Average Mage wants to reach the Apex

Average Mage wants to reach the Apex

Eastern199 Chapters1.1M Views
Author: Senpaipuku
Table of Contents

All Zed ever wanted to achieve in his life was to become one of the greatest mages of all time.

However, reality was cruel as not everyone was equal.

No amount of hard work could defeat talent. Similarly, no amount of hard work could change your status in life.

Whether you were born a peasant or a noble, that is the destiny you must live on.

Zed learned this the hard way but even until his last moments, he refused to give up.

After his passing, he woke up to an entirely different world with different values and culture.

Would he be able to reach greatness this time?


Volume 1 is more focused in developing the bonds between the characters while volume 2 is where the story will truly begin.

Oh and if you can't deal with an old man trapped in the body of a child (MC) and is raising other children but the children in turn, develops romantic feelings for the MC. Then this isn't for you.

But don't get this mistaken, there isn't any pedophiliac content. The MC only considers them family.... for now...? Maybe, I don't know.

Stay and find out? Up to you.

Illustrations: https://discord.gg/js3NPKdqeG


35 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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TL:DR, Just another chinese cultivation trash that may or may not be worth your time.

2 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

2 years ago

First thing is the cover, if you want to attract more readers, then either get rid of the text, or make the text readable, because you're gonna miss a lot of readers scrolling down quickly on their phones that way. Next is writing quality. The writing quality of this novel is okay, not the best, but not the worst, a solid 4 stars. There are a lot of typos and grammatical errors, but it is still readable and a flow is still established that doesn't break the reader's concentration. (I don't know how you did it! I mean, I can notice all the mistakes, and there are a lot a lot and I mean a lot, but it doesn't take away from the reading experience for some reason? I'm really, really confused right now.) The stability of updates isn't able to be measured right now, so it's a solid 4 stars. After is story development which is a splendid 5 stars. Honestly, the way the story is developing is very engaging, as mentioned above, and I just can't get enough of the story. A really good job author! The only thing I have for the author is that I am waiting for a unique twist to the story, something that I haven't read about before, as all the events that have happened before have already been used by other authors. Character design is also stellar, 5 stars. I love the way the siblings interact and I just can't get enough of their cuteness. It's honestly incredible how you wrote their interactions, not too much, but not too little conversation either, it's just right. Again, like the story development, I am just waiting for the uniqueness in the characters, as their relationship and their designs are again, something that other authors have used already. Finally is world background, a solid four. This is just because the world is really cliche at this point. I am once again waiting for the uniqueness that the author will come up with for the world, as it is just a normal cultivation world right now. Overall, I would have said it was a highly recommended read, except for all the errors in the writing. I definitely recommend you get an editor, or somebody to proofread your chapters as to lessen the mistakes. So, in the end, it's a novel that I would recommend casually, in passing. Not something so great, but that might just be because I place a heavy emphasis on spelling and grammar. Great Job!

2 years ago

Good novel just the sister and brother relationship is weird and how the author hints at the romance between them is disgusting anyway everything is good but shame the author has these ideas also if the novel Mc was the girl from the cover that would be fun but hey that's just me

2 years ago

The blurb is intriguing and it makes me want to read it again and again ... yeah.. The story's pace is alright not too slow and i love that thing . The flow of grammar is great not much error i spotted passed . Characters , i definitely liked them.. Will recommend readers out here to give this amazing book a chance to invade your world of magic . [img=recommend][img=recommend]

2 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

2 years ago

I've read 21 chapters so far. The novel has a great start. The first chapter perfectly sums up Zed's first life. His new life starts with a great scene that made me care for the two main characters. The following chapters are slow-paced, but I enjoyed reading them, too. They have more information about the world, Zed, and his sister. The world-building so far is done very well. I loved the action that started in chapter 9. It's a great story, full of magic and mystery.

2 years ago

It's not easy finding a good novel these days. It has good grammar and the flow of the story is also good, like hella good. Everything is reasonable that you can't really complain and make you want to read more. The issue of whether its harem or not... this is just my opinion, since I'm already quite attached to the well-made characters, I'm kinda hoping that it is a harem, I don't want this to be like a japanese anime where the freaking MC don't choose a girl. ANYWAY, 28 out of 10. lol P.S. Thanks for your hard work, and please work harder for more chapter (no pressure).

2 years ago

I love the beginning of this novel; how the writer immediately pulls us into the story's world. The narration and descriptions are great and the character development is simply amazing.

2 years ago

love the novel and characters. Female characters are a bit obsessed over him but it's good that they are not totally yandere.

a year ago

great idea ruined by the simple fact the mc keeps trying to be s mage and not a cultivator poorly executed ides...I love the whole mage being reborn into a cultivation world and being a cultivator but being a mage in a cultivation world is just plain dumb and stupid

2 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

2 years ago

the story is nice to read with interesting developments but well here comes the problem...after so much time all the heroines have become much stronger a ..and that's good ..but why the f**k is the mc still weak...he had so much time but barely improved..the author has purposely weaken the mc so as to display the awesomeness of the heroine but the mc is a massive turn off to read ....not to mention his simp like character ....the plot is good ..the interactions are good but the mc...is a disappointing trash..

2 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

2 years ago

Alright, here’s my comprehensive review! Writing Quality- a solid 7/10, really good, although there are quite a few grammatical errors + small things like ‘phoenix’ instead of phoenix, but those could be resolved pretty easily, and the author actually does it when you let him know in chap comments. Updating Stability- The first chap was 6 days ago, the novel has 20 chapters. I give 5 stars for updating daily, so extra points too. Story Development- Surprisingly good. Cliche done right. The only thing im worried about is Arrogant young masters, 6/10 Chara Design- 9, the siblings’ interactions are fun to watch, and the princess actually is interesting. World BG- There has been close to nothing on it yet, the default I give when that’s happened is a 4/5

2 years ago