In the bustling city of Seoul, the lives of Alphas, Betas, and Omegas intertwine in a society driven by status, power, and primal instincts. The story begins with an ominous prophecy that speaks of an Omega who will change the fate of their world.
I haven’t finished Crimson tides yet but I must say that I love the story. I don’t want to spoil to much but the obsessive/brutal/strong Alpha who has a high position and is extremely dangerous (Min-ho). And a undercover agent who is willing to do anything to survive/ succeed his mission (is a Omega Jae-min) is really a interesting combination. It’s really giving Condename Anastasia :) and I like it ! And I can only recommend reading Crimson tides and also La Victor both are amazing webnovels! I haven’t finished Crimson tides yet but I must say that I love the story. I don’t want to spoil to much but the obsessive/brutal/strong Alpha who has a high position and is extremely dangerous (Min-ho) and a undercover agent who is willing to do anything to survive/ succeed his mission (is a Omega Jae-min) is really a interesting combination. And not to forget the second man in this story Hyung-woo who is also obsessive and in love with the main character. He does care about Jae-min and is ready to do anything to save him from the hands of a dangerous Alpha…It’s really giving Condename Anastasia :) and I like it ! And I can only recommend reading Crimson tides and also La Victor both are amazing webnovels! Please don’t forget to support the author :>
I haven’t finished Crimson tides yet but I must say that I love the story. I don’t want to spoil to much but the obsessive/brutal/strong Alpha who has a high position and is extremely dangerous (Min-ho). And a undercover agent who is willing to do anything to survive/ succeed his mission (is a Omega Jae-min) is really a interesting combination. It’s really giving Condename Anastasia :) and I like it ! And I can only recommend reading Crimson tides and also La Victor both are amazing webnovels! I haven’t finished Crimson tides yet but I must say that I love the story. I don’t want to spoil to much but the obsessive/brutal/strong Alpha who has a high position and is extremely dangerous (Min-ho) and a undercover agent who is willing to do anything to survive/ succeed his mission (is a Omega Jae-min) is really a interesting combination. And not to forget the second man in this story Hyung-woo who is also obsessive and in love with the main character. He does care about Jae-min and is ready to do anything to save him from the hands of a dangerous Alpha…It’s really giving Condename Anastasia :) and I like it ! And I can only recommend reading Crimson tides and also La Victor both are amazing webnovels! Please don’t forget to support the author :>