DAY 1 - Outside my door

-Ahh!! the pillow's so soft, who'd ever want to get up?! -

There's two things that I learnt since yesterday after completing my mission:

1) There's a way out.

It might be pitch black but the sudden appearance of this screen in front of me, and it allowing me to go out of my room when the door wouldn't budge, have to be connected.

If it weren't for the toilet and need for food and water, I wouldn't mind staying inside forever.

All the other doors in the hallway are locked but I secured the water bottles we kept at the end of the hallway along with some spices and snacks in the cabinet in front of the kitchen door.

It always felt out of place because we didn't have enough space there but it turned out useful like this.

2) This one's a little terrifying but...I heard some noises, they sounded like my neighbors so I tried to bang at the house door to ask for help but no one answered.

I peeped through the eye hole and i couldn't see anything and so I, wrote down on a piece of paper asking for help and pushed it outside under the door and..the "system" appeared in front of me.

This time flashing in red was the word .

When I looked back down, the note I sent out was on the floor as if pushed back inside the room.

It felt like something out of a horror movie.

It stopped when I picked the note back up.

If there's a way out, I might have to unlock it through a mission. Perhaps there's a trigger condition to get one?

I say that but I haven't gotten any new missions yet.

-My dear pillow, this was enough effort for the day, right? I got water, enough snacks for a few more days and even tried to resolve this situation!

You're on my side, right?

I guess since the wifi is working, I will just watch something on notube.-

-As long as my necessities are met, I don't have much to complain about, but does anything make sense right now?

I could try breaking my window, even I could manage that but, what if, I really was somehow in space? -

-Considering all, I wouldn't be surprised, and I don't wish to risk it.-

Munch munch -These chips are great!-

-Fruit of my lazy labour!-

Humph -My sweet pillow, you really are the only one for me! Let's watch something and go to sleep.-