(Not) Picnic Date (III)

She leaned closer to him and waited for him to say something. He was taken aback when he felt different inside his chest. His heart thumped rapidly as if he couldn't breathe when she was closer to him. 

He cleared his throat and pushed her a bit away from him. She hummed and cocked her head on the side, confused while staring at him. 

"Why are you pushing me away?" She asked. 

He took a deep breath before he smiled and shook his head. "You're too close so I pushed you a bit." He uttered. 

Her heart shrunk and bit disappointed from what he said. She couldn't believe that he didn't like her closer to him and she couldn't think of any reason why. 

Is it because of Miranda? Is he starting to like her? Adequately, what could she say, she couldn't lie that Miranda was a pretty girl and also a smart one. Every guy would like him and especially, Chance. 

She perceived what she liked to a girl and it pained her when she reckoned his ideal girl. And what's worse, she's way far from his ideal girl. She's fashionable and she was proud of it but other than that… Nothing. She was a smart girl but not as pretty as Miranda. 

She snapped into reality when Christian abruptly called her and said, "Aly, I have something to show you." 

"What is it?" She asked, internally thanking him for getting her away from the awkward moment between Chance and her. 

She stood and sat beside him. She smiled at him and whispered, "thank you for saving me to that awkward moment." 

He chuckled and ruffled her hair. "I saw you there that you nearly cried. That's the least I could do. Anyway, what happened back there?" 

She sighed and shrugged. "He said that he wanted to say something but he didn't even mention it and instead, he pushed me away from him." She explained.

"Well, I couldn't say no more. He's unpredictable and very hard to read. After all, I'm not a mind reader."

"It's your brother… He didn't say anything?" 

He shook his head as an answer. Then, she glanced at Caine, who was busy with his phone. Her brow furrowed when abruptly, he answered his phone, very serious about something, and left the premises. 

What happened to him?" She asked. 

"Who?" Christian implored back.

"Caine. I've never seen him deadly serious before so I know something happened to him." 

"Well, I think he had a huge fight with his girlfriend." He replied. 

It was her first time seeing him very, very serious in her entire life. Caine was a jolly person so she hadn't seen him very serious over the phone. And she thought that it was extremely important. 

"Huge fight?" 

He responded with a nod. "Like what." She asked again. 

"Her girlfriend was mentally unstable and as far as I know, she's using illegal drugs. Caine keeps her away from trouble so they are having a huge argument." 

"Wow, that's a lot. Anyway, where did you get that much information?" 

"Well, I just heard their argument from the past weeks and that's all I know," Christian explained. 

And all of a sudden, Chance cleared his throat and stopped them from talking to each other. They didn't even think that Chance was there and heard their conversation. And it made him very furious at them. They were insensitive and didn't even think to join him in the conversation. 

Alyssum, on the other hand, glanced at Chance, who was sulking while staring at them. She nearly forgot that Chance was there and so, she scratched her head and strolled closer to him. She just smiled and poked his shoulder. 

"Sorry, Christian just showed me something, and I asked him about Caine. He seemed distressed so I'm kind of worried about him." She muttered. 

He heaved a deep sigh, reckoning what was happening to him and why he was very furious when Christian always got Alyssum's attention. However, he let that slide and thought of something that wasn't related to Alyssum or even, Christian. 

"You know what, I have something to say." He abruptly announced. 

Christian and Alyssum glanced at him and waited for his announcement. Yet Chance felt very nervous and thought that it'll be his regret. 

"It's not an announcement but I just want to ask if… Miranda and I would be a perfect couple?" He asked. 

Christian's brow intersected when he heard his brother's query. It's his first time hearing him about girls but what he didn't understand was why Miranda. Of all people, why her? 

She was pretty and smart but Chance didn't like her attitude. No— overall, he didn't like Miranda. He always complained about her whenever he got back home. 

Alyssum, on the other hand, clenched her fist in frustration but she felt despair more than mad. She couldn't think straight from his query. She didn't know what to react or what to answer. 

Her mind was a mess! 

But then, she smiled weakly and forcibly, she replied, "I don't know if you two are a perfect couple but you should try and maybe give her a chance? I don't know." 

'Wrong answer, Alyssum! Why are you giving him a hint to date her! That's a stupid suggestion!' She argued inside her head. 

"Maybe you are right. I should give her a chance and maybe, get to know more about her. It. would be great! Thank you, Aly, for your suggestion." Chance exclaimed. 

Christian and Alyssum took a glance at each other before looking back at Chance, who was smiling widely. 

"Are you sure about that?" Alyssum asked. 

"Maybe but every person deserves a second chance, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, you're right… But what I mean, you don't like Miranda so it'll be hard for you to consider her feelings. You know what I'm saying." Replied the woman. 

"I understand your point, Aly but maybe I'll like her. You never know and also, you don't know what I felt." He uttered while crossing his arms. 

She looked away and strived to halt her tears but she couldn't. 

"Chance, why don't we grab some mocktails inside the mansion. Aly, wait here okay?" Christian finally said and stood. 

Chance glanced at Alyssum but he couldn't see her reaction so he shrugged and stood. Then, he followed his brother behind and straight to the mansion.