A threat to the North part 3.

Three eyed Raven POV:

For more than a millennium, I have been working day and night constantly, manipulating everything and everyone making them dance to my song. All for the glory of my brethren from the faith of the Seven. We are the proud children of Esther, and we will avenge her demise and banishment . How dare these lesser beings and their Gods defy our mother! They should have just surrendered this planet to her growel at her feet like lesser beings should, but no all of them ganged up on mother and somehow managed to beat her and banish her into the void. DRAGONEEL and his dragons , the many faced God and his followers , that stupid Drowned God and his krakens the Fucking tree Hugging first men and their Old gods and all the other minor gods and demons of this lowly planet wagged a desperate war of survival against mother and finally were able to beat her. It was with her last dying breath that I and my siblings were born.

The war cost them a lot as well. The supreme God of this planet, Dragoneel, and his friends, along with all the others, were either dead or dying or went into eternal slumber. That was the price that these lowly bugs paid for being able to best mother.

Initially, all of us just wanted to slaughter these bugs and avenge our mother, but we had to be realistic as well.

And the reality was even if these beings and their Gods were Bugs when compared to Mother ,but they were massive Titans when compared to us.

This plain fact was absolutely humiliating for us. We, the children of Esther, were pwerless in front of these bugs, and we all ashamed of our powerlessness.

But this was something that was bound to happen as we were foreign to this planet, and it did not recognize us we had absolutely no Divine power that we could draw from the population of this planet all we had were the Lil sparks of our beloved mothers soul and there was no way in hell that we were going to risk that, because if we died then there would be absolutely no chance to ever revive mother ever again.

So we decided to bide our time and make plans and preparations.

With lies, treachery, and with subtle and genius manipulation, we gained our foothold on this world step by step slowly and steadily.

It took some centuries, but we persevered.

Tricking those children of forest into

giving rise to the Night King was our greatest victory against these bugs they never realized that the human that they thought that they were turning into the night King was actually our brother Stranger in disguise and once when the ritual was done all of us were finally connected to magic circulatory system of this planet.

Those poor idiots thought they were gonna use the walkers for protection against the first men, but they actually handed the one thing that we desperately needed and that was the connection to magic.

The poor suckers handed the keys to the kingdom to their worst enemy and doomed the planet as a result without ever realizing it.

With that the Era of summer and the long night started on this planet and we eventually high jacked the magic of this planet.

Step by step systematically we started weakning the other gods one by one by spreading the faith of the seven.

It was hilarious as fuck the thought that thousands of these bugs abandoned the God's who actually died for them for us who want this planet's demise.

Slowly and eventually we tricked and forced the planet to recognize us and give us the spark of divinity and in effect make us actual gods of this planet.

Dragoneel 's children were the last real threat for us but the doom of Valyria destroyed most of them.

Those that managed to survive their fates were sealed as well with the help of our servants the faith of the seven and the citadel we finally manged to kill off last of the dragons after thousands of years of trying.

Then to add insult to injury I chose to be reborn as Bryndern Rivers in the family of the last dragon lords the Targaryens and basically made sure that last blood of the dragons would die off within the next one hundred and fifty years.

Everything was going according to plan I even managed to fool the old gods into thinking that I am their champion and had been sucking off the last of their residual divinity like a vampire.

It was fun as hell manipulating the children of the forest into committing those atrocities and in turn making sure that the old gods would never ever regain their divinity after I am done with them.

The upcoming long night in thirty years would be the final night and we would finally win

and finally we would revive mother.

Everything was going according to plan.

Then one fine day, I felt something that I hadn't felt in thousands of years after being born on this planet.

Something I was sure I would never ever feel again, Dragoneel!!!!! my mother's killer I felt the bastard 's divinity return to this planet after thousands of years!!! And I lost my connection to the old gods all of a sudden.

Something has happened that I need to know.

Thousands of years of efforts and perseverance of me and my family is on the line ! Just thirty fucking years before we are reunited with our mother. Nothing and no one is going to come in between us and our mother.

"Where the Fuck are you Dragoneel!!!! Show yourself you bloody murderer!!!" I roared into the void of my mind.