Yongua Lab and Casualties

Alexander has called a reporter as a counter measure to what Owen had just done. He doesn't really like talking to reporters but because of what Owen said, he was forced by the leader of Altair to make an announcement to the reporters.

"Good morning sir Alexander Altair." Stiles greeted

"Mister Morningstar, Its good to finally meet you again." Alexander said

Stiles looked around the place and notice that this room is different from the last time he had came in here, he thinks that it is way cleaner. He just cleared his thoughts and eventually start talking about the clearing of god's city.

"Well before we go off topic, the main reason I called you here is because I want to make an official statement in response to what Owen said about our company. It is true that Mister has been our subject without his consent but it was all an accident, someone has infiltrated our lab and made a copy of one of our greatest scientist mister Oogami's research and we believe that the someone I'm talking about is who turned Alex Pine into what he is right now." Alexander said

From the door nearby, John is stopping himself from barging in as he don't want to get fired but due to what he just heard, it seems that he hasn't been given credit by the research he also worked on for five years.

'That damn muscle-head,' John thought while clenching his fist

Alexander can feel John hiding on the other side of the door but he just continue on talking with the reporter because he thinks that a wimp like John wont be able to do anything bad against him.

"Do you have any evidence to support this?" Stiles asked

"Yes, Of course." Alexander then pulled a yellow envelope from the table on his left. "here." Alexander gave Stiles the envelope.

"These are lawsuits filed days ago... and pictures of the person coming to a lab, is this your company's lab." Stiles asked

"Yes it is, it's from Yonguan city the ones near city of plants." Alexander said

Stiles just nodded thinking that this evidence just proves the idea of things being misunderstood but unbeknownst to him is that John has prepared those just in case someone doesn't give him credit and Alexander just made good use of it by using it as false evidence.

"I understand now why you personally asked me here, you want to clear the misunderstanding that Alex thinks." Stiles said

"Yes, I apologize on behalf of the whole Altair." Alexander said trying to sound a bit more pitiful

"I'm sure Mister Pine would understand that." Stiles said

The two shook hands and Stiles proceeded to head to the door close to them. He opened the door and was surprised seeing a person that for him looks bland. He just apologized thinking the door has hit the person and continued his way out.

"What are you doing here John?" Alexander asked

"I just want to know how things went." John's voice started to crack

"You don't have to worry about a thing, the interview went well." Alexander said and waved his hand backwards indicating that John must leave.

The doors closed and a female staff remained in the room with Alexander. Alexander pulled the woman and started kissing her aggressively. The woman is somewhat hurt due to Alexander's grip but she doesn't dare complain, all she could do is shed a tear.

'Thank god that bitch is gone, I would now be able to indulge myself with other hotties.' Alexander thought

Back at Mick's house, The atmosphere has totally changed and the 5 and a half people on the room is just standing in the middle of the dining room due to the tension rising between Astolfo and Quinn.

"Owen, How much is this place?" Quinn asked as he unleashes a menacing aura stopping most of everyone's movements.

"Hey you rich-kid, we won't sell this house!" Brian said as he went in the middle of Astolfo and Quinn

"Alex said around 90k excluding the current renovations at the backyard." Owen said

"Did Alex really said that! How could that gloomy fuck-face, how the hell could he just do that! We both grew up here and now he's just planning to sell it!" Brian said

"I believe Quinn isn't planning to buy this place but rather, he wants to pay for the damage he might cause. Am I right Mr. Huesa?" Astolfo said with a grin showing up on his face

"H-Huesa? As in the missing and remaining member of the Huesa family?! Damn this whole meeting is just about to go down! I should call Tyler so he'll manage to witness this." Brian said and starts dialing a friend's phone number

"Looks like Brian and Tyler is just about to get a new gossip material." Alex said

'Who's Tyler?' Owen asked

"A friend of ours." Alex replied

"Yea, You are right." Quinn said with the air around him completely turning red, blood drops could be seen mixing with it.

The door opened and it was revealed to be Mick and Ayesha holding groceries.

"Holy Mother of Jesus, what is happening here?!" Mick shouted

"I never thought things would go like this." Ayesha mumbled

Quinn covered his aura when he saw two new people came in from the door. He also considers what might possibly happen if a person who's on his 50's saw the side of his house torn to shreds.

"Too bad, I thought I might be able to see a glimpse of your power." Astolfo said now frowning

'What's with all these people Alex is with?' Mick thought

"I know Quinn is strong but we shouldn't just force him to destroy someone else's property." Amyrtha said

"Wow the annoying girl spoked out." Alex said

"Alex just called you annoying." Owen said

Amyrtha stared Owen in the eye and all of a sudden, Owen's head was slammed to the table to hard Owen's face even kissed the floor making it crack.

"Sweet Jesus, I just got that fixed the other day!" Mick said