I think I Fucked up...

Third person's POV,

"Glamour," A dangerously low voice asked into the phone, and Glamour felt a cold shiver run down her entire body.

It was him, of course, what was I thinking, picking up a call from a strange number, Glamour thought to herself.

So she remained quiet for a while not sure if she wanted to be on a call with him or not.

But for some reason, she couldn't end the call, it was almost like she was in a trance that she couldn't get out of.

What are you doing, end the call already, her subconscious scolded, but she couldn't, and then he spoke again,

"Hope you're fine now," He asked again and this time around she couldn't remain quiet.

"I'm fine," Glamour said in a small voice.

"Why am I sounding so small," she asked herself in her head as it felt new to her, but then she was reminded of what transpired between her and her parents.

Knowing that he knew a deeper weakness about her was making Glamour feel small, and even though she despised it, she still couldn't help but sound that way.

"I booked an appointment with Dr Pepper for you, you could start your session after we go to San Francisco," he said and all the feeling of being small was immediately replaced by fury.

"Did I have any conversation about seeing anyone with you," she asked him seething with anger.

"Little Missy, please calm down, didn't you talk with your parents," Dahl asked and that made Glamour felt the urge to smash her phone at the wall, but she couldn't because then she wouldn't be able to give him back her comebacks.

How dare he, try to tell me to calm down.

"Who are you to tell me when to calm down. I don't know what you spoke about with my parents, but you should better not start to imagine anything that you and I know is impossible." Glamour said all in one breathe before adding...

Dahrl smiled to himself at her bravery as he listened to her rants. He was still quiet as she continued to speak.

"You shouldn't imagine that you have any control over my life just because I signed a damned contract with you or whoever it was, the only thing you get and would ever get from all this is the title of being my husband, so you better stop getting ideas that you could be something more," Glamour finished saying and was about to end the call but then she heard him snicker before the line went dead.

Darhl couldn't help but smile at the feisty little miss that had become his wife.

By the time Glamour finished venting out all those words, she was already breathing out in huffs. But even after telling him all that, she still didn't feel any better so she forcefully threw her phone to her Tv, but it missed it and hit the wall above it before shattering to the floor.

I'm gonna make sure that's the last time he's ever going to snicker, she promised herself.

Dharl laid in his room with his hands behind his head after he dropped the call on her. He was still smiling to himself at what his wife had just said.

Maybe getting married to her isn't really that bad an idea because she seems like someone who would stir up just the kind of trouble he needed before he disappears.

However, Darhl couldn't continue to smile for long because he had to go out and get a hold of the situation at hand.

The sun was at its peak at that moment, so he couldn't go out immediately so he decided to just lay back and think things through before sunset.

Glamour on the other hand was still seething with fury as she paced the length of her room back and forth while trying to think of ways she could really kill her husband.

Killing him would right now would only make things easier for him she thought to herself, still pacing back and forth in her room.

Glamour was still pacing back and forth when an idea occurred to her, causing her to stop abruptly.

"Maybe I should make him fall so deeply in love with me, and then I would kill him," She said out loud.

"Yes that's a great idea, I can't wait to see the look on his face when I point my gun to his forehead after his head over heels for me," Glamour concluded.

"Shit!" She shrieked only remembering that she hadn't seen her bag, the one she took to the Bahamas, the one that contained her shotgun.

Shit! Shit!! Shit!!! Glamour yelled a few more times and then started to pace again.

The door to her room opened, but she was consumed by her thought of how doomed she's going to be if Darhl finds that gun or even worst if he tells her parents about the gun.

Maya was the one who opened the door and walked in on Glamour pacing the whole length of her room, so she joined her also and they both started to pace the length of the room together.

"Why are we pacing back and forth"? Maya asked while still pacing, but then Glamour stopped causing her to also stop.

"I think I fucked up real big," Glamour said and went to sit down on her bed.

"Really hit me with the news, did you finally consume alcohol and have a hot night with ya husband," Maya said while coming to sit beside her best friend who stared off into space.

Glamour didn't know when a loud chuckle left her lips at the wild imaginations of her best friend.

But then she stopped laughing after realizing what her friend just insinuated.

"Hell no, Ew I would never, and by never you know I mean not in a million years to come," Glamour exclaimed while squeezing her face at the thought of that ever happening.

"Wait, what would you never do, the alcohol, or a hot steamy night with your hot and handsome husband," Maya asked her friend confusingly...


So ah guys I know you all need frequent updates, so I'm going to try to update at least one chapter a day but you could get two chapters sometimes... Either way, you'll get a chapter every day starting from next month I hope you enjoy your stay ❤❤ I'm going to set an update time so do check out my synopsis for more info.