Chapter 35: A Silent Vow

Regret tasted pretty bitter, Kian mused to himself. 

His stomach twisted as he remembered the way he dropped Junie off the night before, the way he had sped off, leaving her looking lost as she stood alone on the sidewalk in front of her building. 

He had felt desperate to leave at the time but now he was wondering if he had been too hasty. 

Junie was probably worried about him now. 

Kian ran a hand through his hair before taking a sip of his black coffee. He wasn’t nervous exactly. He and Micah met up for coffee all the time during their breaks from work but this time, he was going to ask for his help. 

He leaned back in the padded chair and pulled his phone out of his pocket, frowning slightly when he saw the picture of him and Junie that he had set as the device’s background. It was a simple picture, one without a special background but it still held a special memory.