Chapter 11_ Criminal

While the atmosphere at the hangar was oppressive, it was quite the opposite in the Manager's office.

Manager Justina was seated across Rosalina gossiping, eating cookies, and drinking tea with her. She had heard stories about how favored the last child of the Peters family was and had upon hearing she was going to pass through her hangar, had decided to curry favor with her.

Rosalina was not hard to impress unlike her elder sister and she had a delightful composition. Justina believed that if she was able to successfully integrate herself with Rosalina then she would have power in her hands.

She could always make use of the gullible Rosalina to get out of trouble. After all, she was the princess everyone listened to; even Raine would have to consider her feelings before doing anything which was why she had decided it was more important to cater to Rosalina instead of Raine.

While both of them were in the middle of extreme laughter, the door to the office was pushed open abruptly by Rosalina's maid.

"Who dared to open..." Justina's speech was cut off by Lilith as she kowtowed on the floor.


"Young Miss! Young Mistress has ordered me to bring you. She said...she ssss-aaa-id!" Lilith stammered.

"My elder sister is here?!" Rosalina shouted as she stood up and began to pick her handbag in excitement. She hadn't seen her elder sister for over a year now and she had missed her terribly.

Although her sister hardly changed her facial expression and had been diagnosed by her to have facial paralysis, Rosalina knew deep in her heart that Raine cared for and spoiled her the most.

From the moment she knew her left from her right and could understand the things that were going on, Rosalina had known that she and her elder brother had always been protected by Raine.

Raine voluntarily suffered for them and was punished for many of their mistakes. Rosalina had learned to be less mischievous when she had noticed Raine was always getting the heat for their offences.

She had also wanted to, in her own way, protect her elder sister and her elder brother Raymond, had probably tried to do the same by going into medicine instead of the family business. There would have undoubtedly been comparisons between them if he had also gone into the business world.

She was about to march out of the room in her excitement when Lilith started to weep. Confused she looked back at her.

"Young Mistress called you a criminal and said I should bring you out to her."

The bag Rosalina held dropped to the floor and she swayed as her face lost its hue. Justina held onto her before she could fall and took hold of her opportunity.

She had nearly panicked when she saw how agitated Rosalina was to see her beloved sister. She had thought that she had lost her only chance to have won her over but on seeing the serious expression Rosalina's maid had been wearing, she had believed that she might have been lucky enough to have another chance and she had gotten her turning point. Everything now depended on how well she could make use of this new opportunity.

"Criminal?! How could the miss of the Peters family be a criminal? Lilith, you must gave heard it wrong. Ms. Raine definitely wouldn't call her baby sister a criminal. No sister would do that!!!" Justina said as she tried to sow a seed of doubt in Rosalina's heart towards Raine's feelings for her.

Lilith stood up with a tremble and showed forth what was in her hands; handcuffs.

The room was deadly silent for a while before Justina roared in anger. "Miss Rose! She doesn't deserve your love and affection. She doesn't deserve to be your sister at all! You traveled here all excited to see her but she returned your feelings with hate and suspicion!"

Rosalina bent her head for two seconds and lifted it, her eyes were all red and teary but she smiled. "I do not blame my dear sister. Thank you for taking care of me, Ms. Justina. I won't forget you when I'm back. We might gave met for only a few minutes but you even tried to stand up for me. Thank you so much."

"Miss Rose..."

"Justina, can I call you that? Just call me Lina from now on. All my friends call me that."

Justina faked tears of gratitude and held on to Rosalina's hands. "It's my honor to be called your friend Lina!"

"Miss..." Lilith urged.

"Here, handcuff me, Lilith. You cannot disobey a direct order from the Young Mistress." Rosalina said with a beautiful smile and Lilith couldn't stop crying out.

She couldn't bring herself to handcuff her master but just like Rosalina had said, she couldn't afford to disobey the Young Mistress as well. Moreover, she had been done for nearly ten minutes now. If she didn't produce Rosalina soon then even she might be taken into custody for aiding and abetting.

With tears, she handcuffed her master and began to escort her out. Just as they were about to go out of the office, Justina shouted. "Wait! Let me...let me follow you out. I know I don't have the power to help you but still, this is my territory so she should give a bit of face to me right?"

Both Lilith and Rosalina turned towards her with grateful expressions. But Justina didn't know that they were thinking different things entirely.

Rosalina was grateful because she had a friend who would willingly become a scapegoat for her and Lilith was happy as Raine's undivided attention would be on Justina instead of her master.

However, Justina thought they were happy because she was showing even more support as a friend so she began to beam as well. She believed that she had successfully won Rosalina's heart. All that was left was to wait for Raine to stupidly break her heart, even more, then she could swoop in and control her completely.

Her perfect plan had already sown its seeds and it would soon be time to harvest the fruit of her labor.