doing it in the hospital?! (alternative end)

[sexual content abuse rape]

when Xavier walked in he was overly excited

"You're really going to like this Cal-" he replied

he began to take off his clothes

first his shirt and then his pants

he unzipped them and pulled them down along with his underwear

callus turned bright red

did he just- strip for him?!

that was definitely something he didn't expect

and he was loving it-

Xavier leaned in and unzipped his pants and pulled them down along with his underwear

when Callus's cock popped out

Xavier wiggled his a** and he put it over it

Xavier was now above callus and he began to move his a** up and down it

callus felt his a** tighten around his cock

and watch as his zavi moved up and down

his cock twitched he was loving this

the both of them let out a moan

this definitely wasn't something he expected

his zavi was letting him have him-

and watching him turned him on

he wanted to move so badly

"Zavi can you grab my hips and make me f*ck you?" he replied

Xavier did as he said and grabbed his hips and pulled them in and out well moving his a**

Callus was really enjoying it

he never expected that Xavier would make him f*ck him- deep down he had that desire

but he never thought Xavier would let him

callus got a good view of him-

first from the front and now the back

the blade on his back was very nice

but he loved watching that a** of his move

Callus reached climax and released

his cum shot up his a**

Xavier rolled his eyes back and let out a moan

Xavier pushed his a** off

that was the final tease

Xavier rested himself on his chest

he layed vertical

"did you enjoy that Cal?" Xavier replied

"ah- f*ck yes it was amazing- and I loved watching that cute a** of yours move

you were so sexy- and I just want to devour you whole-" he replied

"you really are a pervert-but I like it-and you can eat me anytime you want daddy" Xavier replied

callus turned a brighter shade of red

he- he- called me daddy!

his heart was beating so fast

this felt like amazing dream

he almost forgot to tell him the truth

"Zavi there's something I have to tell you-" he replied

"Yeah what is it?" Xavier replied

"I know the real reason why my wife beat me up it wasn't because of the company-" he replied

"it wasn't? then why did she do it?" Xavier replied

"because I had an affair and she found out" he replied

"who did you have an affair with?" Xavier replied

"You- it was you zavi I ended up in here because of you" he replied

Xavier broke down into tears

"No that can't be right- this isn't my fault-

you're the one who chose me- you ended up in here because of your own mistakes-" Xavier replied

"I know zavi- but you didn't help me- you stood and watched as she beat me- why didn't you save me?- do you really hate me that much?" he replied in tears

Xavier turned his head to his left

and kissed his cheek

"I love you Cal- if didn't I wouldn't have sacrificed myself to you- and I wish I could have saved you back then but I was an coward-let's move on from the past-

and look forward to the future-" he replied

Xavier tried to get up but he couldn't

callus pushed Xavier off of him

callus got up out of the bed

Xavier landed back on the bed

suddenly he realized everything

is this- what happened to cal?!

and he did it to him now!

"we have no future together Zavi- and you're going to experience the pain I went through

-I'm really sorry but this what you deserve-

you don't like me using you do you?

you're a hypocrite Zavi-" he replied

"Cal- stop it please- you love me don't you?" Xavier replied

"how could I love someone like you? you're a monster Zavi- all you ever did was hurt me-

and I'm tried of it- so this is payback- and you can't actually move- did you not realize what you were doing?- your tail bone is broken

-and when you landed you hit your spinel cord

so you are completely paralyzed- and you're someone who deserves it" he replied

"Cal- don't be like this- what happened to you?

why are you acting like this?- Cal it wasn't real-" Xavier replied

"It doesn't matter if it wasn't It felt real!

and it was so painful- and I want to make you feel the same pain Zavi- I trusted you and you hurt me badly-" he replied

"fine Cal if this is what you want you can hurt me all you like-" Xavier replied

"so you're a Masochist now?- that's hilarious Zavi-" he replied

"I'm not a Masochist!- I'm just saying that because I want you to be happy and if you like torturing me then do it-" Xavier replied

"hmm- Zavi- you really are tempting right now-

and I'm not going to hold back anymore

so be prepared Zavi-" he replied

callus leaned in against him

he bit his neck and twisted his nipples

Xavier let out a scream-

it hurt like hell-

he wasn't liking it at all

and callus bit his chest hard all over and up to his collar bone and lastly his birthmark

tears came down his cheeks

this was pure torture

he didn't deserve this-

but if this is what callus wanted

he let him do it

sometimes callus would tease him

but he never gave him anything

-and he touched his cock with his foot

he sort of liked it-

but callus didn't stop there

he made sure to crush it and it hurt like hell

"Now you can never f*ck me again zavi -

are you enjoying this?" Callus asked

Xavier began to sob

"Callus- I hate this so much- It hurts-please-

stop-" he replied

"ha- haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-did you ever stop?

only once- and that was to stop yourself from eating me- but I don't want to eat you-

I like hearing you scream and cry-

you wanted to do this to me Zavi-" Callus replied

bad ending #9 karma

would you like to get the true ending?


true ending uploading------------------------


true ending unlocked

"No Cal I never wanted this- I wouldn't hurt you like this- I admit I wanted to hurt you but not like this-this is just torture- I don't like it-

I never went beyond your limits did I?" he replied

"Yes you did but I didn't stop you- I couldn't-

even if I was hurt I tried to enjoy it because I loved you- but- you finally broke me-

it may have been just a nightmare but it felt real - and I'm so broken because of it-

f*ck I'm even enjoying this-" Callus replied

"why couldn't you just tell me Cal? how could I know if you didn't say anything? I can't read your mind like you could- and I didn't mean to hurt you- I really didn't want that I know it felt as if I was just using you- and maybe I was-

but that wasn't what I wanted- and I cared about you so much- and when I realized how badly I hurt you I was hurt too- I wish you told me- we could have stopped this- if you just told me the truth- and is hurting me really worth it?-" he replied

