starting over-Lorain

everything had gone like before and Xavier was upset that callus had her

he was such a fool to believe their act but then callus told Xavier everything

Xavier was shocked but Lorain knew most of this but she didn't know about callus waking up in the real world and Xavier not coming home callus had told her just about everything else except for the two weddings after she had witnessed the first two seeing Xavier in a dress and then after that, she ran into her wife

she remembered their lives together and there were many things that were similar to Xavier and callus Lyla had just used her for her own benefit and to kill Xavier

but Lyla did end up loving her and she loved her they almost had a happy ending

but she ended up dying in the end and she came back as a vampire to get her revenge and killed Lyla, but she felt regret and her spirit talked to her

and then in their next life they were happy with their daughter

but Lyla had to be erased and that happy ending was gone it was just a memory and she would never forget her she wished that she could get her back but in order for that to happen she would have to kill Xavier, but she couldn't do that this time

she wanted to see callus happy even if had to sacrifice her own happiness

and as a vampire she still had Lyla with her she was in the blade, and she could talk with her anytime she wanted, and Lyla could still have fun with her

Lorain was bright red remembering those nights-

she still had her role to play stealing Xavier

the first-time callus ran off and bumped into Malik

she remembered who he was he was their stalker and he also stopped them from killing Xavier, they still killed him in the end though and Malik as well

and then the next time callus took Xavier, and they made out

and did many other shameless things she heard all the moaning

and the two of them went home together and probably ended up f*cking

and knowing how she was with Llya it was probably a lot

and then the next time things were different callus made him reveal himself

Xavier was actually Malik! her eyes widen when she saw it

but after their argument, they ended up making out and they had another fight

and then after that Callus realized his mistake and told him that he was going to make it up to Xavier and kissed Malik's cheek

then she woke up back in the past she told callus to go after Xavier

and he did but he ended up hurting him and this time she told him to apologize to him and make it up to him she saw that Callus wanted to give up but if he did that, he be hurting both Malik and Xavier and he loved them both but he could only be with one it was like it was with her she had loved Xavier but then there was Llya she had chosen Xavier because she had no other choice but she did when she chose her

and she knew that callus kept choosing Malik it would be the same she do if it was Llya and when she knew that she couldn't be with her if she told her that she was hurting Xavier by choosing her- would she go back for him? yes, she would

because that is what Llya wanted she would apologize to him and tell him the truth

and then she run off she would go back for Lyla that was how much she loved her but for callus, it was different because he loved them both, but he had known Xavier longer and he couldn't hurt him again but maybe he could find a way to be with Malik again but first he would spend his time with Xavier, and she was glad that callus could be happy with them she just wished she could be with Llya again

and maybe she would and all of them would be happy but there was so much to come and no one knows what the future could hold not even her

she didn't know that things would turn out this way that she would be with Llya and how much she loves her she believed that Xavier was her future and when she found out that callus was his future it upset her but then she found Llya and she was the happiest she ever been but that didn't last and neither did it with Xavier and callus thing didn't go well for them and she got callus to kill Xavier and in the next life things didn't end well either but she ended up burning them both

and then in the next life everything went perfect for them, and she met Llya again

and then in the next life she ended up killing them both again and she was happy with Llya again but that didn't last and she ended up killing Lyla in her next life and then after that she was happy with her again but that ended and then everything started over with Xavier and callus and she met Llya again and the two of them were happy again but that didn't last either, but Llya was able to come back

and that was when she was a vampire again and met callus again

and then everything started she never expected that Callus would end up with Malik but she saw how happy he made him, and she felt bad for Xavier too but she was glad that he was happy and now he was with Xavier again and she knew they be happy again and after that he would be with Malik again and she would be with Llya and it would be happily ever after for them all