Hidden Fantasy-A Werewolf's Obsession

Chapter 29-Alessia

I began running towards my locker, hoping to pack my things, and leave happily. My entire mood shifted as soon as I got to my locker. Micheal, who had an irritated expression on his face, was waiting for me beside my locker. I proceeded to my locker, pretending he wasn't there at all. I started removing my books as quickly as I could, then stuffed them into my bag and started walking away. Micheal suddenly grabbed my arm and forced me into a storage room, which he then locked.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?" As I rose to my feet, I screamed at him.

"Having a fun time with my fiance, what do you think?" He continued approaching me with a chuckle. I attempted to establish a force field right away, but it didn't work even in my lowest moments. Micheal appeared in front of me, wearing a look on his face that I recognised all too well. I summoned all of the feelings in my gut just before he was about to ruin me. I was thinking about everything that had occurred to me, every detail, as wildfires erupted all around me. I levitated in the air in an instant, my eyes were ablaze. Micheal turned around, startled by my appearance.

"You're…You're a Guardian" He roared just as I wailed so forcefully that he dropped to his knees and shrieked in agony.

"You tried to assault me, but I'll show you what happens to animals like you," I yelled as I sent a massive blast of energy at him, propelling him across the whole building. I immediately collapsed to my knees in misery, knowing that I had just averted something that might have destroyed my life forever, but something much worse was on my thoughts.

Micheal was now aware of my identity as a Guardian. I rose after a few minutes of lying there and began strolling towards the car park, where I would get into my car and drive home. I gulped as I approached the front door and noticed the board. People might volunteer to help with Devora's funeral, which would be held in two days. My thoughts suddenly flashed back to the time she saved my life, and I began heading towards the board to sign my name.

I reluctantly approached my car and got in, knowing that my father would find out my long-kept secret at any moment. My mind was racing with possibilities the entire drive. I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I nearly ran over a group of individuals. When I got to our house, I parked my car in the garage and started strolling inside. I shut the doors in the hopes of delaying Micheal's actions for a few days. Before anything else could happen, I needed to assist Noah. When I headed upstairs, the first thing I could see was him.

I slowly injected the antidote into him, praying that it would work and that he would be well. Then came the most difficult part: waiting. I remained by his side, hoping for him to wake up, but he never did. Suddenly I approached my balcony and peered down to see someone throwing stones on my windowsill. I gasped when I looked properly and recognised that it was Logan with a huge smile on his face.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered as I looked back hoping that Dad wasn't going to enter.

"I've got to show you something!" He roared in excitement as his grey eyes sparkled in joy.

"Can't it wait until the morning?" I asked him with a yawn.

"Come on!" He replied. Hesitantly I walked inside and grabbed my coat and began to descend the balcony landing in Logan's arms. We looked at each other awkwardly as he tightened his grip on me causing me to shiver slightly from the weirdness.

"Sorry," he whispered quite so that I could smell his breath, which smelled like fresh peppermint, which I thought was interesting.

"It's OK," I said as I began to slide out of his arms and clean my jeans on the ground.

"Let's get going!" Logan screamed, pointing to a flashing white Rolls Royce Ghost parked close. I was about to pass out from the stress of having to go to the location Logan wanted to show me when my hand accidentally touched something inside my pocket.

"I've got a better method to get there," I said as I took out the crystal and explained what it was and how it worked to Logan. I handed the ball to him once I finished, and he crushed it to the ground. A circular turquoise doorway sprang from nowhere, causing sparks to ignite throughout.

"Are you prepared?" Logan questioned as he extended his hand for me to touch.

"Yes," I said, beaming as I took his hand in mine and went through the portal together. Logan grabbed my eyes and rendered me unable to see as we exited the portal.

"What's going on, Logan?" I inquired, attempting to take in my surroundings. Logan suddenly got so near to me that I could feel his warmth in my ear, making all my hairs stand straight and my heart race.

"Do you trust me?" He questioned in such hushed tones that it made me shudder. I immediately began looking for the correct answer, but nothing came to me.

"Yes," I said quietly, hoping that was the correct response.

I gasped as he put his hand on my waist and began walking with me towards a destination. We came to a halt in our tracks causing me to feel uncertain.

"Are you prepared?" He inquired.

"Yes," I murmured as Logan pulled go of my eyes and I squeaked in surprise. Logan had brought me to a skyscraper, I noticed as I gazed about. As night rose, the skyscraper lit up one window at a time, ever-changing through the starlit moments as if it were music for the eyes. The skyscraper was the metal and glass, the stories that grow within it are up to us. A stage, after all, is but a stage awaiting soles. Instantly beams of light ignited the city pathways as if we were in a great and ancient forest.

A visual lullaby for my eyes.

"Do you like it?" Logan enquired as we approached me and he rested his head on my shoulder.

"It's fantastic!" I yelled as I took in the breathtaking vista.

"You haven't even seen the greatest part yet," Logan added, laughing heartily.

