Inari pov


It clouds the sky. High above, the sun sits. Yet dark had clouded any light that may reach us. I reach a hand up. And catch with it a bundle of smoke. It drifts through my fingers easily.

I guess that the only real saving grace was that it is localized, it stays in one place where it can be dispelled easily enough. I hold my breath, an old habit made from avoiding smokers and waited for the smoke to clear with a concoction that Damien had made.

Moments passed and in that time the concoction spreads through the air, dispersing the particles into smaller and smaller chunks until it could no longer be seen nor felt.

I sighed, taking in small breath after small breath. Before finally I turned my head and looked to the culprit, sending him a glare.

He sheepishly laughs, his head blushing to the side. Then, his eyes catch something. It lays on the nearby table. His eyes shine with excitement, and he dashes.