"Augustus called upon the elders, stating, 'I request the presence of all elders for a meeting.' Acher chimed in, 'This presents an opportunity to strike in two days.' Trent interjected, 'No, our move should be today.' Their gazes turned to Isolde, who inquired, 'Why today?' Trent explained, 'They're aware that we won't surrender but will instead attack, indicating they've laid out a trap.' Understanding dawned among the group. 'Then, as soon as all the elders, senior officials, and field agents arrive, we'll disclose everything,' Trent concluded, prompting everyone to depart and prepare."

"Upon entering the room, Milli witnessed Ephyrus drinking from one of the maids, who sat on his lap in the old mansion. As she approached, she respectfully addressed him, 'My lord, you requested my presence.' He withdrew his fangs, licking the blood from the maid's neck. 'You may depart,' he dismissed the maid, who left the room in a daze. With his hands on his lap, Ephyrus turned his attention to Milli. 'Go and sense Ella's energy,' he commanded, noticing her furrowed brows. Startled by his intense gaze, Milli retreated. "'I'll attend to that immediately," she hurriedly assured him before swiftly leaving the room.

"Ella absorbed the Velder narration with a mix of concern and sadness. 'So, he knows where I am?' she pondered aloud, her expression turning melancholic. 'Why hasn't he come to get me? Is it because of the shield?' she wondered quietly. Velder prepared to respond but halted, sensing someone approaching Velder concealed himself within her shadow.

As Ella fixed her gaze on the door, anticipating the arrival of the visitor, the Patterson family celebrated the return of their son, despite his imminent departure. Ellis overflowed with happiness while Edward, appearing worried, emerged from his room holding a cell phone. 'Ella's number is still unreachable, and Romulus isn't answering my calls,' he fretted, settling into a chair and staring at his screen."

"At the palace, Mila cradled his new pet, a gift from Trent, as he stealthily crept into the vent. Pausing, he peered through the openings to eavesdrop. 'Why are we here?' the rat, named Gus Gus, whispered to him. 'Shush, Gus Gus, I want to hear what they're saying,' Mila whispered in response.

Around the grand round table sat eight elders. Romulus, Romeos, Alfric, and Aurelia occupied one side, while Elder Potter and Elder Qing sat opposite each other. The remaining two elders, along with high-ranking officials and senior investigators including Trent and his brothers, were seated in the middle. The king, positioned at the head of the table, emanated a powerful and imposing presence, enveloping the room with their intense auras."

In the meeting hall, tension thickened as the mention of Ephyrus and Amorah's visit hung in the air. The temperature seemed to plummet, causing Gus Gus to shiver in fear and seek refuge in Mila's pocket. "Scaredy rat," Mila whispered with a smile.

"Ephyrus is back!" exclaimed the child-like elder, rising abruptly from his chair, surprising Elder Potter. "So, that's why they stole the cheat potion?" Aurelia muttered to herself. "Ephyrus is immensely powerful and perilous, an original," another elder remarked, visibly agitated. Meanwhile, Trent reclined on the table, seemingly disinterested.

"How did they find a vessel potent enough to contain his soul?" Alfric inquired. "They used Ariadna's baby," Acher disclosed. Elder Potter's hand clenched into a fist on the table. "Those bastards dared to use my grandchild," he growled in anger.

"I have a confession to make to you, Elder Potter," the king sighed heavily. "The baby Ariadna was carrying does not belong to Cyrus," he confessed, feeling ashamed.

"I know, Trent told me," the revelation drew everyone's attention. "What! I hate lying to old men," Trent said. Elder Potter, vein visibly throbbing on his forehead.

"I called this meeting for a reason," the king redirected everyone's focus. "We are going to war." A heavy silence fell over the room. "It won't be easy. Ephyrus is immensely powerful and will have formidable armies by his side," cautioned Elder Qing. "We need to strategize and set a date for the attack," he added.

"The king has already chosen a date, and that date is today," declared Trent, his head still lowered on the table.

The atmosphere tensed up instantly, Augustus shooting a glare in Trent's direction.

