Chapter Thirty Four

By the time I left the third room about going to the fourth, the alarm on our floor went off. I found out that somehow, one guard managed to crawl to the emergency break glass. Well, this had an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage was that all the girls were awake, and they stepped out so I rushed and handed the gas masks to the three of them left and my partner did the same to the last person left on his side. The bad thing was that they had alerted all the guards outside, and they were on us.

"What's going on in there?" Aunt Eleanor asked.

I forgot to mention; we had Nano wireless earphones on, which was to aid us with communication. I mean you watch movies so you are supposed to know, but this time it was real and not some kind of movie.

"They got to the emergency break," I said.

"Get out of there now!" she screamed.