"it doesn't matter anymore Zavi I'm not the same anymore- I hurt you and I enjoy it-

do you want me to do this forever?" Callus replied

"Callus I don't want that- I want you to stop and think about your actions- do you really hate me that much?" he replied

"I hate you with all my heart-I can't love you anymore- I wish you die already-" Callus replied

"you really had enough of me? I don't get you Cal- if you don't care- then why are you still here?- is it really just to get your anger out?

or are you just a monster? is there no humanity left in you?- do you not love me?" he replied

"like I said before Zavi I don't- I can't- there just isn't any room left in my heart- it's full of hatred-and I would happily kill you- but I can't bring myself to do it- again- why can't I ?-

I don't need you anymore- I don't need anyone-" Callus replied

"that isn't true- apart of you still loves me-

maybe it's not the same as before-

but you wanted to stop but you couldn't

-you ended up hurting me badly-

but even after everything I still love you-" he replied

callus felt his heart shatter-

callus began to break down sobbing

into Xavier's chest

"I'm so sorry Zavi! I did this to you- I'm a monster- f*ck I don't deserve you-

you always cared about me- I don't know what I was thinking- I guess it was because I was so scared- because I had been betrayed before- that woman made me believe that she loved me but she didn't- and you did- but even if you told the truth I couldn't believe it because- of her- and you didn't stop her-

you were so scared-Zavi I'm so sorry-

I put you through all that torture-

but I can't say I love you Zavi-" Callus replied

"it's alright Cal- we can get through this together-and did you really have to crush my d*ck and make me break my tail bone?" he replied

"Yep- there's no more f*cking- I don't want that-" Callus replied

"I f*cking hate you Cal- why did you have to do that?!-" he replied

"because it was fun-" Callus replied

"Well it wasn't fun for me-" he replied

"but you started the first part and you liked it-" Callus replied

"that was- the only good part-but it hurt afterwards-" he replied

"that's how the first time felt for me too

but I realized that I didn't actually like it

it was pure torture-" Callus replied

"Well I'm sorry Cal- and I really did enjoy it-

but after that- that was pure torture- and are really ok with no f*cking?" he replied

"Yeah I hate to go through that again-

and it's better this way things never go well when we f*ck-" Callus replied

"did we f*ck more than twice?" he replied

"I just remember- that we did- f*ck in the brothel- and after that I told you the truth and you told me to move on so I ran out and ran into Lorain- and I told her what you said-

and how much you had hurt me-

so she set the brothel on fire

and I regretted my decision and I tried to save you but we both ended up being burned alive-

that was the second bad ending- and this was the thrid- unless I'm wrong- and I forgotten-"

callus finished

"I don't remember anything like that Cal-

I don't even remember the first time-

I only remember the third time-

and Lorain killed me and you-

but I do remember Malik- and believe or not he saved me- I owe my life to him- I still died in the end but I was able to get the information I needed out of Lorain or Lyla?- Lorain wasn't in control anymore-" he replied

"who's Llya? and what do you mean she wasn't in control?" Callus asked

"Llya was a demon that possessed her-

she was cursed by the blade that she killed me with- she was just a girl-and I raped her-" he replied

"You- what?!" Callus shouted

"I raped her- well it was more like my character did- I didn't actually do that- I was able to remember but they weren't my memories

I'm not like that-" Xavier replied

"Yeah I know Zavi-but do you know what the demon told her?" he asked

"just that- and that Lorain would get an happy ending if she killed me-" Xavier replied

"Oh- so she just wanted to kill you-zavi I wonder- did your brother ever want to kill you?" he replied

Xavier's eyes widen

"Yeah- and he did-I remember now-

he had found out about us and he was really upset- this was we were f*ck buddies-

I think- it happened in real life too-

and we ment again because we're soulmates-

and Lorain was an representation of our affair" Xavier replied

"Malik killed you? so it wasn't suicide?" he replied

"did he make it look like it?-" Xavier replied

"Yeah- I think- but Lorain was really convinced-and I believed her" he replied

"Well you know the truth now-" Xavier replied

"I knew he wasn't to be trusted-" he replied

"Callus that was in the past he changed-

if he didn't he wouldn't have sacrificed himself for me-" Xavier replied

"You really care about him don't you?- do you still hate me?" he replied

"Callus- I don't hate you despite everything-

but I can't say I love you Cal-" Xavier replied

"Zavi just hate me ok?- I don't deserve this-

I'm a monster-" he replied

I'm sorry Malik- but I'm going to steal this from you- "I believe even monsters are worth saving because I once was one- and I was able to change- I was just like him I only lived for my own pleasure and enjoyed the pain and suffering of others

but after I went through it myself- I never wanted to hurt anyone again- I hurt the one I loved the most-but I got another chance-

I was able to save him- twice- and he's with me now-" Xavier replied

callus felt his heart beat-

"Zavi- I'm glad you were able to save me- but you can't save me again- I already hurt you-" he replied

"Yeah but I did save you again- I know deep down you still love me- and I'm willing to try again- just give me time" Xavier replied

"I don't get it Zavi- but I appreciate it- Zavi I love you so much- I don't deserve you" he replied

"I know but I can't love you back yet- you hurt me badly-" Xavier replied

"that's ok- Zavi I know you care and that's all I need-" he replied

-true ending- saving a monster