A threat to the North Part 2

Somewhere in the true north...

Leaf POV:

That Bastard is getting crazier day by day. Yesterday, he had the gall to ask that we sacrifice one of the young ones to the weirwood tree, claiming that our God demanded it. If it weren't for the fact our true champion is not yet ready, otherwise we would have killed him by now and sacrificed him to the enemy.

To be honest, he deserves being tormented for the rest of eternity for all the atrocities that he has committed while fooling us in the name of the old gods.

For so many years, we had been deceived, and it's to our eternal shame that we were foolish enough to believe in his lies and dance to his schemes like puppets to their puppeteer.

The blood that we have already spilled, I pray that me and my brethren can make amends and seek forgiveness for that from our gods.

Thank the heavens for the child of the Dragon who woke up our gods from their sleep and helped us in seeing the reality of things. Otherwise, who knows, what more evil would we have committed believing in his lies.

I pray that Stem and Bark are alright and that our champion has met with the Dragoneel and that they come here and save us from this demon who calls himself the three eyed raven.

But till then, we would need to continue with this facade. I swear on the name of my ancestors and the old gods when this is over

I will personally do the ritual on this bastard to make him a walker even if I condem my soul for all eternity. He will suffer for all that he has done even if I loose my soul that price would be worth paying to make him suffer a fate worse than death. Only then would justice be delivered for all the sins we were coerced into committing believing in his lies.

Myr POV:

" Xander, how were the negotiations with the house of Black and White? Did they agree for the contract on the heads of Dracarys ? " Mazeban asked his subordinate with a dejected face.

The last couple of months have been a nightmare ever since Dracarys suddenly appeared out of nowhere and challenged their monopoly. Since then, every passing day has been a never-ending nightmare.

The losses that they have suffered, he does not even have the courage in him left to even look at the numbers, forget about trying to recover them, and everything that they have tried have failed spectacularly.

It is as if the gods themselves have decided on tormenting him for the sins of his past lives, and now the house of Black and White was his last hope, and if even that fails, then

he would have no other option other than going to war against them.

" They kicked us out and slammed the door on our faces when we mentioned the name Dracarys," said a depressed Xander to his master.

" What !!!!" screamed Mazeban. " What the actual fuck!!! just who are these guys that even The House of Black and White do not wanna mess with them!!!" screamed Mazeban in frustration.

" Seems like going to war is our only option master" replied Xander.

" Fine then Fuck it! Fuck everything! Xander take our funds and hire all the sell swords, dothrakis slaves and pirates. Hell, even hire those bloody degenerate mages from Ashai!

I don't care what you need to do and how you do it, but if we are going to war anyways then I will be damned if I couldn't kill as many of these fuckers as I possibly can! We will make an example out of them as warning for everyone to show them the consequences for going against Myr ! Nobody absolutely nobody fucks us over and lives to tell about it!! " screamed Mazeban with rage.

" It will be done master" replied Xander as he left to make the arrangements.

It seems like going to war is their only chance that they have to ensure their survival, he thought to himself with deep regret.