Arell Rose, finds an unexpected path to redemption in a mysterious RAPPER System that grants him a host of different abilities and challenges to overcome. The system's main goal? to create the best rapper alive. Can this troubled teen navigate the obstacles thrown in his way and truly become a legend in the music industry?
Hi there, I don't really see fanfics or light novels on hip hop, so I want this to continue. PLS
He looks homose*ual.
This is gonna be good. Though the MC needs some roughing up since he's way goody two shoes and a articulate speaker to be a street hustler. He lack that certain bounce and confidence in his personality that makes the rapper click. So instead of being real he looks like a wannabe. Would still look forward to next chapter though since it's only CH 14 as of now and maybe he'll get character development. Cause as 8 miles once said "There's no such thing as a half-way crook"
how this book has fallen, from rap to conspiracy theory blood rituals. Bro not to sound too critical but wth are you doing with this book, Since you told you wanted to drop it, it is going downhill since. It is better to drop than destroy a good story
Thoughts it's an interesting idea. The grammar is great. The presentation of the status in most of the chapters is awesome. Problems, first Idk If ur waiting to make the connection or not but the system choice for a rapper for the Mc whn the only connection to rap for him is jail time and where he lived. There seem to be no history there of a young someone who's trying but don't hv a break or something thts rooted in rap hence why the system choose him and also a rap system. Also the Mc seem to not be interested in finding this out also and another thing which is forgotten or maybe it turn into the butler, the system is sentient like n the Mc is just chill with that WHY also that aspect of the system is not explore after tht. Another thing is since the system cn create a human per say and money and also a house with equipments, it begs the question is this magic or mechanical because again this doesn't seem to bother the Mc 1 bit like how's this happening. Also I'm curious why hv the Mc use a label whn theres SoundCloud or Spotify to grow ...Maybe sing in the streets or at those pop up bars with a little crowd to build a following.
I rocc wit it, don’t stop posting my boi
Reveal Spoiler
good day author san since you have stopped writing this fic and will not continue it why not give it to someone else to continue.
Overall great story, sad to see he is gonna drop tho, hopefully in the future he has a change of heart because this was one of not the best music stories I’ve ever read
Bro make him be like 50 cent when he first started.Dissing everybody.
One don't know how long I have been looking for a good story on hip hop and found none this is all what I hoped and more . Godspeed and keep going thank you for this work
If you can continue this, you will have a unique piece of work, and it is going great.
Overall this is 5 star. I’m not understanding how this is not higher up in the charts at least at top 5 novel.
this is great I would rate this as a five stars but I'm not sure if you would continue this I don't wanna be disappointed
Only bad thing about this is when I finish the chapter it’s very good can’t wait for more 👍👍👍👍.
fire mwn keep up the good work............