As sparks flew, a sizzling sound like a sausage in a frying pan erupted, and a brilliant light grew in the centre. A blast of flame and a rocket the size of a man's headshot into the sky, swaying in its path and appearing to come to a standstill at the summit of its reach. Boom! With a garish display of vivid colours, the skull burst in an infinitesimal fraction of a second. The scent of gunpowder pervaded the area, reminding me of the war stories my father used to tell me when I was a kid. As we inhaled lung-burning chemicals through a dispersing vapour of smoke, I attempted to smile up through tear-filled eyes. It was a supernova that lit up the sky. The densely packed colours within displayed a brilliant, exhilarating spectrum of colours that touched every receptor in my eye.

This was a memory I wanted to have for the rest of my life.

"Logan, this is incredible," I said as I turned to see him beaming.

He answered with a grin, "I did this for you."

"You mean the display was just for me?" I was taken aback by Logan's statement.

Logan scratched the back of his head in bashful and answered, "Yeah, it was."

"Thank you," I murmured as I leapt towards him and kissed him on the cheek. Logan was stunned and remained frozen for a second.

As I let go, I noticed that he had turned a brilliant crimson colour.

"I'm going to get going," I said as I smashed a crystal to the ground opening a portal immediately.

"These are for you," I told him as I handed him a tiny bag of crystals.

"Will you see me tomorrow?" He inquired, a little hesitantly.

"Yes," I responded as I headed back to my room via the portal, my heart still racing from the excitement. I grinned as I walked back into my room, thinking that maybe Noah might wake up for me, but he didn't the rest of the night.

Early in the morning, tears welled up in my eyes as I realised the potion had failed. Slowly, I made my way onto my balcony and sat in one of the chairs outside, watching as the dark sky turned a flaming red as the sun rose and glowed brightly above everything.

I remained motionless as Noah's options continued to diminish, but I wasn't about to surrender. Suddenly, an inspiration occurred to me. Perhaps I didn't need to understand vampires to cure him. Perhaps if I began researching Guardians, I could utilise my abilities to heal him. Joyfully, I began to change my clothes, believing that by practising my magic, I would be able to locate the Vampire who had injured Noah and save him. On top of a little black dress, I changed into a small blue checkered top. I stepped out of the room, my coat on top, praying to God that my new plan would succeed.

I hurried down the stairwell, terrified that Micheal had told Dad about my secret, but when I arrived, he was still lying on the table, surrounded by numerous sheets. My heart began to slow down as I hoped Dad would settle now.

I was gone after a quick coffee and breakfast. I rummaged around the garage, deciding which vehicle I would drive today. Finally, I decided on a black sports car for today, and while I drove to the Academy, I kept thinking about Noah's solution. He had been there for me when I needed him, and now it was my turn to be there for him.

As soon as I walked into the Academy, I noticed that the environment was different today, but I assumed it was due to my thoughts for the day. Mr Jackson greeted me with a happy grin just as I was about to stroll towards the Cafeteria.

"After school today, Alessia, we'll be preparing Devora's funeral." He informed me, "I see you volunteered," as he clutched a clipboard in his hand.

"Yeah, I'm coming," I answered as I started walking slowly towards the cafeteria, tears streaming down my face. I surprisingly ran across Logan, who appeared to be in a good mood.

His grey eyes twinkled as he said, "Hey."

As we entered the Cafeteria, I commented, "You appear to be in a good mood." He asked me a question as we started heading up the stairs to Floor 2.

"How about I pick something out for you today?" With a touch on my shoulder, he remarked, "You seem to be drinking a lot of caffeine these days."

As we reached the stations, I chuckled and said, "You have good taste, so yeah." As Logan went to get our drinks, I sat down on a chair. It made me pleased to know that he was comforting me because Noah wasn't here.

I gasped when someone grabbed my shoulder, and I immediately assumed it was Micheal. I spun around, fists raised, and shrieked. Olivia was standing in front of me. She embraced me passionately without saying anything.

"I've been missing you so much," she said as she cradled me in her arms.

"What are you doing here?" I remarked, my tone was inquisitive. She let go instantly, and before I could even ask her a question, she spoke.

"We've been researching Ravana, and we believe the map to the Bloodstone is just here," she exclaimed as she hurried away. What had just transpired astounded me, and I stood there speechless. Logan walked up to me with a smile and drinks in his hand. I accepted one and expressed my gratitude.

"Do you want to join me in the library?" With a sense of optimism, I queried.

"Sure," he said with a smirk, and then I gave him a tremendous smile, and we both burst out laughing. Logan told me he was going to show me a book he'd been checking out when we got to the library. I immediately began looking for a clean spot and discovered one near a window in the corner. I sat down and began placing my beverage and booklets on the desk when someone called from behind me. I turned back and took a deep breath. Olivia, Aiden, and a slew of other werewolves stood across from me, huddled around a table beside me.

I smiled at Olivia but didn't even glance at Aiden.

"What a coincidence!" I falsely rejoiced, hoping that the ground would open up and swallow me whole.