I have talked about my suicide attempts and my plans,

Which was always a cry for help when I had no hope for the future.

Since my life was always dark and gloomy.

But, everyone looked at me weirdly.

Whispered unwanted things and rumors that don't exist.

Making me feel as though I had committed a crime.

So many attempts in 7 years,

And I still don't know why or how the hell I am even alive.

But I survived through it all.

It had always been some unfortunate mistake in my plan.

Or some stranger that thought I should live and saves me.

So I tried again and again.

With different locations and trying to come up with a plan that always ends up failing.

Next time, I might not survive,

Or there might be no next time.

After the authorities did threaten me,

They would deport me.

Well, Life does have its plans.

I no longer talk about killing myself,

No one listens to me anyway.

So what's the point?

If I keep trying I might or might not win in killing myself.

But that's what People who have gone through hell would do,

As they would see suicide as the only solution.

So I beg of you to listen to them,

Listen to their cry, Listen to what they have to say.

Because if you would have listened to them,

They would have still been alive today.

A failed attempt doesn't mean you get to call them, an attention seeker.

It's still an attempted suicide.

Their pain and their thoughts are much deeper than you could ever understand.

Suicide for attention?

How could you be so delusional?

I'm so confused about how you are being misled by those words.

What kind of attention do you think they are

seeking when they end up dead?

Maybe it's just your assumptions making them feel more depressed.

So listen closely when someone is in pain.

They would hide their emotions in any possible way,

Feared what you would think of them while they remain human.

None of us are perfect,

We all have troubled waters that we go through each day.

If someone tells you that they are suicidal,

Look no further away from the truth,

And stop making them feel better with your lies.

You would be able to save a life,

of someone, the world labeled as an attention seeker.