Celestial Viewers


I've always looked up to Oliver, he was incredibly intellectual, always calm in every situation and always looked after me when I needed help. But then he left, out of nowhere. Taken away in an instant and there was nothing I could do about it. Though I still had Sophia I felt lonely.


"GUYS ANOTHER QUEST WAS GIVEN QUICKLY OPEN THE STREAM." As I read the message from the stream chat I fumbled and looked around for my laptop, I opened my laptop in panic. Sophia busted into my room in panic as we both anxiously sat down and started watching the stream, but what we saw was terrifying.

As Oliver read the quest his demeanour changed completely into one of lunacy as he dissolved into madness, he started punching the floor crying, laughing in a spiral of emotions. This wasn't Oliver.

Sophia covered her mouth and gasped in terror as continue looking at Oliver's breakdown in despair. I stare at the screen in dismay as I watch Oliver go insane.

"I'M SORRY PULLI, I'M SO SORRY." As those words came out of the screen my heart sank. This wasn't Oliver, it couldn't be.




"Guys what the fuck is happening."

"God these quests are cruel, bet you guys enjoy this shit you sick fucks xD."



The sound emanated from my tablet, tearing me apart more and more every time I dared to look at the stream.

"This can't be Oliver right Eli? There is no way something is possessing him or something. That can happen in games right? Sophia looked at me with desperation, trying to find some excuse for Oliver's reaction.

"The Entity is fucking with Oliver you know. That BASTARD'S FUCKING WITH HIM. IS THAT NOT OBVIOUS TO YOU!" "AND LOOK AT THESE PEOPLE," I said as I aggressively pointed to the live-stream chat, "THEY ARE ENJOYING HIS PAIN."

Sophia instantly jumped back surprised by my sudden anger. She sobbed as she looked at me in fear.

"I-im sorry Sophia, I didn't mean to get so angry." I went and put my hands on Sophia's shoulder and smiled to help her calm down. She hugged me as we both decided to stop watching, we couldn't take watching Oliver like that anymore.

We headed outside and decided to take a walk and go for some lunch. As we were walking to Non-stop Pizza we noticed Oliver's stream being broadcasted on almost every billboard in London, with hundreds of people surrounding them.

We tried to avoid looking but it was almost impossible. I grabbed Sophia's hand as we ran to the restaurant as fast as possible. We rushed through the door and took a seat.

"So Sophia, do you still like Oliver," I said as I tried to change the mood a bit while purposely trying to ignore her.

"ELI," she blushed and panicked as she threw a tissue at me.

"Wait, you like him, right? Right? " I said with pure confusion doubting my statement.

"Shut up Eli," she said again, looking away.

"Why did you reject him, we all saw how happy you were when he did, so why?" I said while being curious about her answer.

She blushed, she looked at me with hesitation deciding whether or nor she wanted to tell me. She took her black hair and hid them behind her green eyes, as she mumbled

"Because I didn't think I was good enough."

"Sorry, what?"

"BECAUSE I DIDN'T THINK I WAS GOOD ENOUGH," she blushed as she yelled at me, everyone in the restaurant turned their attention to her, she instantly sits back down and hides behind her hair again.

I sit there in silence contemplating what I just heard, then burst out into laughter again grabbing the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

"HAHAHAHAHA," I continued laughing, slapping the table. "I can't believe that's the reason you rejected him, you must be stupid or something."

"Shut up you dufus," she threw another tissue at me as I continued laughing.

We continued to talk about Oliver, and though we were both destroyed by his disappearance we still had fun thinking about all our times together, laughing at his confession to Sophia.

And we wondered to ourselves, when would we see Oliver again? If we would see Oliver again.


"Mr. Oliver, it's time to wake up." I hear a familiar voice speaking as I struggle to wake up.

"Huh, what's going on," I say as I sit up struggling to open my eyes as the blinds are flinged open.

"I am to accompany you from now on Mr. Oliver, it will be my duty to make sure I fulfil your every need." I heard the familiar voice again as I rubbed my eyes trying to make out who it was. I soon made out the lavender-like wings and was confused by her previous statement.

"What do you mean, "take care of my every need," and why do I need a maid following me everywhere?" "Though I am not disappointed by it," I said under my breath.

"The Queen has ordered me to make sure you are safe, as you will be the first and only human attending Gale's Academy of Wind." She said in her usual monotone voice.

"Amazing, I'm so excited," though I said this with sarcasm I was still a little excited about attending another world's school.

She walked over to my bed as I was getting ready to leave my bed, she then tried to pick me up as she did last time.

"WOAH WOAH, what are you doing," I said, startled by her actions as I struggled to get off her grip.

"I am taking you to school, you seemed to enjoy the last time I did this." She let out a very small smile as she looked at me struggling.

"Huh, okay I guess that works, BUT before we go can I change, PLEASE." I picked up the uniform she left on the bed as she was trying to wake up. I also thought to myself, is this going to fit me?

"Of course," she said as she just dropped me on the floor.

"Yeah thanks a lot for that." She continued to smile as she walked to the edge of the room waiting for me to change.

Annoyed by her "playful" actions I thought it would be funny if I tested out one of my abilities on her. King of Familiars, sounds like a really cool ability that I haven't been able to test.

10 minutes later…

Now at the time, I wasn't really thinking. I am supposed to be smart, right? Yeah apparently that disappeared the moment I arrived on this fucking world. As I continue to remember my stupidity I stare at Venus and think.

"Of course it went wrong."