
As soon as the villagers were either killed or pushed back the leader of the blood sect group made a split decision in order to not be caught up in the chaos.

He grabbed one of the injured villagers and used them as a shield and ordered. "Go around the range of the spears. Half of you go left and another half split up to the right. Go around them and reach the top and then attack them from even ground."

The group immediately began to split among the blood sect group while the villagers continued to push forward with their remaining men.

Since they were close enough the remaining men at the back managed to run at a fast speed after dropping the ladder in their hands.

The leader picked up the ladder and threw it towards the direction of the spear bearers.

The blood sect group of the right and left side managed to make their way around and got close to the top.

Ki saw the change of strategy but did not panic and ordered from the back of the spear formation. "Focus your arrows on the front! I want four spear bearers to the left and four to the right. The two remaining will continue their job in the middle to deal with the remaining people who are getting close. Rashida you assist the right and Marilyn on the left to make up for their gaps or their larger numbers. I will assist the smaller group."

Soon it became a four vs four confrontation on both sides while Marilyn and Rashida stood behind to watch for opportunities to assist.

In the front the two spear bearers pushed the remaining people back but there were four villagers still remaining along with the group leader and the village head.

One more spear killed another villager when suddenly the body was grabbed from behind pushing the body further up the hill and further up the pole of the spear.

The weight of the body increased because of this and made it more difficult for the spear to be removed without having to step back.

Ki shouted from behind. "Fire!"

Another rain of arrows fell onto the group of invaders who now seemed to be heavily fatigued.

Ki noticed this and smiled after counting their remaining forces. 'Three remain among the villagers who seem to have arrow wounds on their bodies and suffer from fatigue. It's finally taking effect on the last ones. The only remaining threats in this group are the village head and the blood sect group leader. He seems to have a much higher vitality so he must be a recruiter if I could catch him it will be very useful later to make a contribution towards the martial alliance.'

Outside of the blood sect there are different ranks among their men that are scattered among the lands, their power or their rank is usually rated as grunts or new recruits among those who work under or are recruited by someone.

If the grunt grows in power or rank they will be allowed to become a recruiter and officially be allowed to set up their own network of their own people or form a group.

A recruiter is given little information about the sect and it's details but in order to report on their actions and who they have recruited they have to either meet a handler or drop their information off at a drop off point.

A handler is usually a blood sects official member who is in charge of collecting information for the sect and handling the outer recruiters.

Eventually the information gets passed to the sects elders or high ranking leaders from there.

This is to prevent a leak of the sects location and to also keep track of its outer members but also to enforce their rule over those who break their taboos.

In the past life Marilyn broke one or two of their taboos by giving Ki the blood sects martial arts without informing their recruiter or a handler about it.

She also betrayed them by acting alone when the recruiter ordered her not to take any actions within Wolfden city but she still acted and ended up being hunted for it.

Thanks to her actions Ki avoided being used as their tool for many years and could freely grow without them forcing their intentions on her, this made it easy to make herself a new identity as a recruit from a dead recruiter and enter the sect at a later date.

Seeing the bodies fall back after the arrows fell, Ki moved forward and kicked the dead body backwards with some force which allowed the spear bearer to remove their spear.

Ki quickly retreated and soon another spear thrust was executed by the two masked spear bearers.

Again the pierced people were pushed into the spears and yelled in pain.

Ki frowned upon seeing the village head and the blood sects recruiter acting so ruthlessly. 'Although they worked hard to recruit so many of the villagers in the end nothing is more important than their own lives. Of course they would discard them in times of danger.'

"Fire!" Another rain of arrows fell down upon the pierced bodies which quickly died.

The remaining village head and blood sect recruiter and a final surviving villager finally neared their targets to stab at the spear bearers but soon Ki acted by pulling on one of their clothes.

Soon the masked person holding a spear fell backwards out of the range of the fatal attack from the blood sects recruiter.

Ki took up a fighting stance and stared towards the blood sects recruiter. 'So this is what you look like. The very person who lead the charge to slaughter my family in my previous life. You all looked like scary demons back then… but now even as I look up to you I do not fear you.'

Ki's stance was a little loose but her keen eyes remained sharply fixed on her enemy. "Handle the remaining two of them on your own. Kill or subdue I don't care but I will handle the leader."

The blood sects recruiter looked at the brave little girl holding a sword in front of him with a look of astonishment.p but then glinted with murderous intent. 'So much of the information provided couldn't be any more wrong. Even after all of this effort and blood spilled we finally reached the top and have yet to pass the final wall… and didn't they say the family had no one who practices martial arts? This girl clearly seems well versed with combat and isn't easily shaken which is rare for someone her age.'

Ki did not seem moved or affected by his murderous intent and firmly fixed her eyes on her target. "Don't worry, I won't kill you so you just surrender or I will capture you myself."

"Haha!" The blood sect recruiter laughed at the small child. "How cute. So very naive… Do you honestly believe you can subdue me without killing me? I can heal from any wound."

'Although he is fighting off the poison with his stronger Qi in order to remain standing he still stubbornly advances forward.' Ki smirked and replied quickly. "Fine then don't say I didn't warn you."

Suddenly a sword was swung downwards at Ki who narrowly sidestepped it sword path.

"Such a simple sword swing won't do anything for you in this fight." Ki stepped into the a closer range of the blood sect leader with loose and staggering movements until her sword turned along with her body and pierced into the wrist of the recruiter. "You may heal from wounds but what about the bones, muscles and tendons or even the internal organs? Even if you do heal them to some extent there will be remaining after effects that will cause problems for your movements or your health for the rest of your life."

One of the hands of the recruiter holding the sword loosened his grip on the sword but luckily he still had enough strength to hold onto it with his other hand and began to retreat in order to get back his bearings.