In a modern, bustling city hiding those with powers, our protagonist, Scion Bright, leads an ordinary life as a college student. However, this mundanity shatters when he suddenly develops an inexplicable connection with the Sun God, Ra. With this newfound bond, Scion gains the power to manipulate solar energy, but another side shows itself as Scion must survive in the hidden world of Mysticism as obstacles arise and mysteries reveal themselves.
- Chapter length: 1100-1400 words
- Release schedule: 7 chapters per week (Not necessarily daily)
This is my first time writing a novel and I believe that I will create a story that will appease most who are looking for an interesting urban fantasy. I hope you guys enjoy my novel and I'll be giving updates about it for anyone asking.
The story is solid, it’s a great read with a slow path at the beginning but gets better the more you read the novel, the grammer is great and the update stability is high with 3 chapters at times being posted, it’s a daily update so far. The character interactions are fluid and detailed same with the world building. It’s worth a read as the Patential of the novel is high with its story plot. I suggest giving it a read and trying it out for yourself.
After reading some of this, I haven't really connected to this. Although I got asked to read and review this work, I'll be totally honest, it seems a bit formulaic and super inconsistent. Could get better overtime, but as of now, I think it is average AT BEST.
A potential gem to say the least. Although the chapter count is low, the updates are sporadic and I think the development and visual imagery could be a bit better. But that's just nitpicking and the author is not doin too bad and I think the future is bright
Book ended rather prematurely, any issues author?
Well Mr Vacaar, you have called me and I shall respond. This is lowkey fire for some reason. Even though the pacing is a bit slow, it's doing a good job at keeping the story from derailing and making smaller moments larger.
Reveal Spoiler
Super solid writing with pretty descriptive language. Not super intricate or anything, but it gets the job done. The characters actually have personality (surprisingly) and the mc isn't broken beyond reason.
Reveal Spoiler
Solid novel as of right now, I think the writing style is a bit lacking. But the story, characters/development and the progression is interesting. Hope it evolves to become something amazing.
Wanted to empower my friend Vacaar. I've looked at the drafts and I must say, it's going to be worth it! Keep it up my guy. Just emphasise more on the world building later on and give a bit more descriptions to the character and fight scenes. Youre doing well
have only red ten chapters, and i think this is gunna be good. the author has thought about the future and i think this will be great. please vacaar continue to write and you will definitely do better in the future
Solid updates and the potential for this story is there. The grammar isn't bad at all and the plot points so far are developing, can't wait to see Scion arrive once again!