Dark and twisted thoughts

In essence, I was striving to become a battlemage. They were people proficient in fighting with both melee weapons and offensive magic. This would maximise the effectiveness of the two things I specialised in. MMA and Magic. This was something I had been wracking my brain about for a long time. I liked fighting hand to hand. I had never been extremely fond of standing far away and casting spells on repeat like a turret.

Don't get me wrong, that is great and all, but it lacks the thrill. There wasn't the UMPH that gets my blood pumping the way MMA and close combat does. This little interaction just now brought me more adrenaline and enjoyment than freezing the entire student body. It all came down to personal preference.

As I walked out of the field I was stared at by the entire class at this point. I had already undone the strengthening magic, so I was back to my normal self. But the shock of seeing someone blast two beasts into a barrier might be a tad too shocking for their small brains.

I couldn't blame them, although magic had infinite uses, wizards and witches of today only apply less than 1% of it. it's like their minds are too small to comprehend, and be creative enough, to harness the limitless possibilities in front of them. Or maybe it was too hard for them. I didn't have that problem since I had the creators of magic next to my ear giving me the ins and outs of everything.

I guess it was only a matter of time before my name is written down in the history books for the introduction of more than a dozen new spells and charms that will blow the wizarding world's gates wide open. I didn't really care to withhold it since most of it was watered down versions. And by watered down I meant 1 part my creation, 99 parts water. It had to be this way; wizards were simply too weak to handle the full power of all my creations.

As far as I knew, Wizards had never opened their minds to the possibility of battlemages. It really is disappointing; all this potential and humans are too dumb to understand. Maybe it's due to me living in the muggle world. Maybe this should be made compulsory for all wizarding kind. That way they can vastly expand their horizons. Only then can magic truly lift-off and spread its wings.

Sadly, that idea posed too many problems that would be hard to navigate around. Nor did I care to improve the lives or the understanding of magic for others. A frog in a well will only ever see the small portion of the vast sky. That is due to their constant seclusion and hiding. Something that cannot be changed because humans are disgusting creatures.

Driven by greed, they harm anyone and everything that impedes them from getting what they want. A sad reality I am truly disappointed with. If muggles knew the secrets of magic, their incompetent selves will be driven mad with jealousy. Most will aim to eradicate wizards under the idea of 'if I can't have it, no one can.'

Some countries will begin genetic experimentation using the bodies of the living and dead wizards to synthesise and discover the secrets. If there even is any secret to unearth. If that were to happen, I would eradicate the muggles once and for all. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against muggles, but the jealousy induced fervour for what they cannot have will cause irreparable damage to the planet. If that was the case, I would destroy the muggles and keep the wizards. That way not only is the issue of global warming fixed but so is the increasing man-made pollution that suffocates our planet and the dark and depraved filth that haunts the underbelly of society that everyone seems to forget even exists.

Although wizards are naïve and lack common sense, they hold something I could never give up. They hold magic! And magic trumps muggles. I would hate to be the only wizard left on the planet. That would simply be boring. So I would either create a virus that wipes out any that doesn't have the magic gene or create one that wipes the memories of wizards from their minds and turn things back to the way things were. A bit radical, but I have come to realise that magic is something I am not willing to give up. I will protect its survival in this world even if it means becoming the dragon of chaos.

[That's a bit much. I think you're getting carried away… no… I think this is Achlys unconsciously influencing you. I need to increase my power output; it seems I can't slack off.] he said seriously.

I was startled awake by his words.

{Well I'm not doing it on purpose, this just happens. I'm not a good guy after all. His thoughts influenced the dark magic coursing through his body.} he said casually.

I pondered over their words. This was not the first time something like this has happened. My tyrannical behaviour during my weeks in America, assaulting the professor, and now these thoughts that a part of me wants to indulge in. a murderous part of me. It's an interesting yet terrifying prospect. But I can't help but half agree with my reasoning earlier. Although radical, magic had become more important. And if it came down to a war between muggles and wizards where only one side remained, I would vaporise the muggles in an instant.

As I felt myself falling for the seductive thought once more a soothing feeling came from the depths of my soul. I knew it was Drak protecting me again. But it felt stronger, almost double as strong as before. Achlys seemed to be gaining more and more strength, but so was Drak. It seemed that his training had taken another leap forward.

As I plunged my consciousness into my mind space, a surprising scene appeared in front of me. Drak's arms were no longer this abyssal black that radiated evil but an awe-inspiring golden-white that inspired peace and tranquillity. Before it was simply his claws. This showed that his transformation was indeed progressing. But when I looked over at Achlys a shiver ran down my spine.

Purple eyes glowed in the darkness as wisps of black and red smoke-like substance were emitted from his body. The inside of his parted mouth glowed purple, and his body was so dark it devoured the light coming from Drak. Yet his darkness was also being suppressed and cornered, unable to expand. They were back to being in a stalemate.

[There, now you shouldn't be affected by it. I will remain diligent in my training so that you're not affected again. But I think the Cherokee devil professor will prove to be much more important than we had initially thought. The higher the level of your occlumency, the less Achlys will be able to influence you.] He said seriously.

I nodded with a pensive look before being brought back to the real world where Percival was once again waving his hand right in my face.