Chapter 34

A horse was provided for Asiris, in which he set his sword up and his arrows on his bow.

He was ready to take down this person, no matter what it took.

"Hey, Asiris!" Caville called, as Asiris was ready to go on the horse. "Please be safe."

Suddenly, their faces got closer which it went closer and closer until—

"Oh, Lord, they just did," Peter complained, covering his eyes although Xavier and Vienne had no problem with being that they do the same thing.

"Bye," Caville said softly, seeing Asiris hopping away from her sight.

Asiris went on his journey as he continued steadfast towards General Stricker.

He stormed through the army, fighting with higher ground to which he could slay the Ikes which they couldn't react fast enough to stop him.

"He's heading towards the captain!" one of them shouted.

The cavalry heard this order, and they retreated from the archer area, which was not good in every way.

The horses hustled towards Asiris, which forced him to bring out his arrow.

The Ikes were quite determined, but couldn't stop themselves from the quick fires of arrows coming at them.

At least a third of them were shot down by Asiris, but they were quickly replaced as if they had unlimited soldiers.

"Wow, they're good," he muttered, giving a stimulating smile.

But he had a little procedure of his own. He quickly passed through the Ikes, making them lose sight of him.

He sped towards the hill, so close that even General Stricker could see him.

"Asiris," he murmured as he quickly turned to the little groups of soldiers behind him, which were about five each group.

"Stop him!" he shouted.

The Ikes quickly grabbed their bows and started stationing their arrows.

Some got out their bows, although they were almost out of arrows. "Fire!" he shouted, hoping to see the great commander fall to his death.

But that wasn't so, because of the steadfastness and awareness Asiris could predict.

Quickly, he moved side to side, dodging the little explosions in the dirt, caused by the fast speed of the little knives. He was a lot closer, but he was now in an open eye of fire, as they got more, ready to shoot him entirely.

But unexpectedly, the Ike general held his hand up, ordering them to stop.


"You do as I say," he said, as he stared at Asiris who had his sword out.

"So, you wish to fight me?" General Stricker asked, as he suddenly started walking around.

"Yes—and when I kill you, you guys will not touch another soul."

"Another soul?" he said, laughing. "I'm sorry but I don't think anyone is killing any Ike, especially me."

Then, he finally stopped—taking some time to stop and look up at him.

"I hear Micah got injured."

Suddenly, Asiris's hand started shaking as if that was the intention.

"Oh yes, we'll, I hope he dies, and if he doesn't—I'll make sure I send an overflowing amount of soldiers to kill them."

"Well, I'll finish you first before you say a single order."

He got out his sword, which the others did, which it showed he was outnumbered.

"Guards—finish him."

All the Ikes started rushing towards him, but Asiris felt no fear.

He didn't feel like he was afraid or that they were a formidable force.

His rage was too much to even care about dying, it was all about this war.

And he was going to die trying.

The swords quickly rushed into combat, as they hit at every angle and strike to stop him.

One spear almost came towards his neck, but he was quick enough and rolled backwards, sweeping him off the ground.

Next person.

He had quite fun with this next one, in which he tried his use of defense, but then came the confusion.

Asiris stopped, and Ike quickly switched to his foray station. But, he fell as Asiris gave to him a big swing, to which he fell down.

The others began to worry, but they persisted anyway—now coming in threes.

He had a much bigger challenge, as they all tried to hit various points of the body.

He had to escape the sudden mob of soldiers.

Finding a certain escape point through the soldiers, he swept under which surprised the soldiers of his disappearance.

Distracted, they were easily taken down, which Stricker neglected to put out any more soldiers.

"Wow, determination can really help in war," he said, as he got his spear out. "Okay—I'll fight you, but this will be the worst mistake you make."

"I'll take my chances."

Now, general between general , commander between commander, they fought.

Stricker was very fast with his opponent, causing Asiris to swing, duck and roll.

"Try to fight for once, can't you!" he shouted, getting annoyed of Asiris's constant motion.

Finally, Asiris came in with a hit, which was easily blocked by the spear.

Then he was presented a combo, with a series of movements and strikes that could easily kill a person.

"So this is how you guys fight," Stricker teased. "You guys jump like frogs."

"Well, it's a way to survive—so get over it," Asiris returned.

Then, he returned his own finisher, which actually almost took away the spear in Stricker's hand. "Okay, I got to give it to you," he said, giving a compliment for the first time. "You're pretty good."

Each weapon fiddled with one another, being controlled strategically by their holders.

But suddenly, Asiris exposed his chest and was immediately stabbed there.

"Oh, look who's stabbed here," Stricker said triumphantly. "The great commander, murdered by the greatest commander of all time."

Back in the medical tent, they saw Asiris stabbed with binoculars.

"No!" Micah screamed, as he weakly jumped out his tent.

"Micah, where are you going!" Caville shouted, grabbing Micah.

But, that wasn't the best of things to do with Micah when he was mad.

"Let me go!"

Then suddenly, a yellow fire shadowed him, as he began to grow.

"What's happening to him?!" Vienne asked, scared but also curious of this sight.

"His full power—it activated."

And she was right for that fact, because Micah grew very tall, with a different look than before.

He had a man stance but with a head of a tiger and claws of a wolf.

Suddenly, the ground started to shake as he walked, causing explosions in the dirt to rise.

"Whoa!" General Visch shouted, looking at the monster that was running through the battlefield.


He swiped up dust and threw it, which came down like meteors.

General Stricker muttered in awe as he saw it coming towards him, as if he was going to die which was quite plausible.

"Fall back!" he shouted, as he quickly got on his horse. He didn't mind the fact that Asiris was still hurting and possibly dying from the wound.

But luckily, Micah—if it was even him anymore—picked him up, rushing towards the medic.

The Ikes started running back, forgetting their weapons and arrows from the battlefield.

He started hustling his way back to the medic, which even the doctors almost wanted to run away.

But then, a flash sputtered in the air and Micah and Asiris disappeared.

"Micah!" Peter screamed, scrambling towards the place they were at.

The others followed, dodging all the running Ikes and side-stepping weapons that were left on the floor.

Eventually, they found Asiris and Micah weakly laying on the floor.

"Asiris!" Caville cried, as she slid onto her knees, which she seemed more devastated than Peter.

She started smoothing his cheek, which she then laid her head on his wounded chest, sobbing all her tears out.

"This is the first time I've seen her cry," Xavier said, almost close to crying himself.

Peter felt the same way too staring at Micah's immobile body.

But, something was different.

They had no wounds or any stains as if they've never been injured.

Then, they both coughed, spitting out sprays of dust as they started gasping for air.



The both devastated and the confused joined in as a reunion.

Asiris seemed intact of what just happened, while Micah felt like someone hit him with a glass bottle many times.

"What happened?" Micah asked, rubbing his head. "Did we win?"

But, that was all for himself to see, as he saw the retreating Ikes.

In relief, he plumped back on the ground, sighing in happiness.

They've done it.

They won the first war of the battle that may wage on for years.

But, it was a good thing, for all that could've happened—and did happen—they now established the tide of the war.

And it was on their side.