Chapter 42: Risks Over Coffee

Kian didn’t get nervous often and he found that he wasn’t a fan of the emotion. He was tapping his foot neurotically beneath the wooden table he was sitting at, grateful that the surface hid his fidgeting from the rest of the small coffee shop’s occupants. 

He attributed the majority of his nerves to the fact that he was going behind his girlfriend’s back by doing this but reminded himself that he was doing this for her. 

“I’m glad you’re doing this because no one else has the balls to,” Callie had said over the phone the other night. 

Kian wasn’t sure if he would consider what he was about to do as ballsy exactly but it had required some amount of risk. Junie might be extremely mad at him when she found out but it was a risk he was willing to take if it meant her overall happiness. 

He clenched his jaw and forced himself to stop fidgeting and straighten in his seat. This was all going to work out. It had to.