herself. 

"Thank you for the reminder, Chance. Don't worry I won't forget." 

Another silence between them strikes again. No one dared to talk or to open a topic. Alyssum felt like they were strangers that crossed their path. But, it's not. They are best friends and no secret between them. 

"I heard that you and Miranda have a fight on our first day of class." He mumbled. 

Alyssum scoffed and crossed her arms. "Well, she pissed you off so I'm just saving your ass to that stalker of yours." She asserted without leaving her sight to the beautiful skies. 

"You shouldn't do that. I can take care of myself." 

"I can't help it. I just want to be helpful to our…" She stopped, she can't even say what they have in the present.


She knew that their friendship was very important in the very beginning… From the start where Chance defended her from the bullies when they were kids. And it's very meaningful to her. 

Then, she glanced at him, glimpsing right through his eyes. She just sighed and glanced over to her hands. "I just want to be helpful to our friendship, Chance. Like you always do when we were kids. You are always defending me." She explained. 

He sighed in defeat, didn't know what to say knowing that he reckoned her personality. It's a huge advantage that he had a best friend like her that could defend him but it's not good since she was always involved in a fight and he can't stop her. 

She was too stubborn…

However, his conscience is eating him alive. If something bad happened to her, he didn't know what to do, and how to tell her parents. She was their 'unica hija' (only daughter) to their three children and her parents didn't want anything to happen and that's why he needed to protect her. 

"You are being helpful to our friendship, Aly so you don't have to worry about it." 

Her eyes glimmered in excitement when she heard encouragement coming from his best friend. Chance then smiled when he reckoned that Alyssum was now happy to hear his words. 

And all of a sudden, footsteps coming to them halted their conversation. They glanced at it, unison and saw Alyssum's oldest brother. They stood up and smiled at him. 

"Arum, what are you doing here?" Alyssum asked his brother. 

"What do you mean?" Arum asked back, didn't know what Alyssum wanted to hear. 

"Well, I have the right to know why you are here, in our school… As our home teacher." She uttered while crossing her arms. 

He chuckled and caressed her hair which annoyed her. She scoffed and pinched his brother's cheeks as her revenge. "My little sister is astonished…" Her brother teased her. 

She pinched his brother's cheeks hard until they formed red like a tomato. Her brother winced in pain and lightly, he patted her hands. "It hurts, Aly. Stop it!" He exclaimed. 

"Well, you need to explain why you are here at our school," Alyssum said. 

"Fine. Just let my cheeks go." 

She responded with a nod and slowly, she removed her hands out of his cheeks. Hastily, his brother ran away from her which made her dumbfounded. Her eyes widened when she realized that his brother ran away without telling her his explanations. 

"Brother! Come back here!" She shouted and ready to sprint out but Chance stopped her by grasping her right arm. 

Alyssum, on the other hand, gazed at him, raising her right brow. "Why are you stopping me?" She asked. 

"Well, we need to go home because we are having dinner tonight so you need to be ready. Just let your brother run away. He will explain later." 

"I hope so… You know my brother, Arum… He is very secretive." 

"If that's so. Then, good luck."

She rolled her eyes because of his statement. He wasn't helpful. "Anyway, are you coming with me?" He asked, snapping her into reality. 

Hence, she smiled and shook her head as her answer. "Bren and I have plans so you can go home without me."

He responded with a nod and smiled. "Okay." 

He strolled out of the field, leaving her behind. She heaved a deep, heavy sigh and leaned her back to the trunk of the tree, closing her eyes as she took a deep breath to receive the fresh air. 

"That's a heavy sigh." 

She opened her eyes and gazed at the person, who mumbled in front of her. She smiled at him and patted the ground, indicating an offer to crouch beside her. 

"Thank you." He mumbled before he crouched beside her. 

"Disappointed?" He asked. 

She sighed and nodded as her answer. "He is a stubborn one, Christian. Ignoring my feelings since he assumed that I like you. Knowing that he is the one I like." 

'When will you consider my feelings, Chance?'