Humanoid Monster

Somewhere in a forest in Australia…

Tap… tap…

[How does it feel to have such power?]

It was the evil system asking a humanoid female monster. Her face was engulfed in purple flames endlessly burning without causing any harm to the humanoid monster.

She looked at the system screen without uttering a single word.


[My, My, It seems you can no longer speak, but not to worry. All you have to do is follow my order if…]


A loud stump of someone's taking a step came from afar, even from that distance it was known that the owner of creating such a heavy and loud sound wasn't human or animal but a gigantic Dragon.

The humanoid monster turned around to look at the dragon, and to her surprise, there were three dragons present before her had a fixed gaze on her, it was yet not known whether they were allies or enemies to this humanoid monster although both sides were enemies to the humans however the only issue was the dragons who were known to be prideful and thought of other species as nothing but ants.

Well… humans think of themselves as superior to ants, however, that wasn't the case here.

[They are not the enemy's but will follow your orders, whatever you tell them, they are willing to do even are ready to sacrifice themselves for you]

"You…" one of the dragons uttered a single word which stunned the humanoid monster whose eyes widened on learning the dragon could speak.

A familiar dragon from before spoke to the small monster, "I will serve you as long as you obey the system's order or else if not I will kill you and all the others"

"All the others" only the humanoid monster understood what the dragon in the middle was talking about except her the system knew what this "others"meant.

The humanoid monster in front of the dragons looked like an ant, even the trees beneath their feets were like small grass.

[Do not be concerned, no one can see or sense the presence of anyone present here after all…]

Stump… stump…

Loud steps of hundreds of monsters came, approaching them from the opposite direction of the dragons.

The humanoid turned to give a look at the army of the monsters, as the army of 400 monsters of different species came to a stop. A knight continues coming forward with his steps.

Wearing a red armour and a big and heavy sword held from the handle by the knight. His glowing crimson eyes were visible from the helmet that was covering the whole face except them.

Unfazed the humanoid monster was by the knight. She could feel two different feelings from the knight.

A feeling of familiarity and the other feeling of ominous and terror. When the knight was close enough, his legs stopped side by side and glanced at the monster before him.

Silence had covered the scene as none said a single word until an action by the knight was taken. He kneels before the monster standing in the opposite direction.

The monster wasn't letting go of this feeling of familiarity as if she knew the knight before but behind the mask was a mystery.

The monster moved her hands slowly towards the knights helmet, before she could touch it the evil system interrupted.

[It's not a good time to waste it, focus on what's important]

[Destroy this whole country with the powers I have given you, if you failed penalty will be given]

[Penalty: Others along with you will die, the death will be painful]

The way it was going, it felt like the system was blackmailing the monster, who had to follow the order without her will.

Australia, which was known for producing the best type of hunters and heroes, hasn't faced any dragon since the presence of a dragon appeared once. The country where the dragon appeared was Brazil and the destruction? Most of the country had become like hell until it was defeated by 30 countries' hunters combined.

Now there are three dragons with a small army of monsters. How will Australia be saved or is it doomed?

"I can't believe I'm saving the same country that destroyed my country in the world cup finals" 24 years old Author Luis standing on a building said.

He cocked his head and turned his neck to his right. On both sides some other individuals stood, one of them to which Author was looking at, was a 34 years old - Headman displaying a serious expression with a sword in his hand whose blade was glowing bright.

"Keep your personal problems to yourself," Headman said in a chilly tone.

On the left side, a female was standing with blonde hair, similar to Author's age and beside her was a person with two black wings and metal horns on his head.

Eyes were black with red Iris, giving a grin to the people down walking and cars passing by.

"All of you know the plan right?" Author inquired.

"Who cares about the plan as long as I can enjoy killing," the man with black wings said, his name is Clyseus Prime

"Yeah, yeah, you mental freak"

The plan? It was to keep the dragons and the monsters who were to attack Australia, away but not to defeat them…

You must be wondering who these people are. How did they know about the attack? Well…

On the other side, Clark and his party reached the location where the greenish liquid was. On seeing the river-like system and how its width was more while depth wasn't more than the shoulder of a standing person.

"That hole is massive and scary" Clark gives out a hesitant look, peeking through the top of the greenish water.

"I can't see anything unusual with this water, it just looks like someone put green(colour) in it."

The water was crystal clear as everything within it could be seen easily without need of extra equipment. The only issue was the danger it had.

[Title: World's Barrier]

World's barrier? Elaborate

[World's barrier - Barrier which keeps two worlds separate from each other, it appears when two world accidentally connects with one another]

That means, this isn't any river or so but a barrier?

[Yes! These barriers keeps the beings of other worlds away from entering this world]

Does that make it like a gate?

Their whole talking is done through telepathy as none hears them, others were in their own inspection of the river while Jabbar was explaining things regarding the river.

[Yes! But the monsters behind the Gate are from this universe as Gates aren't capable of transporting beings from outer worlds]

Clark thought for a second, he had learned something new although he didn't express amazing or excitement when reading about it.

The gates as explained are portals between two different planets, they link from one side of the universe with another side or even galaxy.

Like goblins can be said, they live on a goblin planet and their planet is linked with a human's planet that would be a gate except…

Dungeon part right? Dungeon is small while a planet is massive?

The answer to it is simple: they are teleported from their planet and placed in a place called dungeon which gives them a similar vibe to their planets making it their new home. But it remains unknown who's behind this all.

What else comes to mind is the Teleportation portal. Clark said.

[Correct! Teleportation portal hold such power that they can connect two different worlds together, even though both of the world's do not belong to the same universe]

Holy… are there even more universes?

[Yes! Their numbers are unimaginable but the gap between them makes it impossible for anyone to see the other universe]

Oh… then that means the Teleportation portal linked two worlds of different universes together?

[Yes! To know more we must enter the hole first]

Changing the view to the hole beneath the water, Clark wasn't ready to dive in nor he could because he was well aware the moment his body touched the water it would dissolve without leaving a trace behind.


Something struck in his mind, the regeneration ability from the Dragonslayer sword.

System, if my finger gets cut off or vanished, can I regenerate it with that dragon slayer.

[Yes! Except for the head you can regenerate any part of your body]


Slowly but doubtful he moved his hand towards the water, he was still sceptical whether this idea of his will work or not but without trying, idea's are only idea's.

Jabbar by mistakenly changing his eyes at Clark, he panicked as he saw him moving his hand towards the water.

"What are you doing!! Stop!!"