God of Mischief

"Before I tell you Oliver, there are things I must tell you and I can tell that you're curious," she gave a cocky look as if she was proud that she knew what I was thinking about it.

"There is one thing I want to know, what exactly are you. You are a harpy? But you look different as well as you seem to use different elements.

She quickly got up and stood in front of me, she unfolded her wings and stretched them out, the beautiful blue wings almost spanned the entire room. She stood up straight and said in a majestic voice.

"I am a celestial harpy, a harpy that has transcended the power of normal harpies."

"Did you really need to make it that dramatic," I rolled my eyes, though still extremely intrigued.

"Oh shut up human," she said in disappointment.

"So what does it mean if you're a celestial being, are you just more powerful than a harpy."

"No, a celestial being, such as myself, uses celestial elements. Celestial elements are elements that have been blessed and empowered by the God of Nature. Only celestial beings can wield these elements."

"God of Nature? There are gods in this world," I said, surprised by this new information.

"Before I move on, I have a question for you Oliver," she moved closer to me in suspicion. "You aren't from this world are you?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhh," I moved slightly back, startled by her sudden question as I tried my best to avoid contact with the queen.

"No Your highness, if you are asking this because of my extremely limited knowledge of this world that is because I have recently lost all my memories due to an accident before I met your daughter." I said with a boost of confidence convinced she'll fall for my story as Avem did.

"Ahh you lost your memory I see, but loss of memory is easily fixed by a Dryad or Fairy, I can call one this instant and we can get it fixed right away," though she suggested that she already seemed to know that I was lying by the look on her face.

"Oh that sounds amazing, but unfortunately I am quite scared of Dryads and Fairies as they are mysterious to me, maybe when I am more comfortable we can go ahead with the treatment," I let out a cocky smile determined to keep my lie going, though it didn't really matter.


"Whatever you say," she shrugged as she got ready knowing I was going to ask another question.

"You said there were 4 gods, what are the other three?

She took a deep breath, "The Goddess of Nature is what supplies all races and creatures their elements, they provide each living creature with the power to use her elements and she empowers the elements of those who are Celestial beings, The God of Order like the name says keeps Celestania in order. Though he never interferes with the affairs of Celestania he keeps the world in order through … other means." She said with hesitation as she rolled her eyes.

"Next we have The Goddess of Wisdom, she is the creator of all knowledge we all know and possess, though she doesn't really do much else," the queen started shortening her explanations as it was apparent she was tired of explaining.

She then sat up straight and gave me a serious expression. "Finally we have The God of Mischief, HE is a god that has no purpose. He plays games with our world every so thousand years when he gets bored. But he started to create such problems for our world that even though The God of Order never interferes he decided it was time to seal The God of Mischief for eternity."

"But before The God of Mischief was sealed for eternity he created "something." Something that would keep on with his antics, something that would unnecessarily cause trouble for our world while he was away. That Something is The Entity."

I sat there listening to how The Entity was created and it hit me. Everything that was happening to me, wasn't for a bigger purpose? No bigger scheme at all? All of this was happening to me because The Entity thought it would be fun? The more I thought about it the angrier I got, I clenched my fist and teeth so hard both my hands and lips started to bleed.

"Calm down child, I can tell, you are being toyed with. You are the unfortunate person The Entity chose to torture." Right as she said that she pulled away. "Why did The Entity choose you?"

She then jumped and quickly asked me.

"Oliver, let's get a bit serious here okay, I know you're not from this world. Where you came from doesn't matter to me at this moment, but were you transferred here by The Entity?"

Surprised by her sudden sense of urgency I answered with a quick "Yes it is the one who brought me here"

"That weird magic you used in your fight with Pulli, did it give you this magic, did it give you any other magic?"

Again I responded swiftly but with confusion "Yes, it gave me 4 different magics, including the mana punch which is what I used during my fight with Pulli. Does this mean anything?"

She quickly stood up and started biting her nails, "What is happening here, this has never happened before, what is it planning?"

She quickly looked back at me. "Oliver, I am going to have you stay in the Kingdom of Harpania for a little while longer, don't worry I won't keep you in isolation. I will let you attend school here and learn our ways as well as learn more about this world. I will also let you use the adventurer's guild, this will allow you to go on adventures, but I won't let you take any quests that involve you leaving the Kingdom of Harpania, not yet at least." She said as though she was in an incredible hurry.

I accepted her terms without thinking, almost feeling rushed by her sense of haste. "Yeah that sounds good."

She then smiled at me and left the room with speed and worry. Leaving me there to soak in everything I was told.

"Life in Harpania, huh," I smiled as I looked out the window looking out at the flourishing and active kingdom, maybe I'll be safe for a bit here. Though I still felt confused and in pain, I was somewhat relieved, it almost started to feel like a game again. To attend a school of magic and mythical creatures and go on adventures sounds like a dream to me.

"I hope nothing goes wrong," I let out a nervous chuckle, almost knowing something would go wrong. I still had other questions, like how was she able to stop The Entities magic, but I'll ask her another time. I lay back in bed starting to think about home. Though I know billions of people are watching me everyday, I still miss the people that I care about. Eli and Sophia, I wonder what they think about this situation, I wonder if they are also watching me?

But before I dozed off to sleep, I wondered if I would ever meet them again.