Run! Morons Run!

We got both lucky and unlucky. Our team has managed to steal a lot of drugs during our raid. That's good, it will make it our trip a bit easier since we can just bribe everyone we meet using drugs instead of traceable transfer or etc. Also on return we can sell them at Fort Grim making extra cash or exchange for additional training.

However, we stole so much and caused such damage that local cartel got furious. From intercepted communication we have found out about huge bounty being placed on us as well as that cartel hired all available mercs and solos to hunt us down. So not only cartel toy soldiers but some nasty professionals will be looking for us. Sucks.

Another issue was greed. We got so much looted stuff with us that it causes a hindrance. Instead of running like wolfs we are crawling like pregnant pigs. I tried to persuade guys just to leave drugs in some hidden cache or sell them on a way rather than having to carry them all the way to back to border or pick up point. But most of team showed extreme stubbornness and decided to take a risk.

And as always, according to Murphy's law, when you expect shit to happen it will happen. We got detected by drones and instead of making it to pick up point near the river we had to run for our lives through the jungle. For few days we had to hide in the jungle without access to clear water or being able to make a bonfire. Every time we heard something we froze hoping to remain undetected. Constant feeling of fear and tiredness has taken a toll on us. We started to look like ghosts, pale faces with red from bloodshot eyes. Jokes and chats started to be rare, nobody had energy left to do so. Everyone just wanted to catch some sleep and recover before having to make another long walk through jungle.

What's even worse those idiots still carried drugs. I have just dumped my share since I don't want to die due to additional weight. Those morons just picked them up and shared weight with each other encumbering themselves even more. All my attempts to reason with them failed and just let it go. In case, I will just run on my own leaving them behind. If idiots want to die then just let them die, no need to die with them or help them.

To my big surprise during our next break, Private and Rico dumped their share of drugs telling other that they don't want to die in this fucking jungles. Good decision but too late, if you have helped me to persuade others we would have made it to pick up point in time. Now we are going deeper and deeper into Heart of Darkness hoping to see another day. Others just shared drugs with each other slowing down themselves even more. Greed will definitely make them pay.

"Private, Rico. Why now?" - I asked looking at them.

"Manfredi, you know. I just realised that this shit may really cost me my life. After completing this course I will still have a chance to make fortune while with this shit I will only dig my own grave." - Rico replied. Yeah, no shit Sherlock. But at least he has some brains although they are a bit slow.

"And you ?" - I turned my head to Private.

"I have just understood that I got nothing to prove."- he replied making me rise an eyebrow.

"I have thought that by doing like them I can prove to myself that I am not weaker or worse than them. Although, after your decision to leave drugs for the sake of survival something clicked in my head. Realisation that this is simple machismo bullshit like mine is bigger than yours. I have already made it so far so no need to prove anything else." - his reply made me pretend to clap. Seems he finally starts to grow up.

"That's good for both of you to finally see that you are here to learn and train. Not for making money. It will come later but priority here is to learn and survive. Will you follow me since now?" - I asked them looking straight to their eyes.

"Yes, you seem to be more mature than most of us here."

"Aye, aye."

I just laughed at that. Yeah, mature. For that to happen I just had to end up in Cyberpunk 2077 world and survive here long enough.

But our short break ended abruptly. Sensors detected a lot of unknown targets approaching us and doing it quite quickly. Crap, we are detected. Shit, so close to border but those cunts still managed to find us.

"Prepare for firefight and on my command break the contact. Leave those greedy bastards to ripe fruits of their greed and mistake. On my order. Got it?" - I asked preparing my weapon and checking how much ammo I have left.

They just nodded and took positions near me. Next moment we have been attacked by few drones. Luckily they had only small-calibre weapons otherwise they would just shred us to pieces. I turned on my comms.

"Everyone, prepare for tactical retreat. Enemies plan to fix us here and finish off. Leave everything except ammo and IVs." - but as expected nobody replied after hearing my plan. Seems only three of us will make it.

Angry cartel boys have sent whole swarm of drones. Those XXXL mosquitos turned jungle into a hell. Darkness of the night, lots of trees and vegetation made it hard to fight back. Limited eyesight and constant attacks from every angle. What is worse cyberdogs also appeared. They might not have good long range attack but in melee they are quite pain in a neck.

"Get off me you son of a bitch!" - I roared kicking off a cyberdog that leaped on me after flanking. Quick aim and short burst silenced him forever. Shit, situation is really bad.

"Rico, Private. On my order prepare to run non-stop." - I switched to private channel and informed them.

Next moment I have activated Kerenzikov and Reflex Tuner. I started firing at every target north-west of my current position. Drone. Down. Cyberdog.Down. Drone. Down. Quick reload. Unknown merc. Down. Another sidekick merc. Down. Die, die my darlings!

In less than 2 minutes I have run out of most of my remaining ammo. Only half a mag left. My CNS agonising after such excessive use of implants. Even Pain Editor find it hard to deal with that. But I managed to make a clearing for us to break out. Time for final trump card. I take out special energy booster stim mixed with some nasty painkillers. Quick injection and I feel how my body gets filled with energy. Now I just need to run and make it to the finish line.

"RUN! MORONS RUN!" - I shouted in comms ordering Rico and Private. No time to check just run boys. Fucking wave and smile but keep running.

We started off like professional sprinters. I will not be surprised that enemies only saw my after image. Having cleared a path made it easy for us to break a contact. But that just a beginning. Now comes more challenging part, survive this run.

I can't remember how many times I have fallen down or hit a tree due to inertia and roots. Private and Ricko were no better. Our bodies were covered in bruises and cuts. Equipment torn apart and covered in dirt. But thanks to painkiller I managed to endure it while energy booster allowed me to keep going.

However, other two couldn't keep going like that forever. They lacked such strong stimulators like I did and after few hours started to fall down. First was Rico, so we picked him up and kept running. Then it was Private. Out of pure anger, fury and stubbornness I kept carrying them. Another life threatening injection. All or nothing.

*Few hours later at border check point*

"Do you think any of them will make it this time Ignacio?" - one of border officer asked his companion.

"No idea. Don't care. I get paid only for letting them in and informing their bosses, not for babysitting them." - he replied sipping a coffee.

"Same, but this time they made quite a commotion there. Net is just bursting with videos of night firefight. Those mercs made quite a show and one of them fought like a real Diablo."

"Still, no idea. Don't car...."

Sudden alarm of one of detectors stopped him repeating his words. Next they saw a unknown figure carrying two bodies appearing on cameras and approaching towards their outpost.

"Ticket for three. Oh is that real coffee? Can I have some?" - unknown creature growled.

"Please be my guest." - one of border officers replied and pointed at one of the chairs near a bonfire.

"Columbian coffee tastes the best at night and near bonfire." - unknown creature replied after finishing a cup of coffee.

Next second he felt unconscious.

"Ignacio seems I got my answers. Now we better hurry up and make few calls before hell gets let loose."