Trust and Pride.

The situation had evolved into a terrible mess for Levi and his team and the ones to put them up for this were none other than the person who had to choose to fight beside them.

The people now held Levi at gunpoint and asked him for information on his allies but he did not budge.

"Well try to shoot here, You will be killed before reaching the enemy camp."

"Not if we show them we have valued information on the enemy."

"You'll be killed the moment they see you, remember what happened to the other who tired?"

"Don't try to provoke me, I have you as evidence that you went against the rules of this country and tried to gather during the time of neutral rest. After knowing your betrayal they won't consider fighting with rules either."

"And what makes you think I'll go with you."

"This..... you'll be killed the moment they see you."

Levi's eyes saw in awe as he heard his voice repeating the words he said moments ago, he was unknown much technology and was now being pushed down by it.

"You know Captain Levi, you aren't the cut to be the captain. you know."

The people now in complete control of the situation start to mock the young captain to make him feel worse and worse about his mistakes and crush his pride, which he held very dearly.

"Just see for yourself, you are stuck here able to do nothing, at my order if I want. I can send this recording and crush your whole army, right now!"

The moon was shining brightly that night, it covered all areas but inside Levi's heart darkness was the only thing that grew. Weakness begin to emerge and his thought was not clear as they ever were.

"I am still advising you to join me now, You'll get maybe get a happy life, you are unmarried, right? Just give up now and see the future happily. The guilt can be forgiven with a smile or a happy wife and kids. Maybe we'll even spare your commander."

Levi had devasted feelings in his heart for a split second his mind even said yes but that was the moment he remembered his roots.

' A Soldier never dies without regret, if you become one then you'll die with regrets too

...But always choose those regrets over somebody else's dead body.'

A man he once met when he was young told him this and now he held on to it when he was training and he remembered him in his last time as he believed.

"I'll see you in hell. If there is one."

"That's it huh, hope you go to heaven, hell is a place for people like me. People like you die softly round of your deaths thinking you did great work but all you are doing is leaving the people behind to do the work you couldn't achieve."

"What's wrong with that."

"See you."

Levi finally closed his Eyes looking peaceful and contemptuous but deep inside he was hurt by Tenbris's words about leaving things behind.



A gunshot fire from a silver colour gun shone in the moonlight piercing right through Levi's left shoulder. He was screaming in pain and a piece of paper was shoved right in his mouth.

"Sorry, Mr Levi. I am not the type of person who wishes peaceful death for my enemies. You are loyal to your country right, let me test your loyalty right here."

To Levi, these words clearly mean he was going to be killed slowly and brutally but his resolve had yet not broken.

* bang bang

"HAHDHHHAHFHFHH." Levi was muffling the people around him but he was screaming his lungs as his right shoulder was shot twice in quick succession, the pain was now breaking his mind.

"Willing to give up now."

Tenbris went and removed the cloth out of Levi's mouth, and as he removed it-


Levi's tone showed his anger but spoke no words of information to Tenbris and his men.

"This gun only has four bullets, seems you'll meet your end by this." tenbris pointed the gun straight at Levi this time aiming for his head directly. Levi was going numb due to excessive blood loss in just a few seconds.


A gunshot was fired and blood poured right through the head of the person but the person was not Levi.


The noise became loud as multiple shots were fired simultaneously around Levi. Levi looked around to see multiple of his junior soldier firing rifles at the group.

Seeing the tables turn, Levi had a smirk on his face as he fainted.


FUN FACT: Yuuka's daughter is a big, seriously big glutton. She just never shows her 'trait' in front of her father.