The First Battle

Leo had gone to his lab with other scientists while Arthur and Jeanne were going to the hangar where all the battleships were stocked.

They arrive at the place where their coworkers with whom they work during the past 5 years where.

They board in their battleship, Jeanne was feeling pressured since it will be a real battle, death could arrive any time from now one.

Th place of the battlefield will be near the farthest planet from this star system, they will need 8 hours to arrive there.

Earthling's armies were composed of 2 billion people splitting by half for scientists and soldiers from the military. Most of them where located at the Proxima Centauri system. Right now, they have 5 million battleships in this star system while the Faran where arriving with an army of 20 million ships.

The battleships from Faran were dark red in color and with a broken shape.

In the main controller of the mother ship, there were a living a creature with a height of nearly 3 meters with a humanoid shape and a light green skin. Its face has one more eye than humans, in the center of his forehead and a big mouth with sharp teeth. This was a resident of the Falan civilization and the 3rd prince from the current emperor, his name was Leyko Faran.

With him were a consultant, Shiya Weyji who has been working with his father since he was young, since he was currently the favorite and youngest prince from the emperor. He wanted to get some achievements, his wish was to get Earthling under the rule of their empire, his father approved of him and sent him his consultant for him to see his feats.

"Your highness, what is your plan?" asked Shiya

"Simple, since we outnumber them by a scale of 4 times, we will annihilate all their spaceship and take this star system. We have hesitated to attack them just because they never abandoned and will prefer death than being our slaves" He said with a wicked smile.

"But for me, it doesn't matter, they will be our slaves if they want or not, Father has nearly lived for 500 years, he will soon die from 10 to 50 years, I must gather enough accomplishments to become the crown prince before his death. I will first conquer Earthling and then I will beat those fuckers of Shima who dared to come at war with us. With that my position will be indisputable." He said.

"I see, a good idea your highness, but I must say, don't you want to prepare a plan before attacking, after all, you never know what secret weapon they could have." Shiya interjected, he knew his highness was confident, but the emperor was always prudent, this was how he make the empire expand and prosper.

"No need, how could those people from a backward zone could rival with us. What secret weapon? They can't even defend against how weaker army" he sneered.

"Everyone, attack!" he called all the officers and ordered them to start the battle.

After 8 hours of travel, the tension was felt everywhere within the Earthling fleet.

Jeanne was in the main room of her spaceship, she could see the enemy's army. It seems that the real battle will begin soon.

The strategy of attack was proposed by Jeanne, after a review of the higher up, it was approved.

The plan was divided into several parts, right now the first part was set up. Each Lieutenant General will command 200 000 ships and will try to separate the Faran from each other, they will move away from their original position.

During the last five years of development, Jeanne place a lot of lures around the star system who will explode if you do not follow a right path and if you are close enough but you don't have the right signal that identify your spaceship, it will explode.

In the controller of mother ship were two people, they were George Knight and Dante Moretti, they were the father of Arthur and Leo and also the General in chief of the army and the General Director of science field, they both resemble their sons, they are just older, in their 50's.

"Begin the plan" said George to all the Lieutenant Generals which he was facing with a hologram.

By now the war has begun. The plan was going smoothly as the Faran army was divided into 800 000 battleships to followed each fleet of the Earthling army.

They arrive as near as possible next to the bombs and all Lieutenant Generals ordered to emit a signal to indicate that the bombs will not explode. After that, the Faran passes, but not seeing the lures since they were all black, in space it was nearly invisible. Without the signal and sensing objects approaching them, all the bombs exploded and did heavy damages, nearly a quarter of all the enemies battleships were destroyed, before the situation was stable.

Leyko was red of anger, it was unthinkable than his fleet was being defeated by such a low civilization. He ordered to shoot them, since then, laser beams were being shoot everywhere, the blue ones from the Earthling and the red ones from the Faran.

At this moment, the second part of the plan was to launch at the Faran, it was the surprised effect of their advanced in their science field during the past 5 years.

Enemies soldiers were shocked by the power of attacks, this was even more powerful that their own battleship.

Like that, 2 hours pass where we could see spaceship being destroyed everywhere, but the result was shocking, from the 5millions of the human's fleet, a million has been destroyed while from the 20 million spaceships of the Faran only a million were not destroyed.

The Faran's prince was flabbergasted, he didn't imagine even a second that he will lost this battle, but now he saw that the outcome could come to this, he has to think hard and he has to do it fast.

He asked Shiya.

"Help me Shiya, if it continues, we will be killed." He said with a calm voice but inside of him, he was being scared.

"Yes, your Highness." replied the consultant.

The Faran fleet, being controlled by him were being more organized.

At this time Jeanne and Arthur decided to act with the last plan.

They detached themselves and with only a thousand spaceship each they decided to attack on the side of the main fleet of the Faran with the special weapon Jeanne and Leo constructed, only their two spaceships were equipped with it, since this was only successful on a test, but didn't had the time to equipped other spaceships of that new technology.

After arriving at the side of the mother fleet they shoot a laser beam which widened as more distance is travelling, with that, more spaceships, even on the side will be destroyed.

After an hour of constant battle, to the Faran only the main ship remained while to the Earthling, 1 200 000 ships were destroyed.

The prince was being escorted in a one-seater spaceship for him to escape.

But before he could escape his ship was intercepted by Jeanne while the last ship was destroyed.

Jeanne decided to capture Leyko, since he was escaping alone, he must be an interesting person.

After that, all the scrap material was collected and all humans were mourning their dead soldiers who battled with them.

After that, they returned to planet Espoir, when they arrived, everyone was celebrating their victory, this was the first time they won a space battle, they knew that it was only the weakest fleet from the Faran, but now, they new that they could hope to defeat them.

The following day, promotions are given. Arthur became a Major and Jeanne for her heroic feat and her incredible plan which led to the victory skip a rank and became a Colonel.

The same night, The General in chief, the General Director, Jeanne, Arthur, Leo and soldiers heavily equipped were walking toward the cell were the third prince was kept.

"It seems that he was an important person since he was being protected while escaping" said Arthur's father.

"Right, it's possible, that he has some connection with the higher-up from their civilization, it's a shame that he had no new technology on him that we could studies." sigh Leo's father.

"Father, if he is a high-ranking member, what will we do with him?" asked Leo.

"Would it matter? We would just kill him, he tried that after all." said Arthur with an angry face.

"Don't think with your emotion, young man." replied his father.

"What do you think Jeanne?" asked Leo's father to her.

"If he is an important person, we should try to contact them to be able to negotiate with them, we could gain time and maybe expand our territories."

"Haha, you're not considered a genius for nothing, I had the same idea" said George while Dante was smiling.

Finally, they arrived at the cell and the soldiers guarding it, opened the door.