
Rargo was pushed to be captain of the leading forces and started to hide with the various soldiers in the nearby forest.

He was clearly informed by Yuuka,

"Don't let anyone come out, no one. Do everything to maintain your cover. Attack only if they physically open any gate and if they open it. I'll inform you about using this white flare."

Yuuka, while saying, brought two guns out of his pockets. They looked similar.

"You will be handling the other gun. At the moment you attack, fire this signal. I will informed of the attack."

Rargo simply nodded to the words. Hesitation and pressure were building up and crushing him. He had never been leading a whole squad ever before.

"Another thing,-"

Yuuka knew it was time to change Quice for good, being passive never less to any interest in wars, history was the proof.

Quince needs to become more of an animal as time passes or he won't stand up to be captain.

"Remeber Captain Quince, this is the battlefield. I lead an complete army for the first time in this mission too and due to my work and your help. We stand in the face of victory now, I am trusting you to become someone who can stand in my place."


Rargo listened quietly yet very intently to Yuuka's words, he never took risks and played safe but it was time to let these things go.

"Find your 'instinct', it is just not fighting or flight. Have a thirst for victory, be greedy, be someone you hate only for a moment. If victory demands it sometimes the greatest sacrifices need to be made."

The words were harsh yet very bright, they had darkness in them, but the light to victory and glory shone in that darkness.

The night, people were moving, Rargo saw from the shadows, and they passed by with a bit of light in the surroundings.

His eyes were locked on the march, the night sky, as he saw a bright light from above.

"What is that?"

He looked closely with his binoculars as the bright light suddenly surrounded the area, and he could clearly see the soldiers soon.

"They are raining fire arrows?!"

The rain of bright light or flaming arrows raised on the soldiers. The rain covered the whole area, the nearby trees started burning, and the fire grew as he saw the soldiers burning.

"It is an arrow shower, they are all going die."

The nearby soldier's coordinators, who were hidden, panicked and started to move forward.

"Don't move, we can't help them. If we move forward. WE are going to die too. Follow the order and stay here."

Rargo stepped ahead and stopped the soldier to inform of him.

"We need to help our comrades sir, the plan is busted. If we won't move their lives will be unnecessary sacrifices!"

"We won't be moving ahead like I said, we need to stay here."

"Why?! should we follow? It's a waste! I don't want my comrades to die."

"My brother is within the marching soldiers, goddammit! I am losing much more than a comrade here! We will follow the orders! Am I understood!"

Rargo in pure rage and desperation said those words looking at the soldier, dead in the eyes, the coordinator they're dried at those words, he was more worried and angry than anyone but had to control it all in.

"Send message to every hiding them, no one moves a single muscle! Who will not follow will be punished at the spot!"

They didn't move, no soldier moved a single muscle, they saw their comrades burning in front of them, and a tear went down Quince's eyes. The tears had the rage and sadness of those around standing there doing nothing.

Those tears didn't stop that night, they kept rolling down for many, but eventually, tomorrow would come.

The next day, the soldiers were now filled with sadness and regret, but the next day, the gates would eventually open.

Rargo saw the gates open, and soldiers moved to the left side of the castle.

"Quick, tell everybody to take position. We will attack very soon. Show no mercy, kill each and every one of them."

The message spread out in the thin trees moving around and giving announcements about the soon happening attack.

A few moments later, he raised his arm with the flare gun in his hand.

"I will have my revenge."

The flare shot got high in the sky as it felt shined in the sky, soldiers came right to left from all sides, and Rargo moved ahead with his soldiers.

"Charge!!! Fucking kill them!"

Rargo ran ahead in the group at the hoard of soldiers fighting each other."Ahhhh!"


He ran ahead and sliced open the Lynx soldier in front of him. He did not stop going forward and fighting the next one.

The rage and anger within the eyes of the Asphodel soldier shone that moment, despite being way less in number. They crushed and tore apart the enemy line.

"Ha.. hu..ha."

A while later,

Quince took a deep breath as the world around him became clear again, as he saw the bodies around him.

He looked at his hand, soaked in blood, his clothes totally red from the enemy soldier's blood. Intestines, chopped necks, and cut-off arms were all lying beside him as the wind blew around. The gates for the capital were locked, and he had no enemy to slay.

The instinct for the blood of the enemy. This was the first time he had tasted it. And as he walked back with his comrades after the gates closed. The instinct had Yuuka wanted Rargo to make his own, he saw it as the biggest curse.

As the victorious soldiers moved back not a single smile was on their faces, maybe the vengeance they wanted was in their hands, but the comfort of comrades was lost forever.
