Chapter - IX

Interrupted by a mysterious figure, Alec. The power dynamic shifted, and tensions rose as the seeker found themselves in the crosshairs of danger. A man shrouded in the veil of a black suit; his gaze fixed upon us. In a swift move, he stood between me and Lou, his face adorned with an enigmatic grin. His attention turned to Lucas, his tone grave with an undertone of mystery that left me wondering.

Lucas' response was curt, commanding me and Lou to retreat into the safety of the black SUV, where a team of guards in matching black suits sat. The air buzzed with a palpable sense of danger, and the powerful auras of the people around me were overwhelming.

Amongst them, Alec stood out, his cold demeanor and piercing gaze sending a shiver down my spine. He was standing right in front of me, I retorted with a sharp comeback, my temper flaring up. "Get Away!"

In the tension of the moment, my words triggered a reaction that left me gasping in surprise. Guns were raised, pointing towards me, as if accusing me of a crime. The world spun, and I was left wondering, "What the hell?!"

As their guns neared my trembling form, fear consumed me, and I let out a gulp. I couldn't fathom "what I had done to provoke their ire." My anger rose, and I snapped at them, demanding an explanation. But to my dismay, their grip only tightened, and I felt their gun graze the tips of my being. My eyes darted towards Alec, and I implored him to calm his men.

His cold, emotionless gaze studied my face, assessing my panic. He raised his hand, and his followers backed down. "Character defines the person," he said in his sinister voice, and I knew I had lost. I looked at Lou, who looked at me sympathetically and her expression was, not to mess with this guy.

"I'm Alec," he stated, his hand outstretched. I hesitated for a moment before reaching out, and his hands engulfed mine. Though there were no sparks but his aura creeping me out, his men reminded him of about my trespassing earlier that night.

"Your Highness, pardon me, but she's the one who committed this offense tonight. Apologies, we were unable to find the person present at that time with her" one of his men spoke up hurriedly, bowing before him. But Alec's gaze remained locked with mine.

"What brought you here?" he asked, his tone direct. I shambled as soon as I heard his follower stating that there was someone with me. 

I ignored the Alec, and asked his man to tell me more about the person but the guns remind me of not to ignore him. So, I turned towards him and Who, pray tell, is this enigmatic figure? One does not dare to cross his path, lest they invite the wrath of his trained retinue. These soldiers of fortune, experts of their craft, stood with unwavering loyalty by his side. Such a realization stirred unease within, for how could one who might share the same age as I possess such an imposing force? Alas, a weary sigh escaped, for such comparisons bear no fruit. It is best to avert the mind's eye and leave such thoughts to the winds.

"What drew me here, is that your premise? Why don't you put an audible warning siren here?" I exclaimed, but my words were met with the cold steel of Alec's guards, ready to strike at a moment's notice. 

As the seconds ticked by, Alec's hand reached into the depths of his pocket, retrieving a resplendent rose of otherworldly beauty. He cast it forth with all his might, its enchanting aura trailing behind it as it soared toward the castle. Suddenly, the air was pierced with the blaring wails of alert sirens, and a wave of terror washed over me as the guards trained their weapons in my direction. My words stumbled over each other as I sought to explain my unforeseen intrusion, my voice trembling with fear. "I swear, I had no idea how this came to pass!"

Suddenly, I felt a jolt of pain and fell to the ground, my heart pounding in fear. What had just happened?