Timeless Kyle is a gripping tale that delves into the complexities of time manipulation, moral ambiguity, and the high stakes of altering the future. Kyle, a young man with the extraordinary ability to control time, sets out on a desperate mission to prevent a catastrophic future he once witnessed. As he navigates through different timelines, his decisions, though well-intentioned, begin to unravel the fabric of reality, leading to unexpected and often tragic consequences.
Kyle's journey is marked by betrayal, loss, and a descent into darkness as he grapples with the weight of his power. Each attempt to fix the future brings new challenges, forcing him to confront not only external enemies but also the darkness within himself. Along the way, he encounters powerful beings like the Ten Conquerors, god-like entities who challenge his every move, and discovers shocking truths about his own past and the world around him.
As the timelines converge, Kyle faces his greatest challenge: a former ally turned deadly adversary, and the revelation that his actions may have inadvertently created the very monsters he's been fighting against. The story spans decades, exploring the impact of Kyle's choices on his loved ones, his enemies, and the world itself.