"Why today?" Romulus maintained his usual composure.

"Ephyrus wants us to deliver Trent to him in two days," Augustus disclosed, stunning everyone in the room. "Why does he want Trent?" queried one of the high officials.

"We don't know," Joel admitted. "I don't know what he wants with my third son, but I won't let him near my son," Augustus asserted firmly.

"Then why don't we go on that day?" Elder Qing suggested. "We fear he'll have a plan that could devastate us. It's better to go unannounced."

"I agree with you, Augustus, but it's not feasible for the war to happen today, Trent directs his gaze towards Elder Qing.

"Why can't we go today?" Trent challenged Elder Qing, prompting the rest to observe the exchange. "We need to evacuate the people close to the area," Elder Qing explained.

"Elder Qing is right; we have to relocate people from the vicinity to ensure their safety during the fight," Romulus supported.

"You're both correct. We should schedule the battle for tomorrow. Marlow, is it?" he pointed to the senior investigator seated beside Acher.

"Yes, Trent," responded Malrow.

"That's great. Cyrus is in this palace, why don't you be a dear and go get Cyrus, just ask a maid to lead you there," Tesnt requested Marlow, his jaw clenched. "Yes, Your Highness," Malrow acquiesced before promptly leaving the office.

"Cyrus is here?" Elder Potter inquired of Trent. "Yes, he's in Ariadna's room. Well, Malrow is a spy for Ephyrus," Trent revealed. Romeos smiled. "I'm glad you figured it out too."

"I need this battle to happen today; Elfira transferred her powers to Ella," Trent explained, casting a momentary silence over the room. "What did you just say?" Augustus was taken aback. "Ella has Elfira's soul magic ability and her fairy powers."

"Does Ephyrus know about this? Is that why he kidnapped her?" the child-like elder asked. "No, he doesn't. He kidnapped her to lure me. That's why we need to get there before he discovers she has the soul magic ability."

As Milli entered the room, Ella eyed her suspiciously. "What are you doing here?" Ella folded her arms. "I'm here to check up on you," Milli stated. Ella rolled her eyes. "What do you want? You're here for a reason?" she demanded, locking gazes with Milli.

"I'm here to check your energy; you were attacked. We need to know if you're okay," Milli explained casually. "Why do you care if I'm healthy or not? Aren't you going to kill me in two days?" Ella questioned, sitting on her bed.

"I don't have time for your nonsense!" Milli tried to touch Ella, who forcefully pushed her hand away. Milli hissed in pain and retaliated with a spell that sent Ella crashing into the wall. Groaning in pain, Ella curled up on the ground.

"Now, I need to feel your energy, and you better be obedient," Milli warned in a threatening tone. "Velder, no matter what, do not come out," Ella instructed in her mind. "Let me protect you by snapping her neck in two!" Velder seethed in rage.

The situation escalated as Milli continued to exert control over Ella, making her float in the air. "What's making you so angry? Is it because you're still single and lonely?" Ella's expression turned mocking. Enraged, Milli tightened her grip, depriving Ella of breath. "I should have killed you that day in the cave," Milli seethed.

"Trent wouldn't let you," Ella retorted, struggling for breath. Milli's anger intensified, her hand closing further around Ella's throat. "I don't even know what he sees in you?" Milli raged.

"Probably something you don't have," Ella countered. Milli's trembling hand tightened even more, causing Ella to gasp desperately for air.

"Let me kill her for you," Velder urged, sounding desperate. "No, I will deal with this myself. Blue justice," Ella resolved inwardly as she struggled to speak.

"I will teach you a lesson, Bitch!" Ella pushed herself forward, surprising Milli. In a swift move, Ella summoned her sword, cutting off Milli's arm. Shock and fear consumed Milli as she stared at her severed limb on the ground, her eyes wide with horror. Screaming in agony, Milli stumbled backward, eventually collapsing to the ground. Ella stood above her, wielding her sword, gazing down at the fallen figure.

"I should rephrase my words, I wouldn't let you kill me."