DAY 2 - Train station

-This feels nice! -

At some point I started loving trains.

Whenever they would pass by at full speed I relaxed and enjoyed the feeling of my hair blowing from the gust of wind.

It was a small dream of mine to get on one with no destination and just admire the scenery outside the window, even if it was just passing through the city and various towns.

Wether I wanted to run away from all responsibilities or wanted to be free, who knows.

Even if I wasn't stuck here, I couldn't really do such a thing.

- I wonder why I'm remembering such useless things -

As I stared outside the window from my room, staring at "nothing" I muttered to myself.

- I don't want much but this doesn't feel the same... -

Another message popped up.

<Reminiscence of the past:

Open the window and explore!>

-Hey, hey, can it read my thoughts or something?!-

-And what do you mean open the window?!

There's nothing out there! That's a big jump from cleaning my room!

Does it suddenly want me to die?!-

My eyes were staring at the words right below:

<Time limit: 3 Hours>

< WARNING: Failure to comply will result in destruction of all electronic devices>

-Yep, just some fresh air!-

And as I slammed the window open, the scenery completely changed.

It was raining. My room had dissappeared and I was at my local train station but there was no one around.

Well, it would be correct to say I wasn't at my local train station but not a recreation of it: there was a sky, the floor, the tracks, the benches, but that was all.

If you could imagine the sky having a limit to where it extends, that's what this was.

I was still surrounded by "nothing".

Still, it wasn't so bad, I didn't really understand what was going on but it was a nice change of scenery.

I sat at the bench and stared at drops of rain hitting the ground.

I love rain.

The air was cold but my heart felt warm as if I was in a warm blanket.

After a while, I heard some noises, rushing through with full speed was the vehicle I was missing earlier this morning and as it passed in front of me, a strong wind hit my face, blowing my hair and making me shut my eyes.

When I reopened them, I was back in my room, in front of the window, and through the glass panel, I could see "nothing" outside.