Hidden Fantasy-A Werewolf's Obsession

Chapter 47-Noah & Aiden

I sat on the bench once more, tears flowing down my cheeks, just as Alessia departed. Isn't it possible that I could have stopped her? I suppose I could have begged her to remain, but would that have been considered selfish?

The immensity of my wailing was as if the soul might spill an ocean through the eyes. All of my grief erupted like a tsunami, uncontrollably and unexpectedly. My sadness came in waves, and the first ones are so powerful that you feel completely carried away. They appear at the most inopportune times, eclipsing a sense of normalcy with those familiar tears. However, after time, those waves recede, allowing positive memories to pour in instead, allowing waves of smiles and warmth, as well as those hilarious or nice things uttered. The periods when we were joyful as two friends were impenetrable, but relationships can weaken over time, and that's when the darkness emerges. Creatures of the night try to shatter that deep tie between two people, but occasionally it does, just like it did between me and Alessia. We were so happy until the Vampires and Werewolves arrived, and it hurts me so much. Knowing that we only had so much time together, I was grateful that we were able to fill every minute with memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life, and that I hope she will as well. The days when we laughed till we couldn't breathe, the days when I was a shoulder to weep on or the other way around, and the days when we were just there for each other as equals.

But I knew this day would come, the day when death would separate us, for death is one thing that no one can avoid. Isn't that the case...?


I clutched her securely in my arms, never letting go. The combat continued, but we were surrounded by a force field which I had managed to establish from one of the potions inside Alessia's pocket. Blood was continually gushing from her wounds, and I couldn't even tell whether she had a pulse. The worst struck me. Death. My legs began to quiver instantly as I was terrified of the reality that was remaining inside my thoughts.

I begged, "Come back to me, Alessia," into her lifeless body, believing she might hear me. Fortunately, I saw that we were finally nearing the cave with the Bloodstone as I peered in front of me. I knew the object that created her was the only thing that could help her. But could a person be brought back to life by the Bloodstone? I prayed it could, I imagined to myself. I shoved that notion out of my brain, determined to get to the cave, but it kept reappearing inside of me like a haunting. My eyes were swollen from the tears that were continually streaming out of them, forming chaotic waves. I'd never been able to let her go, but she'd abandoned me. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of travelling, we arrived at the cave, which was shining softly inside which seemed to be awaiting us.

"Nearly there," I murmured to her as I started hurtling towards the cave entrance, but just as I was about 5cm away, an outburst so tremendous that it knocked both me and Alessia to the ground, shattering the force field apart like a bolt of lightning. Suddenly, mist engulfed the cave entrance, obscuring me, but I could make out people emerging through what appeared to be a portal. I nearly forgot about Alessia, who was unconscious on the floor, since my mind was so engrossed in the unfamiliar members. I knelt alongside her right away and did the only thing I could.

I started hammering Alessia's chest as if it were a dummy, exposing all of my raw strength.

"I don't believe that'll work," a familiar voice said, rocking my entire body. I immediately turned around to see Olivia with someone I didn't recognise. It clicked as his grey eyes began to blaze ferociously with long sharp white teeth. A Vampire.

"What's going on, Olivia?" In a raging tone, I questioned her. As I pushed her away, she proceeded to approach me aggressively and rubbed her finger across my face in a playful motion.

"What in the world are you thinking?! I hissed slightly as I displayed my teeth and shouted at her, "Remember your place."

"I've loved you all this time and you didn't even realise it because you were blinded by your love for this girl," she said softly, pointing to Alessia.

"Can you tell me what you're saying?" I reacted fiercely, letting her know what would happen if she said it again.

"Aiden, I adored you. Since the moment I joined the pack, I've been dedicated to you and only you. However, your eyes were constantly drawn to Stella. That filthy beta who didn't deserve your affection but received it. I was sickened by the sight of you two together all the time, so I killed her in the most heinous manner conceivable. I hung her upside down and put a hook over both of her legs, and I did it over and over as her body began to mend. Like the agony, she inflicted on me when she loved you. You know, she did ask for you when she was dying, but she didn't say anything after I burnt her to ashes and you never saw her again. Sheer vindication for the wicked" As my rage began to surge within of me, she shouted, laughing wildly, and just as I was ready to launch myself against her ruthlessly, she stopped me with her hand, freezing me in place.

"I was devastated to learn that you had fallen for Alessia, the filthy beast with abominable parents. I admit I was planning on killing her myself, but the Vampire did an outstanding job" she yelled as she began advancing towards Alessia, who lay motionless on the ground with blood dripping from her wounds in an endless stream. Her garments had been ripped to shreds, showing a slew of purple bruises all over her body.

"You completely wrecked my life." You took the person for whom I breathed and lived, the one for whom I would have done everything, but of course, he chose you, and now he will bid you farewell." She growled as she drew out a large bottle filled with a green liquid and began pouring it all over Alessia's body, leaving her saturated in what smelled suspiciously like gasoline.

"What in the world are you up to?" I shouted in terror while attempting to move, but it was ineffective. It was like being drawn into quicksand, and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't get out.

"What are you doing, Olivia?" As he began approaching her with a murderous look on his face, the boy next to me roared.

"The deal is off Logan," she said, then pinned the boy in place, who was dumbfounded by what he'd just witnessed.

"Like Stella, you'll go up in flames now," Olivia said hysterically as she lighted a match and hurled it at Alessia's corpse, which burst into flames instantly. I started yelling as loudly as I could, but it had no impact no matter how hard I tried. A hissing sound erupted from the flames just as I had given up and thrown my head to the ground in anguish. It became increasingly louder, and before I knew it, an inferno burst over the surroundings, sending Olivia hurtling across the island and severing the grip on me.

My skull smacked to the ground, but I healed quickly so it wasn't a concern. When I was able to see again, I nearly choked. Alessia awoke with furious red flames enveloping her, yet they seemed to have no impact on her as if she had been reincarnated from her ashes as part of a phoenix.

"Alessia…?" I murmured as the words came out of my lips with difficulty.